Chapter 15

"Xiao Tian? Is he a Chinese? I heard that Chinese people are all very good. I can't wait to try the taste."

Ola licked her red lips, looking very charming and sexy, but Wuer beside her couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Ola, you are also looking for a new candidate for the King of Time, aren't you? Do you still have time to see a man?"

"Don't worry about it, I have already arranged everything, just wait for my good news"......

Let's look back at Aura's arrangement.

In 2016, an ambulance stopped at the gate of a residential area. A young man was pushed out of the community lying on the ambulance. His name was Keisuke.

"Keisuke, are you okay?!"

Keisuke's father was sweating and his face was full of anxiety.

"It hurts so much, help me, Dad."

Keisuke's cold hands tightly grasped his father's hands.

The doctor hurriedly urged:"Time is running out, we have to rush to the hospital"

""Okay, okay."

Keisuke's father let go of his hand, and the moment Keisuke was carried into the ambulance, time suddenly stopped, and everything froze in place at this moment, only Keisuke's father could still move.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Keisuke's father looked around vigilantly. Next to the ambulance, the Time Robber Aura appeared.

"You, who are you! What happened? ?!"

Keisuke's father looked at Aura in horror. Aura smiled coldly. This man is not only ugly, but also cowardly. He is really rubbish.

"I am the Time Robber Aura, I am here to tell you some not so good news and some very good news."

Aura quietly took out the watch and started it, then walked to the side of Keisuke's father.

"you...What do you want to do?!"

Keisuke's father's pupils shrank and he stepped back unconsciously.

"Relax, I'm helping you."

Ola stuffed the activated watch into Keisuke's father's body. As a black light lit up, the watch melted into his body. Keisuke's father screamed in pain, and his body quickly changed into a monster.



It's time to go to school again. Tokiwa Sougo walks in front, while Xiao Tian, Tsukuyomi and Gates walk behind. After all, only Tokiwa Sougo is actually going to school, and the other three are just there to spend time.

Tsukuyomi:"Are we really going to school?"

Gates sneered,"How can we really go to school? You are too naive. Don't forget that our purpose is to destroy Oma Zi-O. I am just observing whether Tokiwa Shingo will really become Oma Zi-O."

"If I say he won't do it, then he won't do it. But it's up to you guys, time will tell."

Xiao Tian couldn't change Gates's mind too much. As long as he didn't kill Tokiwa Sougo, everything would be fine.

Tsukuyomi walked side by side with Xiao Tian. She was very curious about Xiao Tian's identity. She took the time to investigate Xiao Tian's history. Strangely, she found nothing.

In other words, Xiao Tian had never appeared before this year, which shocked her very much, and her curiosity about Xiao Tian grew.

Tsukuyomi did not tell Gates about the results of the investigation, because Gates' mind was full of Oma Zi-O.

Tsukuyomi whispered in Xiao Tian's ear:"Why can you become Zi-O, where are you from?"

Looking at the intimate look of Tsukuyomi, Gates snorted coldly, quickened his speed and caught up with Tokiwa Sougo, leaving the two of them behind. If they wanted to chat, they could chat as much as they wanted. He had no interest in it.

Why was he able to transform into Zi-O?

Xiao Tian couldn't explain this question clearly. He couldn't say that he had traveled from another world and became Zi-O.

This was his secret, and he didn't want to tell anyone. So he could only perfunctorily answer this question.

"I said I was born a king, do you believe it?"

Tsukuyomi rolled his eyes,"Then where were you born? I have investigated your background, why is there nothing?"

"You're still investigating me? Are you interested in me?"Xiao Tian looked at her with a smirk.


Tsukuyomi's fair face turned red. What a jerk. He actually bypassed her question and dared to tease her.

"A long time ago, there was a man who teased me like you, and later his third leg was broken."

Tsukuyomi pretended to be fierce and threatened Xiao Tian, but Xiao Tian looked calm and didn't take it to heart at all.

"Did I tease you? No, don't be so self-indulgent."


Tsukuyomi walked forward angrily, quickening her pace. She didn't want to care about this bastard anymore! He even teased her!

At Hikari no Mori High School, Tokiwa Sougo started his daily day. What was different from usual was that wherever he went, Gates was there. Even when he went to the toilet, Gates was by his side, which made him very desperate.

During the lunch break, Tokiwa Sougo sat next to Xiao Tian in despair with his lunch box,"Brother Tian, can you save me? I'm so old seeing them now."

Xiao Tian was naturally familiar with this plot. Behind the seemingly normal scene, something was actually unfolding quietly.

"Come on, follow me."

Xiao Tian took Tokiwa Sougo and quietly passed Gates's sight and hid in a warehouse. In this warehouse, a student was playing games, which was just as Xiao Tian expected.

This student was Tokiwa Sougo's friend, good at playing games, and often skipped classes to play games.

"Xiaohetian, why are you here?"

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