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Two huge translucent fiery red watches appeared behind Xiao Tian. A translucent fiery red dragon flew out of his body, flew around in the air quickly, and then hovered behind him

"This is! A dragon!"

Gates' eyes widened. This was the first time he had seen such an awesome transformation process. Even a dragon appeared!


Xiao Tian made a cool move and shouted

"RIDER.TIME! (Knight time!)"

"KAMENRIDER.ULTIMATE.ZI-O(Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O! )"

"ULTIMATE.ZI-O.(Ultimate Zi-O Stage 2! )"

The circling dragon quickly spun around Xiao Tian, enveloping him. Armor continued to appear on Xiao Tian's body, and the armor burning with flames was combined bit by bit.

Xiao Tian transformed into a Kamen Rider, and the dragon turned into a red light, which was printed on the armor to form a lifelike fire dragon, with a faint flame burning on his body.


Xiao Tian shouted angrily, clenching his fists. The Ultimate Time King clenched his fists at the same time, and all the flames burning on his body were shaken away, and the flames disappeared into the air.

The Ultimate Time King, second stage, the transformation is complete!

"This is it!"

Gates' eyes widened, looking at the Ultimate Zi-O in shock.

This armor is too cool!

They are all red, why is there such a big difference!?

And what the hell is that lifelike dragon on his body? It's too realistic, it feels like it will fly out at any time!

"Amazing...When will Xiaotiange be able to transform into this form?..."

Tsukuyomi said blankly that this was the most handsome Kamen Rider she had ever seen, bar none.

""Celebrate! He is the one who has all the power in one! He can travel across all worlds! He transcends time and space! He is the king of all worlds who knows the past and the future! He has transformed into Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O II! The original history has become the past! A brand new history has begun! Look forward to it~! The future!"

Ultimate Woz celebrated passionately, and Gates and Tsukuyomi looked at him blankly.

This Ultimate Woz is a little too passionate.

Also, what the hell is the king of all worlds?

"Woz, what do you mean by the Ten Thousand Worlds? I understand?"

""Princess Tsukuyomi, you will know later. It is not fashionable to say it now."

Ultimate Woz put away the book and said to Tsukuyomi respectfully with a smile.

Princess Tsukuyomi?

This sounds quite comfortable.

Tsukuyomi was secretly happy, smiled slightly, and nodded.

On the roof of the building next door, three people were watching this scene.

"The stories of this world are becoming more and more interesting."

Kadoya Shi folded his arms and said lightly.

Kadoya Saya and Aura stood beside him, their eyes fixed on the Ultimate Zi-O.

"Really so handsome, brother, look at the Kamen Rider that other people transform into, look at the Kamen Rider that you transform into, can you be more handsome?"

Kadoya Shi rolled his eyes at Kadoya Xiaoye and said,"Girls are superficial, what do you know, what's the use of all these fancy things, the most important thing is strength, in front of absolute strength, these fancy things are not worth mentioning"

"Are you just showing off? You may not be a match for Brother Xiaotian, Kadoya."Aura sneered.

Brother Xiaotian?

Kadoya looked at Aura curiously.

"Why do you call him so intimately? This is not like your style, Ola"

"This has nothing to do with you."

"Humph, you better not have too high expectations for your brother Xiaotian, because he will definitely be defeated by me."

Kamen Rider Kado's eyes moved to the Ultimate Zi-O again, and said coldly.

He didn't understand why so many girls favored you, even Xiaoye kept speaking for him.

At first he just thought she was fun, but now he doesn't think so.

In order to protect Xiaoye, this Ultimate Zi-O will definitely be a loser!

Because this is his decision!

"You see, I'm not interested anymore."

Kazushi Kadoya snorted coldly, and a dimensional wall appeared behind him. Kazushi Kadoya entered it and disappeared.

"Your brother seems to have a lot of complaints about Xiaotian."

After Kamenashi left, Aura showed a rare and beautiful smile, a smile she would not easily show under normal circumstances.

"It's okay, I believe Brother Xiao Tian, this world is really worth a visit, it's really wonderful, hehe"

"I really admire you. Why don’t you try to mediate? If your brother and Xiaotian really fight to the death, who will you help then?"

"We'll talk about it later, let's just watch the show first."

On the ground, the Alien RYUGA rushed to the Ultimate Zi-O with a big knife in his hand, and chopped it down with a powerful knife.

The Ultimate Zi-O stood calmly in place, and raised his right hand at some point, easily blocking the chopped big knife.


Alien RYUGA was shocked, he actually used his arm to block the knife he had charged to chop?!

"DRAGON! (Dragon!)"

The lifelike dragon on the Ultimate Zi-O started to move, and the dragon head suddenly rushed out and hit the alien RYUGA, exploding a large area of sparks.


The alien RYUGA flew out and crashed through a wall with a bang. The sand and gravel fell and buried it.

The flying dragon returned to the Ultimate Zi-O again and restored its original pattern.

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