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Gates came out and grabbed Tokiwa Sougo by the collar, startling him

"Hello, hey, hey! What's wrong?!"

"How many times have I told you not to use Oma Zi-O's power recklessly? And you still use it recklessly!"

"That's a very important final exam, and……"

Tokiwa Sougo picked up the test paper in his hand. In the score column, two red numbers were very annoying.

"14 points?!"

Gates loosened his grip and turned to walk into the inner room.

"You are honest, kid."You did so badly on the test, so you probably didn't use Oma Zi-O's ability, but this is really too bad.

He felt a little embarrassed when he saw it.


Xiao Tian took the test paper from Tokiwa, and it was all red. This was the math final exam. Except for a few multiple-choice questions, the rest were all crosses.

He thought he was a bad student, but he didn't expect Tokiwa Sougo to be worse than him.

He had some impression of this 14, it seemed that when he was watching the drama, he also only scored 14 points

"Xiaotian, you are here. Oh, I really envy you guys for not having to take the exam."

Tokiwa Sougo walked into the inner room with a drooping face.

"You're back, Sougo. How did you do on the exam?"

Tokiwa Junichiro put down the robot in his hand and walked over to ask with concern.

"The test paper is with Xiaotian."

Tokiwa Sougo pointed to Xiaotian outside, and Xiaotian came over and handed the test paper to Tokiwa Junichiro.

Tokiwa Junichiro stared, took off his glasses and looked at the score column in shock.

"14 points! ? ?"

"Don't be so surprised, uncle."

"Weren't you very confident? Why did you get such a score?"

"Oh... let's not talk about it~"

"So you can't graduate? Is there any chance to retake the exam?"

"One more chance to retake the exam"

"Then hurry up and study hard! Don't go anywhere, graduation is the most important thing!"

Tokiwa Junichiro pushed him to the desk and took out a headband and placed it in front of him.

"Tie Up"

"What is this?"

Tokiwa Sougo picked up the headband and saw the words"Graduation!" written on it."

"Fortunately, there is still one more chance to retake the exam. You should study hard. After all, you will not graduate soon."

"Ah! Why can't I predict it!"

Tokiwa Sougo tied his headband in despair, took out his math book and started reviewing.

"Sorry, Xiaotian, you guys can sit anywhere, don't ask Sougo to go out and play, it will be troublesome for him if he fails to graduate. I'll make him a cup of coffee."

After saying this to Xiaotian, Tokiwa Junichiro went into the kitchen to make coffee.

Xiaotian glanced at Tokiwa Sougo, who was reading a book hard at this time.

Reading a book or something, you will fall asleep soon, and then you will dream about the future.

"System, can I also have predictive dreams?"

""Master, of course it's possible."

Xiao Tian nodded. Should he go into the dream to see what's going on?

Xiao Tian was thinking when Ultimate Woz walked in from outside.

"Ultimate Woz, I pay my respects to His Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O, Princess Tsukuyomi. Ultimate Woz bowed respectfully.

"Oh, Woz, you're here, what's wrong?" Xiao Tian turned and looked at Ultimate Woz.

"A strange knight has appeared. Do you want to take action to deal with him?"

"Is it an alien KIKAI (machine)?"

"As expected of His Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O, he has seen through everything."Ultimate Woz smiled and nodded.

"Alien Knight?! I want to go too!"

Hearing the Alien Knight appear, Tokiwa Sougo ran over with great interest, his face full of excitement.

Compared with the dull mood when reading the book, he was obviously more interested in the Alien Knight.

"No, you should stay here and read. The power of Oma Zi-O should not be used if it is not necessary. Let us handle the Alien Knights."

Gates forced Tokiwa Sougo back to his seat and stuffed the math book back into his hands.

"What? You can't do this to me.……"

"Are you a demon king who failed the exam? I feel ashamed when I see your results. Don't worry about the alien knights. We will solve it. Let's go, Xiaotian."

Gates left the Chaojiuwanwutang first.

"Xiao Tian……"

Tokiwa Sougo looked at Xiao Tian with pleading eyes.

"There is no point in you going, you should stay here and read a book and sleep."

Read a book and sleep?

Tokiwa Sougo drooped his face. As expected, Xiaotian didn't agree to let him go out. Why is his life so miserable?

Watching Xiaotian and Tsukuyomi leave, Tokiwa Sougo buried his face in the book in despair.

""Huh? Xiaotian and the others are gone. That's good. Sougo, you should concentrate on studying."

Tokiwa Junichiro came out with a cup of coffee, put it on Tokiwa Sougo's desk, and patted his shoulder.

"Thank you, uncle……"

Tokiwa Sougo sighed and forced himself to read.

On the other side, under the leadership of Ultimate Woz, Xiao Tian and his companions found the alien knight.

It was indeed an alien KIKAI (machine)!

Xiao Tian recognized this alien knight at a glance. Although it was called a machine, this alien knight was more like a tree, with a head and a trunk, and a body that looked like a tree, with red ropes tied all over his body.

"Go Gates"


Gates ran towards the alien knight and started the watch to load the data into the watch head.

"GEIZ!(Gates! )"_

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