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"Wuer was used in this way, it is hard to say whether I will be used in the same way by Swarutz."

Ola whispered, his eyes full of worry.

"Moreover, Swartz's whereabouts have become more and more strange recently. Now I can't guess what he wants to do. He seems to be plotting something big."


"I don't know exactly what happened, but it makes me feel very uneasy, so I want to come to you to join forces, or to seek your protection."

Aura looked at Xiao Tian with complicated eyes, and the two looked at each other.

If she hadn't had to, she wouldn't want to do this.

But the situation is really not optimistic now.

Although they are both time robbers, they have never worked together.

The current Swartz makes her feel scared.

And Xiao Tian, she really trusts him.

However, if it wasn't for Kadokaya Saya, she would come to him.

She also has to have face. After all, they were enemies before, and although they occasionally teased each other, they were all jokes.

She never took it seriously.

But now she has to be serious. Swartz's recent actions made her feel scared.

Xiao Tian looked at Aura in confusion, frowning slightly.

What's going on...

What is the development rhythm of this plot?

Aura took the initiative to find him to join forces. Is the time robber going to fall apart?

"Tell me what you think."

Ola nodded and said,"I will continue to stay in the Time Robber. I will tell you if I know anything about Swartz, but if anything happens to me, please save me.……"

Xiao Tian didn't say anything, just looked at her quietly.

What on earth is Aura doing?

Why does she play against the rules again and again?

The scene of Aura betraying Ur in the original drama still vaguely appeared in his mind.

Seeing Xiao Tian hesitate, Kadoya Saya pushed him.:

"The beauty is delivered to your doorstep, what are you still hesitating about, Brother Xiao Tian?"

Kadashi Xiaoye smiled meaningfully, and Xiao Tian was confused. What is this Kadashi Xiaoye up to?

Why can't he see through the development of the plot now? Did he go to the wrong set?

But he has nothing to be afraid of. The beauty came to his door. If he accepted her, he would be a beast. If he didn't accept her, wouldn't he be worse than a beast?

"Since the beauty came to ask for it personally, there is no reason to refuse."

"I knew Brother Xiaotian wouldn't refuse, so I'll settle the reward I owe you today." Kadokaya Saya said with a smug smile


Xiao Tian looked at Menshi Xiaoye strangely, with a confused face.


What reward? Where is the reward? Where is the reward? Why can't he see it? Menshi Xiaoye quietly gestured to Aura, meaning that Aura was the reward she gave. Xiao Tian's eyes rolled. What kind of reward is this? Aura came to seek protection, not to be his woman. Can this be considered a reward?


Ola pretended to be angry and glared at Menshi Xiaoye.

This little girl actually regarded her as a reward?!

Is she here to sell out her teammates?!

Xiao Tian is a gangster at first glance. Now that he has so many girlfriends, she doesn't consider

"It's nothing, did I say anything?"

Kadokaya Saya said innocently, with an innocent look on her face.

"I don't want to bother with you. If you want a reward, reward yourself. Don't drag me into this." Ola glanced at him with disdain. Yue Du was dumbfounded by this scene.

What 's going on? What's the sudden sense of crisis? These two women seem to be here not only to cause trouble, but also to snatch men! No, no, they have to give up. Yue Du sat next to Xiao Tian, took his arm, and leaned his soft peaks against his arm.

"Brother Xiaotian, do you want something to drink? I'll pour it for you."

""Here, coffee is here!"

Mika came over carefully with a tray on which were six cups, each filled with coffee.


Tsukuyomi was embarrassed.

Xiao Tian knew what she was thinking, so he lifted Tsukuyomi's chin and sipped on her soft red lips.

"Don't they say women are water? I want to drink you."


The five women present were shocked.

They looked at Xiao Tian in surprise.

Mika, who was holding a tray, stopped and her smiling face suddenly turned into a look of surprise.

He actually said such embarrassing words in public.

How embarrassing!

There are two outside beauties here, how thick-skinned he must be!

Tsukuyomi couldn't stand these words and quickly stood up and moved away from Xiao Tian.

How could this man be so rude!

I can't stand it...

And, this kind of love talk is so old-fashioned!

Compared with everyone's surprise, Kadokaya Saya quickly recovered from her surprise.

This kind of Xiao Tian is the normal Xiao Tian

"You are really thick-skinned. You can say such words without shame. I really admire you."

Kadashi Xiaoye said with a faint smile, and the awkward atmosphere was immediately resolved. Mika recovered and put a cup of coffee in front of the few people.

When she put it in front of Xiao Tian, she looked at him coquettishly.

Too rogue..._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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