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Knowing that it is a dead end, do you still want to go?

This is too miserable……

"You are really amazing, Rento, you are also a robot."Tokiwa Sougo admired.

As a robot, you are so selfless for humanity.

"that is because……"

Before Maki Narendou could finish his words, he heard the terrified shouts of children outside.



"The robots are coming!"

""Rendou! The robot is coming!"

A child ran in and said anxiously.

Maki Narendou hugged the child and walked out anxiously.

"Let's go help too!"

Tokiwa Sougo activated his watch and transformed into Kamen Rider while rushing out.

Xiao Tian took out the Ultimate Zi-O Stage 2 watch and took a careful look at it.

The future will be created by oneself!

Xiao Tian's Ultimate Zi-O Stage 2 watch is an integrated watch, and the transformation only requires one watch head.

Xiao Tian activated the watch, loaded it into the watch head of the transformation belt, and turned the transformation belt.

"ULTIMATE.ZI-O.(Ultimate Time King Stage 2!)"


"RIDER.TIME! (Knight time!)"

"KAMENRIDER.ULTIMATE.ZI-O(Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O! )"

"ULTIMATE.ZI-O.(Ultimate Zi-O Stage 2! )"

A set of cool armor appeared on Xiao Tian. Xiao Tian clenched his fist, and Ultimate Zi-O clenched his fist synchronously. Ultimate Zi-O walked out step by step. Outside, Kamen Rider KIKAI and Zi-O were already fighting with the humanoid machine.

Kamen Rider KIKAI punched the humanoid machine in front of him and flew away. He seized the time and stuck his hands on the transformation belt.

"ULTIMETAL.FINISH (Plastic Metal Finish!)"

The transformation belt glowed with a white light like ice, which gradually spread to his whole body. Kamen Rider KIKAI raised one hand, his fist was frozen, and he punched a humanoid machine.

Boom, the explosion flames lit up, and the machine fragments.

Kamen Rider KIKAI stuck his hands on the transformation belt again, stretched out his hands and curled them up at his waist, and his whole body glowed with a white light like ice again.

"FULL.METAL.THE.END!("Full Metal End!"

Kamen Rider KIKAI jumped up, white ice formed on his feet, and kicked the humanoid machine to pieces again!


Ultimate Zi-O held the Ultimate Sword and slashed a small robot with one strike. He fought while watching Kamen Rider KIKAI fight.

Kamen Rider KIKAI's moves were exactly the same as the alien KIKAI he met, but the power was much stronger.

With the combined efforts of the three, all the attacking humanoid machines were destroyed.

"Are you all right?"

Makina Rento, who had untransformed, walked towards the Ultimate Zi-O. After just a few steps, Makina Rento fell to the ground weakly, making a metallic sound.

"Are you okay, Rento?"

Tokiwa Sougo untransformed and quickly stepped forward to help Maki up.

"It's okay, it just ran out of energy, just charge it and it will be fine"

"Wait, this time you charge, Lian Dou, you may be in danger."

Xiao Tian remembered that it was during this charge that Lian Dou was completely mechanized and began to lose control.

"I have to recharge even if there are risks, because if I don't recharge, I will become a pile of scrap metal. The children still need me, and I can't fall down again. If I lose control, I ask you to defeat me, and please don't hold back when the time comes."

Maki Narento patted the shoulder of Ultimate Zi-O, then walked to an open space, crossed his hands, and a golden light lit up, and then raised them to the sky.

Unlike the blue beam of light that was charged last time, this time, a red beam was shot down from the sky!

The red beam shone on Maki Narento, and Maki Narento immediately let out a painful cry.

""Ugh...! Ah!!!"

Makina Rento screamed in pain, and the wrenches and screwdrivers on his body flew up uncontrollably. Makina Rento transformed into Kamen Rider KIKAI! Is it going to be like this again...

Xiao Tian was mentally prepared for this scene.

"Lotus Dou!"



The children shouted nervously, but they couldn't wake him up at all.

"Xiaotian! Find a way to save Lian Dou!"

"Brother Xiaotian!"


Xiao Tian slowly opened his eyes after hearing the call again and again. Tsukuyomi was standing beside the bed, calling him anxiously.


She woke him up at the critical moment. This Tsukuyomi was really making trouble.

Xiao Tian pulled Tsukuyomi over and slapped her on the butt.


Tsukuyomi cried out in pain

"Didn’t I tell you not to call me unless it’s something important? What’s the matter?"

"The alien knight has appeared. Gates has gone to deal with him. He asked me to ask you to help."

Thinking that Swartz might make a move, Xiao Tian decided to go and take a look.

"Where is it, take me there."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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