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The armor was automatically equipped on the cowboy, and a golden light lit up and bursts of smoke sprayed out. The transformation was completed, and a golden Kamen Rider made of tools appeared.

Kamen Rider KIKAI, has finally appeared...

I wonder if I can get KIKAI's timepiece here, Xiao Tian thought to himself

"Iron fun, fiery heart, Kamen Rider KIKAI!"

"It's just a robot, you don't need to worry about it."

The robots ignored Kamen Rider KIKAI and continued to rush towards the two Zi-Os.

Kamen Rider KIKAI was left aside, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Uh... I won't let you hurt humans!"

Kamen Rider KIKAI rushed out quickly and kicked a robot away

"Traitor?! Unforgivable! Kill him!"

The robots changed their targets and started to attack Kamen Rider KIKAI.

"Am I someone you can fight whenever you want and leave whenever you want?"

Xiao Tian cursed angrily, and the Ultimate Time King opened his hand.

""Ultimate Sword!"

A cool long sword appeared in the hands of the Ultimate Zi-O, and he rushed into the crowd of robots, killing every robot with his sword. Mechanical arms and heads flew everywhere, and sparks could be seen everywhere.

"You are awesome!"

Kamen Rider KIKAI and Ultimate Zi-O lean against each other

"Of course not!"

A group of robots rushed towards the two men desperately. The two men leaned back and bounced out, killing into the group of robots.

Kamen Rider KIKAI put his hands on the transformation belt at his waist, took a step back with his right foot, and his whole leg flashed with blue lightning.

"KIKAI.DEHAKAIDER (Mechanical Destruction!)"

He kicked out with lightning, and all the robots in front of him exploded and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

This move was exactly the same as the move released by the alien KIKAI in the real world, which was also the same as Xiao Tian expected.

The moves that the alien KIKAI knew were the moves of the warrior KIKAI.

However, the power released by Kamen Rider KIKAI was much stronger than that of the alien.

"FINISH.TIME!(Ending time!)

"ULTIMATE.RIDER.KRI!(Ultimate Knight Slash! )" The

Ultimate Zi-O slashed with his sword one after another, and a large number of robots exploded, and mechanical fragments flew everywhere. After a moment, all the robots were eliminated, and only three people were left standing.

They were the two Zi-Os and Kamen Rider KIKAI.

The three of them untransformed and stood together. The cowboy man raised his hand, and the sound of mechanical operation was heard.

"Hello, I am Makina Rento, Kamen Rider KIKAI, you are awesome, please take care of me."

Makina Rento extended his hand to Xiao Tian, but Tokiwa Sougo took the lead and shook it, saying with a smile on his face:

"Hello, hello, I’m Tokiwa Sougo, he’s my partner Xiao Tian, you’re so handsome Ren Dou, I didn’t expect that I could dream about other Kamen Riders, hahahaha!"

"In a dream?"

Maki Narendou looked up at the sky. If this was a dream, then everything would be fine. Unfortunately, this was not a dream.

Xiao Tian was naturally aware of this. What they had dreamed was a prophetic dream. This was the year 2121, which was the scene of their original world a hundred years later.

Xiao Tian was deeply saddened that it would become like this after a hundred years.

I just don't know which future 2121 this was. Looking at this desolate appearance, it is very likely to be the future 2121 of Black Woz.

"Lotus Dou!"


Seven or eight children came running over, looking at Maki's Rendou with admiration as if he were a hero.

"Rendou, has another humanoid machine appeared?"

Makina Rendou looked at the children with a smile. Although the smile was a little mechanical, it was also heartwarming.

"Ah, yes, don't worry, I'm here, everyone is fine."

With mechanical debris all over the ground, they would be worried.

But with Maki and Rendou here, they are willing to believe

"It’s okay, it’s okay. But you, Lian Dou, should have almost used up all your energy, right?"

"Charge it quickly!"

"Charge it, charge it!"

"Charging Charging Charging……!"

A bunch of kids started to make noises, and Tokiwa Sougo was unconsciously influenced by their atmosphere and started to shout as well.

Maki Narendou put his hand down, and the kids immediately quieted down.

"There's really nothing I can do about you."

"That’s great!"

"Hahahaha! It’s exciting to watch Rendou charging again!"

The children were very excited. Their greatest pleasure every day was to watch Maki’s Rendou charging.

"It’s just charging, why are they so excited?"

"Just watch, Rendou's charging is pretty cool."

Xiao Tian grinned, his charging method is quite advanced, according to their previous technology, it is absolutely impossible to do it.

Maki's Rendou's accident was also caused by charging, which is how it developed in the original drama, but I don't know if there is any change now.

Maki's Rendou adjusted his denim jacket and came to an open place._Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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