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At Izumi Binai's house.

Xiao Tian and the other two were eating at this time.

The food cooked by Izumi Binai was so delicious!

She was beautiful, could cook, and was so rich. It was incredible that there was such a beautiful woman in the world!

Xiao Tian swept away all the dishes on the table like a whirlwind, then slumped on the back of the chair and burped.

Izumi Binai was stunned by the way he ate, and she had no desire to compete with Xiao Tian. She put down her chopsticks and supported her chin while watching him eat.

"Are you full?"

"I am full, this meal is really great, even better than what Uncle Tokiwa cooks, it is simply amazing."

Xiao Tian touched his round belly. If he continued to eat this kind of food, he would be fat like a ball in no time.

Ding Ling Ling....

The doorbell rang, and Izumi Hina was puzzled. Why would someone come? Usually, few people come to her house.

"I'll go open the door."

Izumi went to open the door, and standing outside was a young man in a red windbreaker.

"Ultimate Woz, meet Princess Izumibinai.

Ultimate Woz bowed respectfully to Izumibinai.


Izumibinai was stunned. Who is this person? Is he here to make fun of her?

"It's Woz, why are you here?"

After hearing the voice of Ultimate Woz, Xiao Tian and Mei Jia followed him out.

"So you know each other, I thought it was someone else, but you called me princess right after opening the door, I was confused."

Quan Binai had just finished speaking when Ultimate Woz bowed respectfully to Xiao Tian again and said:

"See His Majesty the Ultimate Time King and Princess Mika."


His Majesty the Ultimate Time King?

Princess Mika?

What's going on? Xiao Tian is His Majesty? Mika is the princess, and she is also the princess?!

Izumi Hina suddenly realized that this Ultimate Woz is Xiao Tian's subordinate.

How could he call her princess directly? How did he know?

Izumi Hina blushed again after she realized it, and came to Mika's side and took her hand

"What's up, Woz, what do you want from me?"

"A new alien knight has appeared"

"Alien Knights?"

Xiao Tian frowned. Why do they appear so frequently? Not long after the alien QUIZ was solved, a new alien knight appeared.

"Is it an alien RYUGA (dragon)?"

"As expected of His Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O, yes"

"Okay, I get it. You can leave first. By the way, please inform Gates and Wozniak."

"As you command, Your Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O."

Ultimate Woz bowed respectfully again and stepped back.

"Why are there so many monsters? We just killed one monster."

Miga pouted and said unhappily, it's really abominable to disturb their warm moment.

"Brother Xiao Tian, are you going out again?"

Izumi Bina asked in a low voice. She knew that Xiao Tian was a Kamen Rider. In this situation, the Kamen Rider should be dispatched.

"Let's go with you."

"No, I can go by myself. You guys just wait here for me. This alien knight is a little difficult to deal with."

"Well, then you have to be careful, we will wait for you here."Izumi Hina nodded obediently.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Xiao Tian left Izumi Binai's house.

The alien RYUGA (Dragon Fang) finally appeared. I wonder if there is a chance to transform into a second-level form?.........

In a sparsely populated alley, a bald middle-aged man walked while looking down at the news on his mobile phone.


A strange voice sounded, and the bald man stopped and looked around, but no one was in sight.



A monster emerged from the car window next to it and quickly turned into a physical form. This monster was the alien RYUGA


The bald man's eyes widened and he stepped back in fear.

The alien RYUGA grabbed the bald man's neck and lifted him up.

The bald man struggled hard, but the alien RYUGA remained unmoved and the strength in his hands became stronger and stronger.


Gates and Tokiwa Sougo arrived and transformed into Kamen Rider at the same time


"ZI-O! (Zi-O!)"


"RIDER.TIME!(Knight time! )"

"KAMENRIDER.GEIZ!(Kamen Rider Gates!"

"KAMENRIDER.ZI-O!(Kamen Rider Zi-O! )"

Gates and Tokiwa Sougo, who transformed into Kamen Rider, punched the alien RYUGA at the same time, knocking him back a few steps. The man he was holding fell to the ground and fainted.

"It's really the alien RYUGA, it seems the fun has already begun."

Xiao Tian arrived right after him, and at this time, Gates and the other two had just started fighting.

The alien RYUGA's strength was above Gates and Zi-O, and he easily defeated the two of them alone.


A metal gun appeared in Zi-O's hand, and Tokiwa Sougo did not hesitate and used his special move directly.

"FINISH.TIME! (End time!)"



Countless light bullets shot out from the gun, hitting the alien RYUGA to his knees.

The alien RYUGA raised his head, and a strange mirror appeared on the side, reflecting all the light bullets shot by the side and hitting Zi-O!_Please download the novel without underline

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