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TảStart time: 0.055s Scan time: 0.052sChapter



With a scream of pain, Shinji Shiroto once again transformed into the alien RYUGA

"The rest is up to you, Your Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O."

Ultimate Woz smiled and respectfully withdrew. The

Ultimate Zi-O activated the watch he had just received and loaded the data into the watch head.

"RYUKI!(Dragon Rider! )"

"ARMOR.TIME!(Armor time! )"

A set of cool black armor appeared out of thin air and was automatically equipped on the Ultimate Zi-O.

Most of the Ultimate Zi-O's fiery red body was covered by the RYUKI armor.

"RYUKI!(Dragon Rider! )"

"Congratulations! He is the one who has all the power in one! He can travel through all the worlds! He can transcend time and space! He is the king of all the worlds who knows the past and the future! Now he has gained the power of another Kamen Rider! He has transformed into Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O II.——RYUKI(Dragon Rider) Armored Form!"

Ultimate Woz celebrated passionately

"Drag Saber! (Dragon Saber!)"

A saber in the shape of a dragon tail and willow leaf appeared in the hands of the Ultimate Zi-O.

This dragon saber is the sword of Kamen Ryuki's blank form.

Alien RYUGA rushed out with a big sword and chopped it down at the Ultimate Zi-O.

The Ultimate Zi-O held the dragon saber horizontally to block the big sword, and at the same time kicked Alien RYUGA and kicked him out.


Alien RYUGA passed through a wall, and the broken stones pressed him under him.

"FINISH.TIME!(Ending time!)"

""Dragon Rider Kick!"

Ultimate Zi-O leaped up, the dragon saber in his hand blazing with flames. The alien RYUGA stood up and was chopped to pieces by the dragon saber! boom!

An explosion erupted behind Ultimate Zi-O. Like many Kamen Riders, Ultimate Zi-O never looked back.

He threw the dragon saber in his hand and it fell to the ground with a clang. Xiao Tian released his transformation.

Behind him, the flames of the explosion disappeared, and Shinji Shirodo lay on the ground. A watch rolled out of his body, shattered into powder and disappeared.

"Are you okay?"

Xiao Tian came to Shiroto Shinji, squatted down and stretched out his hand to him.

Shiroto Shinji, who was lying on the ground, smiled and held Xiao Tian's hand.

Xiao Tian used a little force to lift him up. Shiroto Shinji staggered.

Transforming into a knight to fight would also cause their original bodies to be injured and lose energy.

Now he was very tired.

"Thank you, Xiao Tian."

Shiroto Shinji grinned. Being able to merge with the self in the mirror and completely get rid of the monster in the body, this trip was worth it.

"You're welcome."

Xiao Tian smiled.

It was thanks to his appearance that he was able to get the RYUKI watch.

"That's great, Xiaotian is really amazing!"

Zi Wang released his transformation and smiled.

Gates put his hand on his shoulder and clamped his neck.

"Hey, hey, hey! Gates, what are you doing?!"

"You have transcended time and space, you know? I am very familiar with your power, it is the power of Oma Zi-O!"

Gates frowned and said viciously, the hand holding his neck became more and more powerful.

"It hurts! Let go, Gates. Why are you so afraid of me? Look at Xiaotian's power. That's terrifying. I will never become the demon king you expect!"

Tokiwa Sougo was stuck and couldn't breathe. His face was red.

"You bastard better be careful and don't use this power recklessly, otherwise I will defeat you with my own hands!"

Gates pushed Tokiwa Sougo away and said sternly.

He could ignore Xiao Tian, but he couldn't ignore Tokiwa Sougo!

"I know, I know. You are really annoying, Gates. Can't you just ignore this point?"

"No! I will keep a close eye on you, you better be careful!"

Gates pointed his finger at his eyes, and then pointed at Tokiwa Sougo.

Tokiwa Sougo was immediately discouraged.

The matter of the alien RYUGA was over, and it was time to make the next plan.

Xiao Tian came to Tsukuyomi and naturally took her hand.

"Then, Your Majesty, the Ultimate King of Time, Princess Tsukuyomi, I will withdraw first."

Ultimate Woz bowed respectfully, slowly withdrew and disappeared


Tokiwa Sougo stared at Xiao Tian and Tsukuyomi with wide eyes.

They were together, but Tokiwa Sougo didn't know yet.

"You guys...! Gates, aren't you surprised?"

"What a fuss."

Gates muttered, and turned away.

"Xiaotian, you... you... you really are... my idol! My role model! So awesome! I admire you!"

Tokiwa Sougo said with admiration, turning around and following Gates's steps.

Singles are more compatible with singles.

He admired Xiaotian so much that he could be enshrined in the gods for having so many girlfriends at the same time!

"Let's go, it's time to meet Mika and Koizumi."Xiao Tian took her hand and wanted to go

"Huh?" Tsukuyomi blushed and couldn't move.

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