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Tan Group Building, Top Floor.


"So the Kamen Rider you were talking about is the alien knight RYUGA (Dragon Fang) in the mirror world. I thought he was some powerful character.

Kadoya sipped his tea leisurely, looking at the scenery outside the window. Swartz stood quietly by the window next to him.

"Hehe, it's just to create some trouble. It's not that easy for Ultimate Zi-O to defeat RYUGA."

"Although the Alien RYUGA is strong, you want to hinder Xiao Tian? You are too naive."

Kadoya Shi took another sip of tea and frowned slightly.

He knew the strength of the Ultimate Zi-O very well. After all, they had fought several times. He also knew the general strength of the Alien RYUGA.

The reason why Ur could find the Alien RYUGA in the mirror world was because he taught him.

Alien RYUGA was okay to fight against Gates, Zi-O and other small Kamen Riders, but he wanted to deal with the Ultimate Zi-O?

You are overthinking.

"It doesn't matter, I have other plans, everything is under my control."Swartz sneered.

The door of the lounge was pushed open, and Menya Xiaoye walked in. Seeing Swartz, she immediately looked unhappy.

"Brother, why are you still with this ugly man!"

Kadokawa Saya glanced at Swartz with disdain, came to the front of the stage and sat down, and skillfully poured himself a cup of tea.

Ugly man?!

Swartz's eyebrows twitched.

If someone dared to say that to him, that person would be dead now.

Kadokawa Saya is Kadokawa's sister, so she still has to give him face.

"Since I'm so unwelcome, goodbye."

Swartz turned and left the lounge, Kadoya Shi put down his crossed legs, looked at Kadoya Xiaoye and shook his head helplessly.

"What do you mean by 'together'? Could you use more words? Swartz still has room for improvement. Don't give him the cold shoulder all the time."

"What are you using him for?"

"That person is very ambitious and scheming. He plays a very important role in this world. The story here will be very exciting."

"Tsk, he is definitely not Brother Xiao Tian, what's the point of being so petty."

Kadokaya Saya said disdainfully, picking up the teacup and taking a sip of tea

"Speaking of Xiao Tian, do you know his latest situation?"

"what's the situation?"

"He took two more beauties as his women, one of whom seemed to be called Izumi Hina, and the other was called Tsukuyomi"

"Oh, you are talking about this? I already know about it, is there anything strange about it?"

Kadoya Sayo looked at Kadoya Shi curiously.

Kadoya Shi's mouth twitched.

What's so strange about it?!

It sounds very normal.

Go out on the street and see which man can be surrounded by women?

"I advise you to stay away from him. I have already regarded him as my rival. I don't want to be stuck in the middle because of your existence. It just so happens that he already has a lot of women now. You should not think of becoming his mistress, right?"

"I am no longer qualified to be a mistress. Now I can only be the fifth mistress...."

Kadashi Xiaoye smiled and said that Xiaotian and the other four were already together. If they interfered again, it would be Xiaowu's business.

Kadashi rolled his eyes and sighed speechlessly.

"Kadokami Saya, what do you want to do?"

Kadokami Shi had just finished speaking when a voice suddenly came from all around:

"I think she is making a wise choice...."


Kadoya Shi frowned, his eyes kept turning left and right, alert to his surroundings, a man in a red windbreaker walked in from outside the door, with a smile on his face.

"It's you"

""Woz, you're here."

The man in the red windbreaker was the Ultimate Woz.

The Ultimate Woz came to Kazushi Kadoya and pulled out a chair to sit down.

"What are you here for?"

"I haven't seen you recently, and I missed you a lot, so I came to see you. How are you? Are you touched?"

Ultimate Woz smiled, picked up a cup and poured himself a cup of tea.

"What does this have to do with you? We are not familiar with each other, right?"

"Why do you look so unfamiliar? It's just that we're not familiar with each other now, but it doesn't mean we won't be familiar with each other in the future. Didn't you say that you are the destroyer of the world? What's wrong? What are you hesitating about?"

"I don't need to report to you about my work, do I?"

Kamen Rider looked at Ultimate Woz with disdain. He made it seem like they knew each other well.

But they had only met a few times, and he had no interest in him at all. He was just a subordinate of Ultimate Zi-O, not worth worrying about at all.

"You are still so arrogant, Kadoya Shi. I wonder how long you can maintain this arrogance. If you don't find a way to defeat the Ultimate Zi-O now, the longer you delay, the more difficult it will be."

"Oh? You want me to defeat the Ultimate Zi-O? Aren't you his subject? What, you want to rebel?"

Kazuya looked at the Ultimate Woz with amusement. The rebellion plot is the most interesting. The stories in this world are getting more and more interesting.

"No, no, no, you think too much."

Ultimate Woz shook his finger.

"Then what do you mean?"

"It is impossible for you to defeat His Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O. I just want you to practice with him, that's all."_

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