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All the light bullets fired hit Zi-O, and the sound of explosions rang out one after another. Zi-O was blown back and fell heavily to the ground. His body kept flashing with faulty sparks, and then he passively canceled his transformation.

""Aaaaaah! It hurts!"

Tokiwa Sougo fell to the ground and screamed in pain. He didn't expect that this monster could actually launch his ultimate attack.


Gates glanced nervously at the fallen Tokiwa Sougo, then took out a watch.

"Then I'll use this one!"

Gates starts the watch and loads it into the watch head


"ARMOR.TIME (Armor Time!)"

A set of armor appeared behind Gates. As Gates walked towards the alien RYUGA, the armor was automatically equipped on him.

"DRIVE! (Ride!)"

Gates, who transformed into the DRIVE armored form, increased his speed greatly, rushed to the alien RYUGA and attacked fiercely, but he couldn't hit the alien RYUGA with a single punch.


Gates was more and more surprised as he fought. How could this alien knight be so perverted!

The alien RYUGA's fist, which was as big as a head, hit Gates. Gates flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground, but he immediately turned over and stood up.

"FINISH.TIME! (End time!)"



The flywheel on Gates' shoulder flew out light wheels one after another, hitting the alien RYUGA, and sparks burst out.

The alien RYUGA was fixed in place, not even taking a step back.

The alien RYUGA rushed towards Gates, and the strange mirror appeared again, with Gates' figure in it. The light wheels shot out by the time blast burst out again and hit Gates.


Gates was blown to the ground, and at the same time, he was passively released from the transformation. He fell to the ground with a frown on his face, gasping for breath.

This alien knight is so powerful!

"Let me do it."

Xiao Tian came over from behind them, holding the Ultimate Time King Watch in his hand.

"Xiao Tian!"

"You are finally here, this alien knight is very powerful, you have to be careful!"

"He can also bounce back our attacks, it must be..."

"I know."

Xiao Tian activated the Ultimate Time King Watch and loaded it into the watch head.

"ULTIMATE.ZI-O(Ultimate Zi-O! )"


"RIDER.TIME!(Knight time! )"

"KAMENRIDER.ULTIMATE.ZI-O!(Masked Rider Ultimate Zi-O! )"

Xiao Tian, who transformed into Masked Rider, kept moving and started another watch to load it into the watch head.

"SHINOBI (Ninja!)"

"ARMOR.TIME!(Armor time! )"

"DAREJYAOREJYANINJYA (Who is this? I am a ninja!)"

"ULTIMATE."SHINOBI! (Ultimate Ninja!)"

A ball of black mist spun around the Ultimate Zi-O at a rapid speed. After the black mist dissipated, the Ultimate Zi-O was wearing a set of pitch-black armor, and there was a huge pitch-black shuriken symbol on his chest. The

Ultimate Zi-O turned into a black mist and disappeared. The next moment, he appeared behind the Alien RYUGA and punched him on the head, making a muffled sound.

The Alien RYUGA took two steps forward uncontrollably, then quickly turned around and slashed at the Ultimate Zi-O. The Ultimate

Zi-O turned into black mist again and disappeared. The Alien RYUGA slashed into the air, and the huge force caused his body to spin in a circle.

The black mist condensed and the Ultimate Zi-O appeared. He kicked the Alien RYUGA, kicking him back several steps and hitting the front of a car.

"Annoying guy..."

The alien RYUGA was on the front of the car, and his body gradually disappeared into the front glass....

Xiao Tian didn't want to chase him, and he couldn't chase him now because he didn't know how to enter the mirror world.

This alien RYUGA was very strong. If it was Gates who took his punches and kicks, he would have been knocked away by him.

The alien RYUGA is really strong.

"Did he run away?"

Gates stood up and ran to the side of the Ultimate Zi-O. Xiao Tian released his transformation and nodded.

"Well, this alien knight is a bit tricky."

"Where did he run to? Did he just enter the mirror?"

Gates came to the front of the car that was flattened by the alien RYUGA, and looked carefully at the front windshield. There was nothing in it, and the glass reflected his own image like a mirror.

Tokiwa Sougo ran over and studied the glass carefully, and said:"I seemed to see him enter the glass just now, didn't he?"

"No need to look for it, we can't find it, let's go back first."

The alien RYUGA can appear in any mirror in the world. It's too difficult to find it this way.

We can only wait for him to appear next time, and then find a way to follow him into the mirror world.

Also, if we want to get the second-level power, where can we get his big gold watch?

"This is what you want, Your Majesty the Ultimate Time King."

A voice sounded, and Ultimate Woz appeared from the corner, holding a big red watch in his hand. This watch was almost exactly the same as his Ultimate Time King watch!

Xiao Tian reached out to take it, took out his own Ultimate Time King watch and compared it. If you don't look closely, you can't see any difference at all.

The big red watch...

Xiao Tian grinned. Has it changed from a big gold watch to a big red watch?

"How did you get this watch?"

""Your Majesty, this watch originally belonged to you. I am just keeping it for you. Now it is time to exchange it with you. I will withdraw first, Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

Ultimate Woz bowed respectfully and withdrew, then disappeared.

Is this the watch that originally belonged to me?..._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading -

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