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TảStart time: 0.054s Scan time: 0.037sChapter


"Wow, hahahahaha...! I think I saw these things when I was a kid!"

Tokiwa Sougo excitedly looked at the trinkets in the grocery store one by one, and finally picked up a small doll.


Tokiwa Sougo looked inside and found that no one was there.

"Hey, where is the boss? He is so careless. He opened the shop when no one was there. What if everything was stolen? He will regret it later."

"When the boss comes out, you will be the one who regrets it."

Xiao Tian came to his side, took the little doll in his hand and put it back.

"What do you mean?"

Tokiwa Sougo looked at Xiao Tian strangely.

Is this boss so scary? He just bought a small toy. He didn't steal it.

""Hey, two customers, what do you want to buy?"

An old woman with a hunched back hurried out of the store and came to Xiao Tian and the others.

This old woman looked the same as the one seen on TV!

So, it must be a robot.

Xiao Tian secretly took out his watch and prepared, because a battle was about to break out.

"Oh, you are the owner of this store, right? Hello, I want to buy this."

Tokiwa Sougo picked up the doll again and gestured in front of the old woman.

"OK, it's okay to buy it, but I have a question to confirm."

"what is the problem?"

"Are you a robot or a human?"

The old woman asked Tokiwa Sougo with a strange smile. The smile was very unnatural and stiff like a machine.

Tokiwa Sougo frowned and looked at the old woman strangely, and replied::

"Um, I should be a human."

"We can’t let humans go!"

The old woman’s eyes suddenly lit up red, her body made mechanical sounds, and she punched Tokiwa Sougo in the face, sending him flying.


Tokiwa Sougo fell to the ground, covering his face, and looked at the fierce old woman in shock.

What's going on?

He's a human, who did he offend?

It's really like what Xiao Tian said, the boss came out to regret it.

"My God, what's going on?"

"I'll talk to you later. Let's deal with this old woman first."

Xiao Tian activated the Ultimate Time King Stage 2 watch, loaded it into the watch head, and slowly walked towards the old woman.

"ULTIMATE.ZI-O.(Ultimate Time King Stage 2!)"


"RIDER.TIME! (Knight time!)"

"KAMENRIDER.ULTIMATE.ZI-O(Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O! )"

"ULTIMATE.ZI-O.(Ultimate Zi-O Stage 2! )"

A set of cool armor appeared on Xiao Tian, and the old woman with red eyes stared coldly at the Ultimate Zi-O

"Are you a robot or a human?"


"We can’t let humans go!"

The old woman was agile, she jumped up and kicked at the Ultimate Zi-O, who opened his five fingers and grabbed her kick.

The old woman’s body was fixed in the air, and she spun violently, kicking the Ultimate Zi-O in the head with her other foot.

"Good skills."

The Ultimate Time King swung his hand, and before the old woman's foot could kick over, her body was thrown out.


The old woman crashed into the grocery store, and a bunch of small things flew everywhere.

""Ah! My lovely things!"

Tokiwa Sougo cried out in pain. All the things in the store were what he wanted, and they were smashed.……

"Are you robots or humans?!"

Around Ultimate Zi-O, dozens of robots with red eyes that looked like ordinary people appeared and walked towards him step by step.

Before Xiao Tian could answer, they all rushed towards him bravely.

Tokiwa Sougo also transformed into Kamen Rider Zi-O, and the two of them beat up a group of robots.

What on earth is going on?!

Xiao Tian was a little puzzled. According to the plot of the original drama, there shouldn't be so many robots.

Could it be that his appearance caused the plot to change?

But changes are changes, and the people who should appear still have to appear, right?

How long have they been fighting now!

Xiao Tian had just finished complaining when a loud, mechanical and emotionless voice rang out.:


The robots that were fighting stopped for a moment and looked behind them. A young man in a denim jacket was standing behind them.

Speak of the devil.

Xiao Tian grinned. The man who was supposed to show up finally showed up.

"Who are you? A robot or a human?

The robot closest to the cowboy asked him.

The cowboy took out a golden wrench and replied coldly::

"I am a robot."

The golden wrench was raised, a ray of light lit up, and a transformation belt appeared around the cowboy's waist.

The golden wrench was thrown into the air, and the cowboy took out a golden screwdriver again. The wrench fell, and the cowboy took it.


The wrench and screwdriver were crossed and placed on the transformation belt. The light lit up and a set of armor appeared out of thin air beside the cowboy man.

"DEKAI!KAKAI!GOUKAI!(Huge! Destructive! Heroic! )"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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