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After hugging for a while, Tsukuyomi gradually regained his sanity, the missing contents in his brain gradually recovered, and his face became redder and redder.

It was really embarrassing that he agreed to this....

But the matter was done, and she was secretly happy in her heart. Perhaps, this was what she wanted.

Yue Du let go of Xiao Tian and punched him in the chest.

"Why are you so overbearing and making such an abrupt confession, leaving me no time to react?"

"This is your true thought and decision, isn't it? You have already agreed. If you regret it, you will be spanked."

Xiao Tian raised his hand and pretended to spank her. Yue Du's face became even redder.

"You rascal, who said I was going to regret it? What did you go through in the mirror? Why did you look so different when you came out?"

"Is there? Haha, I got to know myself more clearly in there, this trip was not in vain"

"Yes, indeed, it is much more attractive than before."

"You mean, I didn't have any charm before?"

Xiao Tian raised his palm again, pretending to spank her again.

"You used to be a blockhead, so stupid."

Tsukuyomi pouted, and she had to say it even if she was beaten, because that was her truest thought.

Xiao Tian gently placed his palm on her buttocks, pulled hard, and hugged her again, smiling:

"I think so too. I was a little stupid before, but I won’t be stupid anymore."

"You bad guy, let go!"

Tsukuyomi shyly opened Xiao Tian's evil hand and shyly looked around. Fortunately, there was no one, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

I don't know when Gates left.

"Oh, where's Sougo? Why hasn't he come out yet?"

"He should still be struggling with himself in the mirror. I wish him good luck. Let's go back first."

"Aren't you waiting here?"

"No, he will go back to the Nine-Nine Hall directly."

Xiao Tian took Yue Yu's hand and walked back. Yue Yu blushed and followed him silently.


Nine in the morning and five in the evening

"What? Xiaotian and Tsukuyomi are together!? No way? Xiaotian, can he do this?"

When he heard Gates talking about the two of them, Tokiwa Junichiro almost spit out the tea he was drinking.

"It's incredible, right? I dare to believe that Xiaotian, without making any noise, is actually a master at picking up girls. He now has three girlfriends, and each one of them is a beauty, a beauty!"

"Three?! Aren't there only Mika and Tsukuyomi? Where did the three come from?"

"You don't know this, right? He's also in love with that Izumi Hina"

"It's that pretty girl!"

Tokiwa Junichiro's eyes lit up. He knew Izumi Hina. She occasionally came here not long ago, and she wasn't here to repair the clock.

Now he knew that she was here to look for Xiao Tian.……

"Oh, I'm old and can't keep up with the times. Young people nowadays are really amazing. They can have several girlfriends at the same time. If it were in our time, such a thing would never have happened."

Tokiwa Junichiro smiled and shook his head

"We are back."

Xiao Tian took Yue Yu's hand and walked in.

"As expected, they are together. You are really amazing, Xiaotian."

Looking at the two holding hands, Tokiwa Shunichiro gave Xiaotian a thumbs up and nodded in appreciation.

"You know it so quickly?"

Tsukuyomi lowered his head in embarrassment. Xiao Tian was generous and not shy. He pulled Tsukuyomi to sit down.

"I heard Gates mention it. Young man, what a talent! By the way, where is Sougo? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

Tokiwa Junichiro glanced behind them. Tokiwa Sougo didn't come back with them.

"He hasn't come back yet"

"I see. I'm very busy today. I wanted to ask him to help me go shopping. Oh, who can help me go shopping?"

Tokiwa Junichiro was waving the shopping basket back and forth in front of the people. Suddenly, a floor-to-ceiling mirror rippled like water.

""Quick! Look!"

Tokiwa Junichiro widened his eyes and pointed at the mirror in shock. Xiao Tian and the other two looked at the mirror at the same time.

After the ripples, a person popped out of the mirror. This person was Tokiwa Sougo.

"it hurts……"

Tokiwa Sougo fell to the ground, grimacing in pain. He looked up and found four pairs of eyes looking at him. He then smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Welcome back, Sougo, wait! Where did you come back from! ?"

Tokiwa Junichiro took off his glasses and stared at Tokiwa Sougo who fell to the ground and the mirror next to him.

Tokiwa Sougo... fell out of the mirror?!

"Mirror World……"

Tokiwa Sougo said with an awkward smile.

"That's how it is, Sougo, you really love to joke, mirror... in the mirror……"

Tokiwa Junichiro pointed at the mirror and looked back and forth at Xiao Tian and the other two. He found that they were not surprised at all, and immediately suspected that he was dazzled.

"You are not surprised at all, young people are just different... Um... Uncle, I'm a little tired. I'd better relax and go buy something by myself.……"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading -

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