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TảStart time: 0.108s Scan time: 0.126sChapter


""Your Majesty, there is one thing I don't understand. Why do you want to help Zi-O?"

Ultimate Woz asked respectfully.

"You don't need to know this"

"Yes, Your Majesty, Ultimate Zi-O. But even if Zi-O finds the Alien Knight now, I'm afraid he won't be able to follow him into the mirror world, because he is no match for Alien RYUGA."

"You follow and report back when there is news"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O."

Ultimate Woz bowed respectfully, slowly retreated, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What we should be thinking about now is not how to eliminate the alien RYUGA, what are you doing now?"

Gates frowned and looked at Xiao Tian puzzledly.

It's already this time, and he is still thinking about that Wang Xiaoming, and still thinking about entering some mirror world to accept another self.

It's all a waste of time. Finding a way to deal with the alien knight is the most important thing!

"Since you don't want to solve the monster, let me finish him off."

Gates said as he walked out the door

"Wait, do you have a way to deal with the alien RYUGA?"

Xiao Tian called him, Gates stopped, turned around and frowned at Xiao Tian

"The real identity of that guy is a Kamen Rider who has disappeared in another world, so we can't get the corresponding Kamen Rider Time Watch."

Tsukuyomi said anxiously:"Without the Time Watch, you can't defeat the alien RYUGA, and that guy can bounce back your attacks like a mirror"

"No, I have another solution. My time blast will produce a slight time delay. As long as I use this, I should be able to defeat him before he can rebound his attack."

"Don't be stupid, it's useless. The key point is that you don't have the corresponding knight time table. Even if you can successfully end it once, what can it do? Can't it be resurrected again?"

Xiao Tian shook his head repeatedly.

Sometimes this Gates is really stupid. Without the corresponding knight power, even if he ends the alien RYUGA many times, his own time table will not be destroyed, and his power will not disappear.

And when watching the show, when Gates used the time blast, he did not successfully end the alien RYUGA. Instead, the rebounded attack successfully ended him.

That kind of end leads to the end of his own time quality!

"So what do you say? We can't just sit here and do nothing, can we?"

Gates returned to his seat again with resentment.

"Alien RYUGA. Just let me handle it."

"You? Do you have a knight's watch?"

"No, but it's much easier for me to end him than for you."


In the female restroom of a company, three female employees are putting on makeup in front of the mirror

"Why do I feel like my pores are so enlarged?……"

The female employee in the middle complained helplessly while putting on makeup

"I recommend you a good lotion, it's very useful"

"I have read in ORE News before that changing your diet is more effective in improving enlarged pores……"

Hearing about the enlarged pores, the female employee on the left became interested and picked up a notebook to check the ORE news and continued:

"Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are good……"


Before the female employee on the left could finish her words, the other two female employees began to mock her mercilessly.

"Hahaha...this is so old-fashioned. You still read ORE news. You are totally not the same kind of people. Let's go."

"Okay, hahahaha……"

The two female employees left with laughter. The female employee sighed and threw the ORE news book into the trash can.

As soon as she looked up, she found that the person in the mirror had turned into a terrifying man.


The female employee stepped back in fear, her legs shaking as she leaned against the wall.

The terrifying man in the mirror was Shinji Shiroto in the mirror.

The body of Shinji Shiroto in the mirror glowed purple, and the shape of his body gradually changed.

"RYUGA(Dragon Fang! )"

The alien RYUGA stretched out his hand, and the mirror surface rippled in circles.


The female employee screamed, her eyes rolled back, and she fainted on the ground.

"Stop it!"

At this moment, Tokiwa Sougo arrived and rushed into the women's restroom without hesitation.

"You again? Are you alone?"

Ryuga glanced behind him, but didn't see the person he was afraid of.

"I can handle you by myself. By the way, why don't we go into the mirror world and fight again?" Tokiwa Sougo suggested.

"I can finish you off right here!"

A large sword appeared from the alien RYUGA, and it strode towards Tokiwa Sougo.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Tokiwa Sougo immediately activated the time meter and loaded it into the head.

"ZI-O(Zi-O! )"


"RIDER.TIME!(Knight time! )"

"KAMENRIDER.ZI-O!(Masked Rider Zi-O! )"_

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