Chapter 14

Gates knew that there were rooms for rent in the Clock Hall, so Xiao Tian rented one. There happened to be two rooms left, so the two of them moved into the Clock Hall.

The next morning, Xiao Tian and Tokiwa Sougo woke up after a tiring day. As soon as they went downstairs, they saw Gates and Tsukuyomi sitting in the living room. This made Tokiwa Sougo half dead.

"how...! It's you again!"

Tokiwa Junichiro came over with breakfast and smiled,"So you two know each other, isn't there an empty room on the second floor? I rented it out today, and the two of them will live with us from today on. Since you know each other, I won't introduce you."

""Ah?! What's the direction?"

Xiao Tian patted Tokiwa Sougo's shoulder and sat down next to Tsukuyomi."Don't worry, it's okay, right, Tsukuyomi?""

"The two of us will observe closely to see if Tokiwa Sougo will become the Oma Zi-O we envisioned."

"Don't worry, it won't happen."Xiao Tian said affirmatively.

Gates stood up and leaned close to Tokiwa Sougo's ear and whispered,"Listen carefully, I want to kill you all the time. If it weren't for Xiao Tian, you would be a dead man now. You'd better not become that Oma Zi-O, otherwise Xiao Tian can't protect you."

After speaking, Gates turned around and sat down, eating breakfast by himself. Tokiwa Sougo sat down next to Xiao Tian tremblingly. This man was too scary. Only when Xiao Tian was next to him did he feel safe.

Breakfast time began, the atmosphere was a bit heavy, Tokiwa Junichiro livened up the atmosphere and said,"How about it, can everyone get along well?"

"No problem."

Xiao Tian ate his breakfast naturally. He knew the general direction of the plot and knew that Gates was no longer a threat.

"Um, it looks like it can..."It's OK." Tokiwa Sougo didn't think so, and answered tremblingly.

"Well, that's good."

Breakfast time continued, Tokiwa Junichiro went out to make coffee, Tokiwa Shingo took a piece of freshly baked bread from the toaster, but the butter knife was on Gates' plate.

"able..."Can you give me the knife? I need to cut the butter."

Gates sighed, picked up the knife impatiently, and swung it hard. The knife took the bread from Tokiwa Sougo's hand and stuck it on the table next to him, frightening Tokiwa Sougo to stand up.

"Please use"


Shingo Tokiwa's chin was trembling slightly, and he went over and pulled out the knife stuck in the table with great effort. This Gates was too scary.

Junichiro Tokiwa came in with coffee,"Sougo, you should sit down to spread the butter. The coffee is ready. Today we use coffee beans from Santos, Brazil. Oh, by the way, from today on, Sougo, from today on, Xiaotian, Gates and Tsukuyomi will also go to school with you."


Xiao Tian, who was eating breakfast, stopped and looked at Tokiwa Junichiro in surprise.

Who arranged this for him? He finally escaped from the misery of school, why did he have to go to school after traveling through time?


Xiaotian , you are about the same age as Sougo, right? Gates asked me to help them with the transfer application, so I helped you with it as well....

Xiao Tian cursed in his heart, but it doesn't matter, there's nothing wrong with following and taking a look. Learning, sorry, it doesn't exist.


Compared to Xiao Tian's indifference, Tokiwa Shingo got goosebumps. Gates followed him, and the death threat was everywhere.

"How old are you two? How can you go to the same school as me?"

Tsukuyomi replied:"Gates and I are both eighteen years old."

Xiao Tian raised his mouth and said,"What a coincidence, we are both eighteen years old and the same age."......

Somewhere in the city where Xiao Tian was, on a busy street, time suddenly stopped, and everyone stopped where they were. The time robber Ur walked on the street with a heavy face.

A tall, fair-skinned, beautiful young woman with long legs appeared behind Ur. She was another member of the time robber gang, named Aura.

"Ur, you don't look too good. It seems that you didn't succeed in supporting Kamen Rider Founder.

Ur sighed,"Oh, it's just because someone is in the way."

"Someone is in the way? Who did it?"

"King of Time"

"Oh? He even came all the way here. What a troublesome old man."

Aura thought it was Oma Zi-O from 2056.

"Not that one, it’s the young Zi-O in 2018, and there is another one, the newly appeared Zi-O!"

"A new Zi-O appears? Isn't there only one Zi-O? Are you kidding me?"

"I didn't really believe it before I saw him, but I've seen both Zi-Os with my own eyes. Although they're not very strong right now, we still can't be careless."

Aura became interested and took the windmill from the little girl standing still next to him and blew it. The windmill blades turned quickly.

"The new Zi-O? That's quite interesting. I can't wait to see him in person. By the way, is he handsome?"

"You're a flower maniac, I can't judge how highly you think of handsomeness, you should go and see it yourself, but I think you won't be disappointed."

Ola's red lips curled up slightly,"Now that you mention it, I'm more interested, what's his name?"

"Xiao Tian."

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