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"Please forgive me for my self-assertion, Your Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O." Ultimate

Woz bowed to Xiao Tian again with an apology.

Because making decisions for His Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O without authorization is a serious crime, although he is trying to help him improve his strength. The current Ultimate Zi-O is still young, but he is still worried, so he should do the etiquette first.

Xiao Tian grinned and said,"Woz, are you a worm in my stomach? You know too much."

After getting the Ultimate Zi-O's second-level watch, he really wanted to try the power of the second level. The first opponent he thought of was Wang Xiaoming (Kadoya Shi).

Wang Xiaoming's strength is huge, and it is very suitable for training.

However, Wang Xiaoming has not appeared for a while, and he is now curious about what he has been doing.

"I wonder if your Majesty's words are a compliment or criticism?"

Ultimate Woz bowed his waist. Without Xiao Tian's consent, he did not dare to stand up.

"Why are you so polite? Get up, Woz. I haven't seen Xiao Ming for a while. It would be nice if he could come to me on his own initiative."

Xiao Tian smiled and helped Ultimate Woz up.

"Thank you, His Majesty the Ultimate Time King"

"What are you talking about? What is the second stage? What is Xiao Ming? Xiao Ming refers to the Kamen Rider DECADE?"

Tsukuyomi didn't understand what the two were talking about, and couldn't help asking.

Xiao Tian and Ultimate Woz smiled at each other and tacitly didn't talk about this matter anymore.

"You will know later. By the way, Sougo, what did you experience in the mirror world?"

Xiao Tian looked at Tokiwa Sougo, who had a drooping face. From this look, he knew that he was beaten up by himself in the mirror. Seeing

Xiao Tian asking, Tokiwa Sougo did not hold back and told everything that happened in the mirror world.

"Did the other you in the mirror defeat you?"

"Being scolded and beaten, is it so miserable?"

Gates and Tsukuyomi looked at Tokiwa Sougo pitifully.

No, Xiao Tian also entered the mirror world, why are the temperaments of the two so different after they came out?

Moreover, Xiao Tian came out after the glass was broken, while Tokiwa Sougo was hit by the glass.

"Xiaotian, what did you experience in the mirror world?"

After listening to Tokiwa Sougo's experience, Yue Du was very interested in Xiaotian's experience in the mirror.

"Xiaotian, you should have seen it too, right? Then they beat you up, and then instilled evil thoughts into you, right?"

Tokiwa Sougo looked at Xiaotian with a drooping face.

He didn't think Xiaotian could defeat himself in the mirror, because the self in the mirror was strengthened based on their own strength, and there was no way to defeat it.

So Xiaotian was just like him, and came out after being beaten up, right?

"The person in the mirror is really strong, and I can't beat him."

""Is that so?"

Tokiwa Sougo sighed. It was just as he thought.

This mirror world was in trouble.

Thinking of the existence of such a terrifying self every day, I was afraid that I would not be able to sleep well.

"But we don't need to fight him."


Tokiwa Sougo looked at Xiao Tian in surprise. What did this mean? Did he already have a solution?……

"The person in the mirror and yourself are one and the same. Just accept it calmly."

"Accept him? How can you accept him? He will beat you up as soon as they meet! You can't just not resist, right?"

Tokiwa Sougo understood this very well. The self in the mirror started fighting as soon as they met, and he was forced to fight back. What else could he do?

Moreover, that was his extremely evil self. If he accepted him, he would become the extremely evil Oma Zi-O, right?

This was not what he wanted to see. He wanted to be the most benevolent and kind Demon King.

"That's right, let him hit you, just don't resist"

"Are you…are you serious…what if you get beaten to death?"

"That means you deserve to die."


Tokiwa Sougo looked at Xiao Tian in astonishment. This must be a joke...

He deserves to die...

What kind of death is this?……

"How about it, do you dare to challenge yourself in the mirror again?"


Tokiwa Sougo hesitated.

God knows whether he is destined to die or not. What if he really dies in there? Wouldn't that be a huge loss?

"If you want to become the king you want to be, it is very important for you to take this step. That's all I have to say. How to do it specifically is up to you."

"So... have you defeated yourself in the mirror?"

"Of course." Xiao Tian smiled faintly.

He had said everything he could say. As for what he would choose, that was his own business.

Although the main task was to help him become Oma Zi-O, if he couldn't transform into the second stage now, he still had a way to make him become Oma Zi-O, but it was hard to say how strong he would be.

"But how can I enter the mirror world again?"

Tokiwa Sougo knocked on the mirror, making a clanging sound.

"Do you still want me to teach you?"

"I understand!"

A light bulb suddenly flashed through Tokiwa Sougo's mind, and he ran out of the Chaojiuwanwutang.

"Where is he going?"

"Go find the alien RYUGA"

They had used the alien RYUGA to enter the mirror world._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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