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Under the strong persuasion of Mika and Izumi Hina, Xiao Tian and Tsukuyomi moved out of Chao Jiu Wan Wu Tang and moved into Mika's villa.

As for Uncle Tokiwa's rent, although Tokiwa Junichiro did not mention it, Xiao Tian still left the rent and food money in the room.

He is now considered a rich man. After all, he has two white and rich beauties, so he can work less for decades.

As for Tsukuyomi, he is actually very rich without making a sound.

Among the four people, Xiao Tian is the poorest.

The three women also regard this as a capital of pride, clamoring to support Xiao Tian, let him be a good gigolo and serve the three of them well.

Xiao Tian was speechless. Without economic power, he couldn't speak toughly.

He was thinking about whether he should find time to rob a bank for fun.……

"Gates and Sougo are left to live together, won't there be any problems for them?"

At Izumibinai's house, Tsukuyomi leaned on Xiao Tian's arms and asked in a low voice

"If there was a problem, Sougo would have been dead long ago. It's okay, they are full of love, nothing will happen."

Full of love?


Tsukuyomi laughed out loud, it seems that there is no problem with this.

"Are you really not worried that Sougo will become Oma Zi-O?"

"If he really becomes the demon king you imagined, I will be responsible for defeating him."

""Hmm~" Yue

Yan nodded. This sentence coming from Xiao Tian's mouth was much more credible than what Gates said.

"Without Xiaotian and Tsukuyomi, it feels a lot quieter. It's a bit awkward for three men to have a meal, hehe, hahahaha……"

Tokiwa Junichiro put down his bowl and chopsticks, and said awkwardly.

Gates said nothing and ate silently.

"Do you think we should rent it out again and find two more people to live with us?"

"I think this is a good idea, I'll do it right away!"

Tokiwa Junichiro said to himself and immediately went to rent out the place.

"Alas, I don't feel safe without Xiaotian around.……"

Tokiwa Sougo muttered, and looked up at Gates timidly. There is a time bomb buried beside him. Once Xiao Tian leaves, this bomb will explode at any time.……

"I'm done eating, take your time, I'm going to review."

Tokiwa Sougo put down the bowl, smiled awkwardly and left. The final exam was coming up soon, and whether he could graduate depended on this exam.

"I advise you not to misuse Oma Zi-O's ability!"

"I get it, you're annoying Gates!"

"What did you say!"

"It’s nothing, nothing... review well, review well!"


This morning, at 9:00 pm,

Xiao Tian and Yue Yan arrived, and Tokiwa Junichiro was packing up.

""Hey, you're here, Xiaotian, Tsukuyomi."

Tokiwa Junichiro greeted, but he was still looking for something seriously.

"What are you looking for, Uncle Tokiwa?"

"Oh! So this thing is here! Hahahaha…!"

Tokiwa Junichiro came out holding a shabby little robot.

This is...!

Xiao Tian recognized this robot, which indicated that another alien knight was about to appear, and there was another Kamen Rider who appeared in the future.

"I've always wanted to fix it, it's so nostalgic"

"Can I take a look?"

"Of course."

Tokiwa Shunichiro handed the small robot to Xiao Tian, who took it and looked at it for a few seconds. On the back of the robot, there was indeed an English sentence.:


As expected!

"What's wrong, is there anything special about this robot?"


Xiao Tian returned the robot to Tokiwa Junichiro.

"By the way, where are Gates, Sougo and the others?"

"Oh, Gates is still in the room. Sougo has his final exam today. He doesn't know if he can graduate yet, but he seems quite confident. He even said something like,"I can predict the content of the exam.""

""Predict the content of the exam!"

A voice came from upstairs.

Dadada... hurried footsteps came, and Gates appeared at the stairs, staring at them with wide eyes.

"Yeah, isn't Sougo a weird guy? Hahahaha……"Tokiwa Junichiro smiled.

"That guy! How many times have I told him not to abuse the power of the devil, but he still dares to use it casually? I'm going to find out about him!"

Gates frowned, hurried down, put on his shoes and was about to go out


Tsukuyomi shouted at him.

"Don't be impulsive, believe in Sougo, he won't become the devil king we think he is!"

"What kind of demon king are you guys playing?"

Tokiwa Junichiro looked at them strangely. No one spoke, and the atmosphere became awkward.

"Forget it, I'll just go and fix this robot."

Tokiwa Junichiro took the robot and left, saying as he walked away.

"Don't worry, Gates. Brother Xiaotian promised me that he would not let Sougo become a demon king who destroys the world. I believe Brother Xiaotian."

"That bastard doesn't listen to me at all, I still won't let my guard down."

Gates said firmly, but he still took off his shoes and walked towards the restaurant.


"How come I can’t predict the questions and answers!!!"

Tokiwa Sougo walked into the morning and evening hall with a droopy face, holding the test paper in his hand, feeling lost and desperate.

"Hey! You kid!"

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading -

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