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Morning Nine and Night Five Halls

"Your Majesty, the Ultra Zi-O, the alien RYUGA has appeared in the women's restroom, and Zi-O has already started fighting with him."

Ultimate Woz appeared and respectfully reported the situation to Xiao Tian.

"Women's restroom?!"

"What is he doing in the women's restroom?"

Tsukuyomi and Gates were stunned. What is this strange knight doing in the women's restroom? Is he peeping?

This is too perverted.……

"Go live, Woz, lead the way"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Ultimate Time King"


A company where a different knight appears


"Run away!"


People fled in panic, and a continuous stream of people poured out from the various doors of the company building.


In the women's restroom on the third floor of the company, the solid wall burst, and a figure flew out and fell from the third floor to the ground.


The person who fell down scared the people around him because he was wearing black armor.

The person who fell down was Zi-O.


The alien RYUGA jumped down from the third floor and landed with a bang. The ground broke and there were two more footprints on the concrete floor.




Seeing the monster appear, people's faces were full of fear, and they ran away in panic.

Zi-O struggled to stand up, but it was too difficult for him to deal with the alien RYUGA alone.

It seemed that there was no chance to enter the mirror world again...

No, I couldn't give up so early...

Oh, and there was the watch that Woz gave him, it should be very powerful!

Zi-O took out the watch and started it, but the watch didn't respond.


Tokiwa Sougo was surprised and kept checking the watch, but there was still no movement.

"What are you still in a daze about? Wait!"

The alien RYUGA came in front of Zi-O and punched him in the face.


Zi-O flew backwards, fell to the ground and rolled several times, and stopped when he hit a tree.

The huge force shook the leaves and kept falling, covering his body.

"Woz is cheating me.……"

He grimaced in pain from the punch on his face.

Zi-O put away the watch, took out the BUILD watch again, activated it, and loaded it into the watch head of the transformation belt.

"BUILD!(Create a Ride! )"

"ARMOR.TIME!(Armor time! )"

"BEST.MATCH!(Best match! )"

"BUILD!(Build! )"

A set of armor appeared and automatically equipped on Zi-O who fell to the ground, transforming into the BUILD armor form.

With the armor equipped, Zi-O's strength increased greatly. He stood up with a somersault and rushed towards the alien RYUGA.


The alien RYUGA's iron fist blasted out, and Zi-O flew backwards again and crashed back into the original tree.

With a crack, the tree was broken in half, and Zi-O rolled to the ground, unable to stand up.

"Really... so amazing!"

Tokiwa Sougo gritted his teeth secretly, the intense pain made his bones almost fall apart. Even with the BUILD armor, is the difference in strength still so big?……

"You're in the way, let me deal with you first."

The alien RYUGA walked towards Zi-O step by step, and Zi-O crawled back again and again.

Is he going to die here... If he had known earlier, he would not have come out by himself, and should have stayed with Xiaotian and the others!

Those guys, why haven't they come yet? If they don't come, he will die here...

In the corner not far from him, a familiar figure appeared, and Tokiwa Sougo was immediately overjoyed.


The person who appeared was Xiaotian.

Behind Xiaotian, there were also Ultimate Woz, Yue Du and Gates.

"Go ahead, Gates"


Gates nodded and transformed as he walked.

"GEIZ!(Gates! )"


"RIDER.TIME!(Knight time! )"

"KAMENRIDER.GEIZ!(Kamen Rider Gates!"


"ARMOR.TIME (Armor Time!)"

Gates transformed into Kamen Rider and equipped himself with DRIVE armor again, rushing out quickly to be with the alien RYUGA

"You seem a bit miserable, Sougo.

Xiao Tian came to Zi Wang and stopped, holding out his hand to him.

"If you guys had come a little later, I might have been out of luck. This alien knight is really amazing!"

Zi-O held Xiao Tian's hand, and Xiao Tian pulled him up.

"How long can you maintain your transformation?"

"It can still hold on for a while, but it probably won't last long."

Sparks were emitting from Zi-O's body, and his energy was draining away. It was good enough that he could still maintain the Kamen Rider form.

"Hold on for a while, I will run away with the alien RYUGA, you take the opportunity to follow me into the mirror world"


Zi Wang nodded in response, holding his chest. Just as

Xiao Tian was about to transform, there was a bang, and Gates fell to the ground and rolled in front of him.

"Heh...hahaha...that guy is quite powerful……"

Gates looked up at the four people looking at them and smiled awkwardly.

"Let me do it."

Xiao Tian activated the second-order timepiece and loaded it into the watch head of the transformation belt.

"ULTIMATE.ZI-O.(Ultimate Time King Stage 2! )"_

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