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A certain overpass in the city




A Kamen Rider and an Alien Rider were fighting, and the people around them were running away in fear.

The Kamen Rider who was fighting was Gates, and the Alien Rider was KIKAI (machine).

Gates and the Alien KIKAI were still evenly matched.

White Woz went against the flow of people and walked step by step to a place not far from the two people fighting.

"My Lord Savior, you seem to be in trouble."

"Woz? What are you talking about? Come and help!"

"As you command, Lord Savior."

White Woz took out two watches, loaded them into the watch heads, and turned the transformation belt.

"WOZ!(Woz! )"

"SHINOBI!(Ninja! )"



"TOUEIFUTURE.TIME(Projecting the future moment! )"

"DAREJYAOREJYANINJYA(Who is this! Ninja!)"


Two sets of armor were equipped on White Woz successively, transforming into Kamen Rider WOZ - Ninja Armor Form.

White Woz turned into a black mist, appeared on the alien KIKAI, and kicked him to the ground.

White Woz pulled his belt, and the Time Soldier appeared in his hand.

"BEYOND.THE.TIME!(Transcend the moment! )"

"ZIKAN.SHIBARI.NO.JYUTSU!(Time Binding Technique! )"

White Woz swung with a knife holding the time weapon, and a green light slashed at the alien KIKAI, knocking him off the overpass.

Coincidentally, Tsukuyomi brought Xiao Tian to the scene and saw the alien KIKAI falling from the overpass. boom

The alien KIKAI that fell to the ground exploded, and a ball of fire rose like a mushroom cloud, and then disappeared. What was left on the ground was still just a burning waste wood.

It came in time.

Xiao Tian remembered this scene, but it had changed.

Tsukuyomi had become his.

White Woz's final move killed the alien KIKAI.

"Is it over already?"

"No, not yet."

Xiao Tian's eyes stayed on the burning pile of waste wood.

"Is there anything special about those woods?"

"You will know in a moment."

The burning wood suddenly turned into ashes, and a strange white branch-like creature appeared, with several small legs, and ran away quickly.

"That is!"

"What the hell!"

Tsukuyomi looked at the strange creature in surprise, his eyes wide open.

It had just run a short distance when a hand grabbed the strange creature, and the creature's legs quickly retracted and disappeared.

The person who caught it was Swartz, and standing next to him was Ur.

The good show is finally about to begin.

Xiao Tian grinned and watched this scene quietly.

Next, it was the time for the time robbers to show off.

"The origin of this alien knight is not a timepiece, but some special substance."

Swarutz looked at the strange creature in his hand and said coldly with a dark face

"Woz, you want this guy's watch, right?"

Swartz raised the strange creature in his hand and gestured to White Woz.

"As expected of Swartz,"

"I also want this power, so……"

Swartz suddenly pressed the strange creature against Ur's face.

The strange creature glowed purple, and automatically grew branches and vines, which penetrated Ur's face.

Ur trembled in pain, as if a bug had penetrated his skin and was about to enter his body.

"Swartz! What are you doing!"

"I won't ask for your consent."

Swartz smiled coldly, loosened his hand, and the strange creature was already connected to Ur, and the purple light became brighter and brighter.


Along with Ur's heart-wrenching scream, countless branches and vines pierced through Ur's skin, forming armor on his body, and transformed into the alien knight KIKAI!



The alien KIKAI's hands quickly grew longer like vine branches, and he slammed the ground hard, sparks flew everywhere, and the alien KIKAI's body flew into the air, quickly fled and disappeared

"He actually sacrificed his companions! What on earth did that guy want to do!"

Tsukuyomi looked at Swartz in shock.

Aren't they all members of the Time Robbers? How could they do such a thing as selling out their teammates!

"By using Ur as a catalyst, the power of the alien knights will be stabilized, and a timepiece should be created."

Swartz turned his eyes to Bai Woz, then looked at Xiao Tian, and continued:

"Who can take away that power? Come and compete."

Swartz grinned and turned away.

"Let's compete, we will definitely win, let's go, Lord Savior."

White Woz untransformed and turned to leave.

On the roof of a house not far away, a long-legged beauty was watching this scene coldly._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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