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The two Ultimate Zi-Os leaned against each other in mid-air, and then landed at the center of the pit at the same time.

The two of them untransformed, and the two Xiao Tians stood facing each other, smiling at the same time.

Xiao Tian's body in the mirror gradually turned into light, and he knew that he was about to merge with another self.

"Here, take this."

Xiao Tian in the mirror handed Xiao Tian a watch. This watch was golden.

A big gold watch?

Xiao Tian took it and took a closer look. The watch was the same as his Ultimate Time King Watch, but the color changed from bright red to gold.

"Light and darkness, past and future, you and I, are one, aren't we? The same is true for the watch, they are one."

Xiao Tian took out the watch that Ultimate Woz gave him, and the two watches flashed red lightning, attracted each other, and automatically combined together. The fiery red light lit up, and the two watches combined into one watch. This watch is the Ultimate Time King Second Order Watch!

"It's time to create your own future..."

Xiao Tian in the mirror finished speaking, and turned into light and merged with Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian closed his eyes, his body gradually floated up, his hands opened, and his body was surrounded by red light.

Xiao Tian's eyes suddenly opened, and a red beam of light penetrated the sky. After the beam of light gradually dissipated, Xiao Tian's pupils showed a faint red.

What a refreshing feeling!...

Xiao Tian now has a resolute look in his eyes, without any melancholy.

He is now the real him!

The world, the future, and his own destiny will be controlled by him!


Xiao Tian roared and activated the Ultimate Time King Second Stage Time Watch.


The sound of glass breaking rang out, and the mirror world shattered!

The real world.

The piece of glass that Xiao Tian entered the mirror world shattered with a bang. As the glass shattered, Xiao Tian appeared again.


Tsukuyomi ran over immediately

"What's wrong with you, Xiaotian?"

Now Xiaotian gave her a complete, more real, and more powerful feeling.


Xiao Tian grabbed Tsukuyomi's slender waist and held her in his arms.

Tsukuyomi was stunned, his mind went blank, what happened to Xiao Tian?

"you...what are you doing?"

"Xiaoyue, I actually like you very much. Are you willing to be with me?"

He could feel that Tsukuyomi was interested in him, and he also had feelings for her.

Xiao Tian had wanted to say it a long time ago, but because they were too familiar with each other and he had a girlfriend, he was too embarrassed to say it.

But now, what is there to be afraid of? Just say it and it's done.


Gates' chin dropped to the ground in shock.

What is Xiao Tian doing?!

So decisive...And the arrogant confession, totally disregarding his feelings as a single man?!

Besides, he already has quite a few girlfriends. According to his latest understanding, Xiao Tiancai just accepted that fairy-like super-powered girl Izumi Hina. He confessed to Tsukuyomi so boldly in the blink of an eye. How can he be so shameless!

How come he feels like he has been reborn after just entering the mirror world for a while?!

Tsukuyomi...How would you choose?...

She probably won't agree. Although he knows that Tsukuyomi is interested in Xiao Tian, after all, he already has two women now, so he probably won't interfere, right?


Tsukuyomi blushed, lowered his head and nodded in agreement.


With a snap, Gates fell to the ground.

It's over, the world has changed...

It's changed!

Xiao Tian, this pervert, is really too perverted!

Gates, the single dog, turned around and left quietly.

He needs to calm down for a while, think about life, and think about plans.

Should he talk to White Woz?

He thinks that White Woz's plan can be changed now.

The ability of the Ultimate Zi-O is enough to create any future....

Xiao Tian smiled from the heart and hugged Tsukuyomi in his arms.

This feeling was so refreshing. He was bold enough to be himself. What was there to hesitate about?

If he didn't break this window paper, perhaps Tsukuyomi would never express himself, and then he would most likely miss Tsukuyomi. He took this step boldly. Even if Tsukuyomi refused, at least he would not regret it when he mentioned it in the future.

Judging from the current results, the ending is good.

Tsukuyomi wrapped her arms around Xiao Tian's waist and abdomen, and their eyes were tightly hugged. Tsukuyomi closed her eyes and quietly enjoyed the beauty of this moment.

Her mind was still blank, and she just agreed to Xiao Tian based on her instinctive reaction.

For some reason, at that moment, reason told her not to agree so quickly, but emotion slapped away her remaining reason.

After a moment of tenderness, Tsukuyomi raised her head and asked in a soft voice:"Is it not good for us to do this? Mika and Izumi Hina won't have any objections, right?"

"You are well-informed. You found out that I am together with Izumi Hina so quickly. Don't worry about it. I will take care of them. You just need to stay by my side."


Yue Du's head was buried in Xiao Tian's arms again.

I don't know why, Xiao Tian is so overbearing now, making her just want to be a little woman at ease._Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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