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"Is it so hasty? I'm not ready.……"

Tsukuyomi blushed and pulled at Xiao Tian's clothes.

Three women served one man, and she was the third one. This was too embarrassing. She needed some time to relieve herself.

"There is nothing to prepare, I will take care of everything."

Xiao Tian smiled slightly and held Tsukuyomi's hand tightly.

Such a shy Tsukuyomi is really cute.

Tsukuyomi is the type that you can watch for a long time. At first glance, you don't think she is very beautiful, but the more you look at her, the more beautiful she becomes.

And sometimes Tsukuyomi is cute, that is very cute.

There is a joke when watching the drama, called the height is just right... cough cough, I have gone too far, it is evil...

But if I have the chance in the future, I will still try it, hehe……

"Is it really okay? Are we too hasty and worried about Meijia and the others?……"

It would be so embarrassing if I couldn't accept her existence for a while.

Tsukuyomi couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Don't worry, you just need to be with me, and don't worry about anything else."

So domineering...

Tsukuyomi's face turned red again, and she felt secretly happy.

This feeling of having a boyfriend with max power is really good.


"Let's go."

Xiao Tian led Yue Du Wang Quanbinai home


Izumi Hina's house

"Why hasn't Brother Xiaotian come back yet? Is he okay?"

Quanbinai looked out the door worriedly.

He has been out for a while and hasn't come back yet. Quanbinai couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Don't worry, Xiaotian is very powerful. After he defeats the monster, he will come back to find us."

Mika came to Izumi Bina and put her arms around her slender waist.

"Koizumi, you have a great figure.

"Oh, Meijia, stop making trouble. I am worried even if you are not. He is not as old as you. How about we go out and look for him?"As soon as

Izumi Binai finished speaking, two people appeared in her sight not far away.

Those two people were Xiao Tian and Du

"Brother Xiaotian! It's Brother Xiaotian!"

Quanbinai's frown relaxed and he trotted towards Xiaotian.

"How come this little girl is even more exaggerated than me?"

Meijia grinned and followed.

""Brother Xiaotian!"

Izumi Bina shouted, ran to Xiao Tian quickly, and hugged him without hesitation.

At this time, Xiao Tian was still holding Tsukuyomi, and Izumi Bina was in his arms.

"Why, Koizumi, it feels like we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"It's been a long time. Are you okay?"

Quanbinai let go of Xiao Tian and checked his body up and down.

Mika, who was standing by, blushed and felt a little embarrassed. She didn't know where to put her hands, nor did she know what to say.

""Sister Tsukuyomi!"

Mika came over and hugged Tsukuyomi's hand.

When the two of them came over just now, Mika saw them holding hands and had already guessed their relationship.

After the morning and evening, she knew that Tsukuyomi was interested in Xiao Tian.

"Have you...already...did that?"

Mika looked into Tsukuyomi's eyes with a wicked smile. Tsukuyomi blushed and her eyes were unavoidable.

Now she felt like a mistress meeting the wife, which made her very shy.

""Okay, Xiaoquan, I'm fine."

Xiao Tian put his hands on Izumi Binai's shoulders and pulled her away.

"Let me introduce you, Tsukuyomi is already mine, from today on, you two have to get along well."

Xiao Tian went over and took Tsukuyomi's hand, introducing them to each other.

"I knew you were such a bad guy. Even Sister Yueyu couldn't escape your clutches."

Mika took Yueyu's hand and snatched it from Xiao Tian.

"Welcome, Sister Tsukuyomi, tell me quickly, how did you get deceived by Brother Xiaotian?"


Mika said as she led Tsukuyomi towards Izumi Hina's house.

"Brother Xiaotian, you are really quick to act. You must have saved the world in your last life. You are so lucky to have us in this life."

Quanbinai came over and took Xiaotian's arm.

She had heard about Tsukuyomi from Mika a long time ago.

She could guess that Tsukuyomi would become his woman, but she didn't expect it to happen so soon. However, it was still within her expectations, so she was not too surprised.

"Haha, then I may have saved more than one world."

"Yeah, I think so~"

The two of them walked towards the villa, talking and laughing.

Mika and Izumi Hina's enthusiasm quickly relieved Tsukuyomi's shyness. The three women quickly became friends and formed a united front, which isolated Xiao Tian.

Three women on one street, the villa area was filled with the laughter of three women all day long, and Xiao Tian was alone, cracking melon seeds and watching TV.

There was no way, he couldn't interrupt the women's chat.

He was a little surprised that Izumi Hina could accept Tsukuyomi so quickly. He had guessed that Mika had put a lot of effort behind the scenes.

This Mika was really what he wanted..._

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