Chapter 16


Owada, who was concentrating on playing the game, was startled, and was relieved when he saw that it was Tokiwa Shingo.

"Damn, it's Tokiwa, don't scare me, fuck you"

"Hey, Xiaowada, did you go to class today? You didn’t skip it, did you?"

"I'm playing this. This game is very difficult. No one has yet finished it. I'm just a little bit away from finishing it, so I can't let all my efforts go to waste."

Owada was holding a PSP (game console) and playing a single-player game, saying as he played. Xiao

Tian went over to take a look at the content of the game. The game content inside was exactly the same as what he saw in the drama. So the way to complete this game is the same as what he saw in the drama?

Tokiwa Sougo proudly praised Xiao Tian:"Owada is very good at playing games. There is no game that he can't complete. In the future, I plan to hand over my royal network security system to him." As soon as Tokiwa Sougo finished speaking, Owada failed to complete the game, and the game console lit up with a dazzling purple light, which almost blinded his titanium dog eyes.

"Too bad, it's just a little bit off..."

Owada sighed.

"Did it fail?"

This was within Xiao Tian's expectations, so what happened next?...

A purple monster suddenly appeared behind Tokiwa Sougo and pushed him to the ground. The purple monster grabbed Owada and tapped him on the forehead, causing Owada to faint.

"It's him, Exide!"

Xiao Tian said to himself. This monster is the alien knight Exide, the monster created by the Time Robber Aura.

"Owada! What did you do to Owada!"

Seeing Owada being knocked down, Tokiwa Sougo suddenly became angry and was about to transform into Kamen Rider, but Exide had disappeared.


"Don't look for it, it's gone."

"Owada! Owada...!"

Tokiwa Sougo quickly went over to help Owada up. No matter how he shouted or shook, Owada did not respond.

"Don't shake it, it's useless. This is the work of that alien knight Exide. If we don't defeat it, there is no way to wake him up."

Xiao Tian knew Xiao Hetian's symptoms, and if he guessed correctly, many people should have been killed by Exide.

"Exside?! Is that the name of the monster just now? Where is he? I want to defeat him!"

Xiao Tian picked up the game console that fell to the ground,"It's in the game. If you want to see it, you have to complete the game first."

"In the game?"

Tokiwa Sougo was stunned. Are you kidding me? How could someone be in the game?

At this time, the door of the warehouse opened, and Gates and Tsukuyomi ran in anxiously.

"So you two are hanging out here, you're really good at hiding!"

In order to find them, they searched almost every corner of the school and even broke into the principal's office.

""What happened?"

Tsukuyomi asked in confusion, looking at the student lying on the ground.

Tokiwa Sougo pointed at the game console and said excitedly:"It was done by the Alien Knight. Xiaotian said that the Alien Knight was called Exide, and the monster is still in this game!"

"Exside? Let's not talk about this for now, let's send him to the hospital first."

Tokiwa Sougo came to his senses,"Yes, yes, yes!"

It would be useless to send him to the hospital, Xiao Tian knew this very well, but if they wanted to send him, he would not stop them.......

Qingai Hospital.

After examining Xiaohetian's body, the doctor shook his head and sighed:"It's the same symptoms again."

"Again, what does it mean?"

"Recently, there are many patients like him who suddenly lose consciousness. Because the cause of the disease is unknown, it is difficult to treat. The patient will stay in the hospital first. You can go back first. I will inform you when there is news."

After speaking, the doctor left the ward.

Is it true?

All this is exactly as Xiao Tian expected.

Tokiwa Sougo's face was heavy,"Is it really the same as Xiaotian said? This is not a disease at all. Others, like Owada, have been attacked by Exide. If we don't act quickly, there will be more victims."

Gates, who had been silent on the side, frowned and suddenly said,"Wait a minute, you can't interfere in this matter now. If you encounter an alien knight, you will use the power of Zi-O, which is likely to take away the power of other Kamen Riders."

Tokiwa Sougo explained:"Take it away? I didn't think so."

The time table of the last Creation Knight was given voluntarily, okay?

"After you obtained the power of Soki and Cross, Soki and Cross disappeared, especially Sougo. You are now gradually becoming Oma Zi-O. This is a fact. I am not too sure about Xiao Tian's situation. From the sound of the Space-Time Drive, you are the Ultimate Zi-O, but it is inevitable that you will become the Demon King who destroys the world in the future."

"Do you have to worry about me too?" Xiao Tian smiled bitterly. He didn't seem to have done anything that was harmful to the world. Did he have to be on guard just because he had the title of Time King?

""I'm sorry, this is just to be on the safe side. I have to worry a little more about Zi-O."

Xiao Tian shook his head helplessly and said,"Gates, you are really hopeless."

Gates:"So don't interfere."

Tokiwa Sougo refused,"How can that be possible? My friend is in danger now. How can I abandon him? Gates, don't you have such an experience?"

Gates was furious and grabbed Tokiwa Sougo's sleeve and lifted it up,"Of course I have, no one understands it better than me!"

In 2068, almost all of his friends and relatives were killed one by one by Oma Zi-O. No one can understand the pain of losing a loved one better than him.

Tokiwa Sougo was frightened by Gates' terrifying eyes and said nothing. Gates calmed down and pushed Tokiwa Sougo away.

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