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"Both of them have important identities, Mika and Koizumi, you should be careful."

Tsukuyomi warned.

Mika and Izumi are just ordinary people. If they become their targets, they will be in danger.

She doesn't understand why Xiao Tian can be so calm, they are all enemies.

"Should we be careful? I don't think they are bad people."

Meijia asked curiously.

The two wet beauties seemed to be easy to get along with. They didn't look like vicious beauties at all.

""Oh, I can't explain it to you right now, just be careful." Tsukuyomi said anxiously.

Izumi Hina and Mika didn't answer, but looked at Xiao Tian tacitly.

They did whatever Xiao Tian told them to do.

"Just be yourself as usual, I'm here, everything will be fine"


Izumi Hina and Mika nodded obediently.

Tsukuyomi lowered her head helplessly.

Is she the only one who is so worried?

She is really worried.

"Brother Xiaotian, what do you think they want to do here?"

"If I guessed correctly, it should be about Ur."

Xiao Tian understood this part of the plot. Now should be the time for Aura to seek help.

But why did she come to him instead of Gates and Sougo?

In addition, Kadokawa Saya also came, which surprised him a little.


Tsukuyomi murmured, looking at the bathroom, where the sound of a shower could be heard. After

Xiao Tian said this, she had already guessed the purpose of Aura's coming.

Unexpectedly, the Time Robbers were also very loyal. Let's see what they want to say first.

Tsukuyomi suddenly thought of something and asked Mika:

"Sister Meijia, what clothes did you give them?"

"Well, underwear is something personal, how can you let others wear it casually? I only gave them a set of one-piece pajamas each."


Xiao Tian was a little surprised when he heard what Mijia said.

This... that...

Xiao Tian was very excited, but he didn't show any emotion.

He couldn't act like he had never seen the world, he had to be calm.

Pajamas seem to be very soft and loose...

The sound of water from the shower in the bathroom gradually became smaller. One of the bathroom doors opened, and a beautiful woman who had just come out of the bath slowly walked out.

Aura was the first to come out. The loose and soft pajamas were draped over her body, showing her perfect figure.

Before Xiao Tian could take a few more glances, Tsukuyomi took a coat and put it on her.

"It's a bit cold after taking a shower, put it on"

"Thank you."

Ora put on her coat, her beautiful figure was submerged under the coat.


This Tsukuyomi is too much!

Xiao Tian secretly felt a little sorry, but fortunately, after taking a few glances, it was not too bad.

Xiao Tian was still looking forward to another one, only to see Tsukuyomi knocking on the bathroom door of Kadoya Saya with a coat.

The bathroom door opened slightly, and the coat was taken by the person inside.


Xiao Tian sighed.

What a pity...

After a while, Kadoya Saya took a shower and came out wearing a tight coat.

Xiao Tian took a look and couldn't help but sigh.

This Tsukuyomi is here to ruin his luck in love...

It was half an hour later when the two of them dried their hair.

Xiao Tian sat in the living room, Kadoya Saya and Ora sat opposite him, and Tsukuyomi and others sat next to Xiao Tian

"I'll make you some coffee. Is there anyone who doesn't want coffee?"

Meijia stood up and said

"We are casual"

"Oh, OK."

Meijia got up and went into the kitchen to make coffee.

"What do you want to see me for?"

Xiao Tian looked at the two women and got to the point.

Aura remained silent. Men Ya Xiaoye glanced at Aura and smiled.:

"Since Aura couldn't say it, let me say it for her. You all know that Ur became a KIKAI. Aura should want to save Ur."

Save Ur?"

Xiao Tian frowned.

Is that really the case...

Does she really want to save Ur, or does she want to sell Ur again?

Aura lowered her face and said with some melancholy:"Swartz not only regards Ur as a catalyst to obtain the watch, she must also want to make Ur his puppet, so……"

"Do you want us to help you rescue our enemies?"Tsukuyomi laughed.

This is too funny. Before this, they have always been enemies.

"I have a question for you, Aura."

Xiao Tian looked at Aura with sharp eyes, and Aura just looked at him calmly.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Do you really want to save Ur, or do you want to get the KIKAI watch?"

Ola was stunned for a moment, and said,"Why do you ask such a question? I don't have too deep feelings for Ur, and the KIKAI watch doesn't have much effect on me."


Xiao Tian frowned slightly. This answer was beyond his expectation.

"Then why did you come to see me?"_Read the ununderlined version of the novel please download

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