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The white-legged beauty standing on the roof is another member of the Time Robbers - Aura

""Are all of you Time Robbers like this?"

A gentle voice sounded in her ears. Aura turned around and saw Kadokiya Saya walking towards her.

Kadokiya Saya saw the scene clearly. As a

Time Robber, she couldn't bear to see him selling out his teammates like this.

That Swartz was really not a good guy.

"It's just that guy Swartz is like that. Ull is too stupid to trust him so much."

"Hehe, Swartz looks very sinister. What are you going to do now? Do you want to save your companions?"

Kadiya Xiaoye walked to Aura's side. Bai Woz below had already left. Xiao Tian, Yue Du, and Gates were communicating about something.

"It doesn't matter whether to save him or not. Although we are both time robbers, we are all doing our own things. Moreover, even if I want to save him, it is difficult for me to save him from Swarutz alone."

Ola's eyes were full of worry. If the power of the alien knight KIKAI stabilized, it would be difficult to save Ur. If

Swarutz dared to attack Ur, it would be difficult to guarantee that he would not attack me. I had to find a way out for myself.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Brother Xiaotian will definitely find a way to eliminate the alien KIKAI and seize the Knight Timepiece. Perhaps you can cooperate with him. I am optimistic about you."

Cooperate with Xiaotian...

Aura looked at Xiaotian below, and Xiaotian happened to be looking at her.

Xiaotian waved to them, Kadokawa Saya smiled and waved back, but Aura turned around and left, and Kadokawa Saya followed and disappeared. I wonder if Kadokawa Saya's existence will affect Aura, Xiaotian thought secretly.

If the original drama develops, Aura should sell Ur again. I wonder if Aura will do so again.

But so far, the current Aura's personality is very different from the Aura he saw in the drama, and perhaps things will develop differently

"I look forward to your performance, Aura." Xiao Tian said secretly

"It's those two women again, Xiaotian, you have to be careful, I always feel they are not simple."

Tsukuyomi frowned and said.

The identity of Kadokaya Saya is as mysterious as Xiaotian, but she is definitely not a simple person. She is worried that she will harm Xiaotian.

Needless to say, the Time Robber is a very dangerous existence and has always been in a hostile state with them.

The betrayal of Ur can show the ugly side of the Time Robber.

"I know what to do, don't worry, go back to sleep"

"Go back to sleep again! ?"Tsukuyomi said.

Xiao Tian didn't say much, took her hand and left, leaving Gates alone in the wind.

Go back to sleep...

Gates rolled his eyes and looked at the two people walking away speechlessly.

They just arrived, right?

He didn't do anything and turned around and said he was going back to sleep.

Even if you have many girlfriends, you can't do this. Even your kidneys can't stand it....

"Damn, this guy really knows how to enjoy himself..."

Gates secretly complained and turned to Chao Jiu Wan Wu Tang.

They were all young people full of vigor and vitality, why did Xiao Tian live with three beauties and sleep every day?

And he, a single dog, had to live with another single dog and worry about whether his future would be ruined.

In terms of success, Xiao Tian was still successful!

""Damn it, this is too much!"

Gates cursed and punched the sky. He wanted that kind of life! Going to class from morning till night.

Tokiwa Sougo was still sleeping on the table, his saliva dripping all over the textbook, and he was sleeping very soundly.

At this time in his dream, it was 2121.

Zi-O was fighting the out-of-control Kamen Rider KIKAI. What

Tokiwa Sougo didn't understand was why Xiao Tian suddenly fainted and lost consciousness.

Although this was in a dream, it was not a good time to faint at the critical moment when Rento lost control!

At this time, several children squatted beside Xiao Tian, calling him and shaking him hard.

"Hey Hey hey……!"

"Wake up! Wake up!……!"

A series of urgent voices sounded, and Xiao Tian slowly opened his eyes.

What caught his eyes was a group of children.

Not far away, Zi-O was fighting Kamen Rider KIKAI.

Have I returned to my dream again?

Zi-O was still there, it seemed that he had been dreaming and had not woken up yet.

It was really magical that I could continue the previous dream.

"Great! I woke up!"

"Wake up! Wake up!"

"Please save Lian Dou!"

"Please save Lian Dou!……!"

The children's faces were full of excitement, and they urged anxiously.

Xiao Tian stood up, took out the Ultimate Time King Watch, activated it, loaded it into the watch head, and then turned his belt.

"ULTIMATE.ZI-O.(Ultimate Time King Stage 2!)"


"RIDER.TIME! (Knight time!)"

"KAMENRIDER.ULTIMATE.ZI-O(Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O! )"

"ULTIMATE.ZI-O.(Ultimate Time King Stage 2! )"

A set of cool armor appeared on Xiao Tian, with a lifelike dragon printed on the armor._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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