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The pleasant chat time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was already 11 o'clock in the evening.

Aura and Kadokaya's clothes were not dry yet, and they would definitely not be able to leave tonight wearing Mika's clothes.

"It's already late, you can stay here and sleep tonight. I have washed and dried your clothes and put them out to dry. They should be dry by tomorrow morning."

Mika smiled and said to Kadoya and Sayo

"Thank you, Meijia, you are such a good girl, this gangster is so lucky to have a girlfriend like you."

Meijia's face turned slightly red, and she whispered:"I will be very happy to be able to do something for Brother Xiaotian, but there are not many rooms, I will empty my room for you two to live in, you just have to be a little bit wronged and squeeze a little bit, okay?"

"We are fine, but what about you, Meijia?"

"I will sleep with Xiaotian tonight." Meijia said shyly.


The girls were shocked again and looked at the beautiful��

Isn't this letting the hooligan succeed?!

Xiao Tian was also stunned. Although they lived together, they still had their own room.

Although their relationship was very intimate, they had not crossed the red line.

It was not that Xiao Tian didn't want to, but the girls were not mentally prepared.

They were not ready yet, so he naturally wouldn't force it. A forced melon is not sweet.

Although he was a little hooligan, he still had basic principles.

But tonight... ahem...

I was thinking too far...

For things like this, just let it go.

Yes, that's right, that's it.

Xiao Tian nodded to himself.

Meijia blushed and looked very charming.

There were two outsiders here, so it was not good to say such things... but the feeling was still doubled. In his previous life, he didn't know how many times he had expected such a scene, even in his dreams he had never dreamed of it.

Even if he had dreamed of it once, then his life would be glorious.

I strongly recommend everyone to travel through time once!

"What are you thinking about, Brother Xiaotian?"

"Ahem, it's okay."

"You are probably thinking of something bad, my sister, you must protect yourself."

Kadashi Xiaoye glanced at Xiao Tian with a smirk, then stood up and took off his coat, saying as he took it off.:

"It's a bit hot.……"

She has a great figure. Before Xiao Tian could take a closer look, Menya Xiaoye pulled Aola up and said to Mika:

"Meijia sister, please take us to the room, we need to rest"

""Okay, follow me."

Meijia led the two girls to her room and soon disappeared from Xiao Tian's sight.

"They are both really beautiful and have great bodies."

Izumi Hina admired from the bottom of her heart.

Kadokawa Saya and Aura are definitely the top beauties in the world.

Izumi Hina believes that she has seen many so-called beauties, and Kadokawa Saya and Aura are definitely first-class.

Especially Kadokawa Saya, she is so beautiful. As a woman, she can't help but like such beauties.

Not to mention a man like Xiao Tian who is full of vigor and vitality.

If he doesn't feel anything for them, she will doubt whether he is normal.

"Fairy. Fairy. Fairy. Fairy, they are all fairies.……"

Xiao Tian whispered, took a deep breath, and calmed his restless blood.

He took another sip of coffee to calm his nerves.

"I think that Kadokaya Saya seems to be interested in you."

Quanbina looked at Xiao Tian with amusement.

As a woman, she could naturally feel Kadokaya Saya's feelings.

"God knows what she is thinking. Do you believe me when I say I am not familiar with her?"

"I believe it, but you are not familiar with her. I feel like she is quite familiar with you."

"Is there?"

After hearing what Izumi Bina said, Xiao Tian seemed to have the same feeling.

Although Izumi Bina didn't say much, from her performance, she seemed to be quite familiar with him.

Could it be that... she and Ultimate Wozniacki came from the same future?_Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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