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This alien knight's transformed body is made of a special substance, and its power is very unstable.

Without the corresponding knight timetable, it is unrealistic to kill the alien KIKAI now, so let him continue to roam for a while and find a way to get the knight timetable.

I have to go back to sleep and see if I can have a prophetic dream.

I don't know if Tokiwa Sougo is asleep now, they may see it in their dreams.

"You go back and think about how to defeat this alien knight, I will go back to sleep first."

Xiao Tian walked towards Tsukuyomi, took out the Ninja Clock in his hand


Gates looked at Xiao Tian in surprise.

Why sleep in broad daylight?

Is he trying to make trouble in broad daylight?

Thinking about the fact that Xiao Tian has three beautiful girlfriends, Gates figured it out.

"Hey, I say, take care of your health. It’s easy to overdraw like this!"

"You don't need to worry about this, let's go."

Xiao Tian waved his hand and activated the Ninja Clock.

"SHINOBI!(Ninja! )"

A strong wind blew up, taking Xiao Tian and Yue Du with them and disappeared

"Then I'll go first, bye Gates."

Ultimate Woz waved his hand, turned around and disappeared.

Gates smiled bitterly, are these people so awesome, coming and going without a trace, only he has to walk on his feet.

Gates shook his head and walked towards the Jiuwan Wutang.

At this time, the burning pile of waste wood suddenly turned into ashes, and a white branch-like strange creature appeared and ran away quickly.

The strange creature ran to a tree on the side of the road, purple light lit up, and black branches quickly extended


The tree changed into the appearance of the alien knight and walked away step by step.

On the top of the building next door, the Time Robbers Aura and Ur were watching this scene.

"You actually sent out this kind of knight of unknown origin, Ur, what do you want to do?"

Ola folded his arms and asked Ur who was standing next to him.

Ur shook his head and said:"I don't know, this guy is not the alien knight I supported."

"So, was it Swartz who did it?"

"No, it's not me either."

A young man in a purple windbreaker appeared behind them. This man was Swartz.

"So what's going on? Is there anyone other than us who can create a different kind of knight?"


At Izumi Hina's home

"We are back."

Xiao Tian walked in with the blushing Yue Du.

"Welcome back, what's wrong, sister Tsukuyomi, why is your face so red?"

Mika went forward to greet her and found that Tsukuyomi's face was very red.

Tsukuyomi glared at Xiao Tian shyly and said:"It's all because of him. He just said to others that he was going back to sleep. Now Gates must have misunderstood. It will be so embarrassing to meet him in the future."

"Go back to sleep?"

"Well, I'm going to sleep for a while now. There's nothing important. Don't call me yet. Wait until I get up."

Xiao Tian grinned and walked straight to his room. He was quite happy to be naughty for a while.

Although they haven't had a substantial relationship yet, it's only a matter of time, isn't it?

If others know about it, they will know about it. It's not a big deal.

You have to get used to this kind of thing. Just get used to it in advance, so Xiao Tian didn't plan to explain anything.

"What happened?"

Seeing Xiao Tian return to his room, Mika asked hurriedly. Tsukuyomi did not hide anything and began to tell them what happened today...

Xiao Tian went back to his room and fell asleep. His consciousness gradually became blurred and his mind was blank.

When he woke up, he was already standing in a city where no one could be seen.

"Is this the year 2121? Can I really dream about it?……"

Xiao Tian walked forward slowly. The sunlight was very soft and felt very comfortable on his body. But strangely, there was no one on the street.

Not long after he walked, he saw a man lying on the ground in front of him. His back looked very familiar. Xiao Tian went over to see that it was Tokiwa Sougo. Did that guy just fall asleep?

Xiao Tian looked around again and found a grocery store selling groceries.

Xiao Tian had also seen this grocery store when he was watching a drama.

"Where is this place?"

Tokiwa Sougo slowly opened his eyes, looked around curiously, and found Xiao Tian standing next to him, so he asked

"You're awake."

Xiao Tian glanced at Tokiwa Sougo who was standing up.

"Hmm, how did I get here, where is this place?"

"This is Dream Mirror"


Tokiwa Sougo widened his eyes and looked at the surrounding scenery in shock.

He had just come out of the mirror world not long ago, and now he was in a dream again?!

"Don't make such a fuss, it's just a dream"

"It's just a dream, I was scared to death."

Tokiwa Sougo breathed a sigh of relief, it's just a dream, just play it casually, anyway, the things in the dream are not real

"I can still dream of you, Xiaotian, you are really everywhere."

Tokiwa Sougo said as he walked to the grocery store next door._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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