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"Xiaotian! You finally woke up! What should we do now?!"

Seeing the appearance of Ultimate Zi-O, Tokiwa Sougo was overjoyed.

Now he was in a difficult situation, because Kamen Rider KIKAI was Maki Narento, and he didn't dare to kill him, so he could only deal with him.

Kamen Rider KIKAI put his hands on the transformation belt, and a snow-white light like ice and snow lit up on his feet. He kicked Zi-O and kicked him out.


Tokiwa Sougo groaned, and Zi-O flew backwards, hitting the wall with a bang, and then fell to the ground.

Kamen Rider KIKAI continued to walk towards Zi-O.

Ultimate Zi-O walked in front of him and blocked his way.

Kamen Rider KIKAI stopped, his eyes flashing with mechanical red light.

"Are you a robot or a human?"

"Human beings."

The red light in Kamen Rider KIKAI's eyes suddenly brightened, and a cold mechanical voice sounded.:

"Humans must die!"

Kamen Rider KIKAI rushed towards Ultimate Zi-O quickly, and Ultimate Zi-O kicked him in the face. Kamen Rider KIKAI's body spun quickly and fell to the ground sideways.

"Lotus Dou!"

""Lian Dou!" the children shouted nervously.

"Xiaotian, you can't kill Rendou!" Tokiwa Sougo said anxiously

"I know my limits, just watch me."

"You should be careful too, Kamen Rider KIKAI is very powerful!" Before

Tokiwa Sougo finished speaking, Kamen Rider KIKAI rushed towards Ultimate Zi-O again.


With a sound of metal collision, Kamen Rider KIKAI flew out sideways again, drew an arc in the air, hit the wall and fell next to Zi-O

""Okay, forget what I said."

Tokiwa Sougo's mouth twitched.

Although he didn't use his full strength to deal with Kamen Rider KIKAI, he still felt very difficult.

He thought he couldn't beat Kamen Rider KIKAI as easily as Ultimate Zi-O.

Kamen Rider KIKAI, who fell to the ground, stood up and clicked on his transformation belt.

"RIDER.FINISH.TIME!(The Knight's End Moment! )"

Kamen Rider KIKAI's whole body lit up with snow-white light, and then gathered on one arm.

Zi-O just watched quietly beside him. He was completely unprepared.

He shouldn't attack him, after all, he is now the opponent of the Ultimate Time.


Kamen Rider KIKAI's unexpected punch bombarded Zi-O. boom, the flames of the explosion lit up, and Zi-O flew out backwards


The intense pain made Tokiwa Sougo scream.


You hit him!

He clearly didn't do anything!

Tokiwa Sougo couldn't understand why he was shot like this.


Zi-O fell to the ground and rolled on the ground for several circles. Fault lightning kept flashing on his body.

"What are you doing, Sougo? You can't even hide from this?"

"How do I know he will hit me again? Isn't he fighting with you now? Wow.……"

Tokiwa Sougo grimaced in pain, canceled his transformation, and struggled to stand up.



The children came over to help support Tokiwa Sougo, who was shaking like an old man.

"Help him go, I can handle Lian Dou by myself"


"You must rescue Lian Dou!"


The children said sincerely, helping Tokiwa Sougo back quickly.

Kamen Rider KIKAI rushed towards Ultimate Zi-O again, and the light flashed again.

"RIDER.FINISH.TIME!(The Knight's Ending Moment! )"

The snow-white light gathered on his arm again, and he punched out fiercely!


"Xiao Tian, hide quickly!"

The emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is. Tokiwa Sougo and the children around him were worried for him and looked at Xiao Tian nervously.

If he was also hit by Kamen Rider KIKAI's punch, then they would all be dead.

Ultimate Zi-O stood in place and kicked up suddenly. Ultimate Zi-O was faster and kicked Kamen Rider KIKAI first.


Kamen Rider KIKAI flew out sideways and knocked down a wall. The broken wall buried him in the ground.


"Sougo, it seems that Brother Xiaotian is much stronger than you!"

"Yes, yes, even Rento can't beat him."

The kids chattered, and Tokiwa Sougo smiled awkwardly but politely.

Comparing with Xiao Tian?

He didn't want to compete.

That guy's strength is simply inhuman.


The stone pressing on Kamen Rider KIKAI flew away, and Kamen Rider KIKAI stood up again.

As expected of a robot, it's quite durable.

Ultimate Zi-O walked towards Kamen Rider KIKAI step by step.


Kamen Rider KIKAI roared, raised his hands, and a red laser beam fell from the sky, shining on him. A steady stream of energy was charged into his body, and red lightning kept flashing on the surface of his body.

"It’s over, Lian Dou has been charged. If we continue fighting like this, Brother Xiao Tian will lose!"

"TWICE.TIME.BREAK!(Double time crush! )"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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