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"What did you say?"


Kadoya frowned and slapped the table. The sandalwood tea table instantly broke into powder and flew away with the wind. The ceramic tea set fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

"Are you angry? You get angry so easily. This is not like you, Kadoya.

Ultimate Woz remained calm and had a faint smile on his face.

"How dare you, you bastard, offend me!"

Kadoya was furious, grabbed Ultimate Wozniacki's collar and stared at him viciously.

""Oh my, so irritable."

Ultimate Woz snapped his fingers calmly.


With the sound of the snap, the Ultimate Woz caught by Kazushi disappeared, and the sudden change in strength made him stagger.


Kazushi was shocked. He actually disappeared out of thin air while being caught by him. In this case, the Time Robber cannot escape!

This Ultimate Woz is very powerful!

"How irritable!"

Ultimate Wozniacki appeared in front of him again, smiling and tidying up his messed-up clothes.

"Who are you!"

"People from an unknown future are incredible, right? You don't have to think about going to my future, because you can't go to that future at all."

Ultimate Woz laughed. He knew that Kazushi Kadoya also had the ability to travel through time and space. After all, that dimensional wall was not covered.

"You are talking nonsense!"

Kazushi Kamen was shocked. Is there any place he can't go?

It's a joke!

Whether it is the past, the future, or other worlds, he can travel freely. There is no place he can't go!

He can definitely go to the future of Ultimate Woz!

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. Only His Majesty the Ultimate Time King can travel freely to my future. As for you, your strength is still not enough...."


Kadoya was furious and punched Ultimate Woz.

Ultimate Woz raised his right hand slightly and pointed at Kadoya's fist.

"Your physical strength is greater than your Kamen Rider form."

"It's enough to beat you!"

Kazushi kicked up, and Ultimate Wozniacki jumped back, dodging the attack and keeping a distance from him.

"There's no need to be so angry. We'll have plenty of opportunities to meet in the future. Since this is so unpleasant, I'll leave first. Goodbye, Princess Kadokawa Sayo, oh no, it's a little too early to call you princess now."

""Get lost!"

Kazushi picked up a chair and threw it out. Ultimate Wozniacki waved his hand and disappeared. The chair passed through where he was standing and smashed into the wall, breaking into pieces.

"What did he mean by the princess just now?"

Kadoya Shi frowned and looked at Kadoya Saya who was watching the show and laughing beside the chair. He could still laugh at this time. Is he her real brother?

"I don't know. He probably just said it randomly."

"That bastard, who claims to know everything, I will slap him in the face with my own hands. Xiaoye, I tell you, don't get too close to Xiao Tian!"

"Hey, this is your own business, why are you bringing it up with me?..."

"No means no, do you hear me?"

""Okay, okay, why are you so angry? Really."

Kadokaya Saya responded. In this case, it is better to stabilize his emotions first.

It is really rare to see him so angry.

"So what are you going to do now? Do you want to defeat the Ultimate Zi-O as Ultimate Woz wishes?" Kadokaya Saya asked

"No, he wants me to do this, but I won't do it."

"So what do you want to do?"

"I will let them disappear along with this world...."

Kadoya Shi took out a card and fiddled with it in his hand. His fingers were fixed, and the card was stuck between his index and middle fingers.

"Didn't you do that?"

"No, that is the final result. I already have my actions and plans. After my plan, dealing with Ultimate Zi-O will be a piece of cake!"......

Nine in the morning and five in the evening


Xiao Tian sneezed again.

"What's wrong, Xiaotian? Why have you been sneezing recently? Do you have a cold?"

Tsukuyomi asked with concern, handing Xiaotian a tissue, and Xiaotian took it and wiped his nose

"No, I don't know why, I just suddenly wanted to sneeze."

Xiao Tian himself was also puzzled, why did he always sneeze for no reason? He didn't have a cold at all.

Could it be that someone was saying bad things about him behind his back?

This is impossible, how can you believe in superstition?

At this time, a young man in a red cloak walked in from outside the door, attracting Xiao Tian's attention.

"Ultimate Woz? Why are you here?"

"To your Majesty, I have good news for you. I have successfully found someone to practice with. You should master the power of the second stage."

"A training object?"

What the hell is this?

"Back to the Ultimate Time, His Majesty, it was Wang Xiaoming."

Wang Xiaoming?!"

Xiao Tian was stunned for a moment

"Shit, Woz, you know this name too, what did you do to him? You didn't do anything to him, did you?"


As expected of His Majesty the Ultimate Time King, he has seen through everything.

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