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The next day.

The sun was shining.

The weather was fine.

Tsukuyomi got up early and made breakfast by herself.

Usually, Mika made it together with her.

But Tsukuyomi knew that Mika must have been tired last night.

Tsukuyomi felt a little regretful for some reason.

But this thought was quickly dispelled by her shame.

It’s better to make breakfast obediently.

Ola and Kadokami Sayaka probably didn’t sleep well last night, so it’s a bit difficult to get a good sleep.


The doorbell rang abruptly, interrupting Tsukuyomi’s thoughts.

Tsukuyomi went over to open the door, and standing outside the door was Ultimate Wozniacki.

"Ultimate Woz, see Princess Tsukuyomi"

"Woz, it's you. You're a little early. They haven't gotten up yet."

"It doesn't matter, there is still time, you can wait"

"Then come in and sit down first."

""Thank you, Princess Tsukuyomi."

Ultimate Woz bowed respectfully again, and under the guidance of Tsukuyomi, he came to the living room of the villa and sat down.

As soon as Ultimate Woz sat down, Kadoya Saya, who had put on her clothes, came out.

"You're here early, Woz."

Seeing Kadokaya Saya, Ultimate Woz was startled.

"Princess Xiaoye? Have you moved in yet? How come so soon?"


Kadokaya Saya quickly made a shushing gesture, and Ultimate Woz immediately shut up.

Tsukuyomi, who had just walked away, looked back at the two of them.

"Woz, who are you calling princess?"

" heard it wrong, haha...hahaha……"

Ultimate Woz smiled awkwardly, then flipped through his book, pretending to read it seriously.

Kadokaya Saya didn't stop either, and went into the bathroom to brush her teeth.

""It's inexplicable."

Tsukuyomi returned to the kitchen to continue cooking.

Ultimate Woz breathed a sigh of relief and closed his empty book.

Just as he raised his eyes, he saw another beautiful woman walking out of the room.

This beautiful woman was Aura.

"Oh...Ola?! Why are you here?"

"Wozniacki? Which Wozniacki are you?"

Ola still can't tell which one is which among the three Wozniacki.

The three Wozniacki are exactly the same. God knows who they work for.

"I... I am Ultimate Woz. Why are you here? Have you also become His Majesty's princess?"

"Who is his princess? That rascal was so noisy tonight. Please ask him to be quiet next time."


Ultimate Woz was confused.

What was going on?

Princesses, why did they all come here all of a sudden?

Could it be that the development of history has been advanced?

"You all got up pretty early."

Xiao Tian yawned and came out. Izumi Bina and Mika were still sleeping in the room.

He didn't want to get up so early, but when he heard the voice of Ultimate Woz, he got up to take a look.

Ola rolled her eyes at him, and walked straight to the bathroom without saying anything.

Xiao Tian smiled faintly. It seems that he disturbed others last night. The sound insulation of this room needs to be improved. Hmm~ That's it.

"What's up, Woz?"

Xiao Tian walked towards Ultimate Woz, who stood up and bowed respectfully to Xiao Tian.

"Back to His Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O, Swartz has challenged us to a duel at the Kitayama Mine to see who can get the KIKAI (mechanical) timepiece."

"Want to have a fight? When?"

"this afternoon"

""Do Gates and Sougo know?"

Xiao Tian said as he walked to the sofa and sat down. Ultimate Woz followed respectfully.

"They already know it, and Tokiwa Sougo should have found out how to defeat the alien KIKAI."

"Is that so?"

Xiao Tian's mouth curled up slightly.

The current Tokiwa Sougo probably hasn't seen the alien KIKAI yet. He can say that he knows how to defeat the alien KIKAI, probably because he saved Kamen Rider KIKAI in his dream.

Nine in the morning and five in the evening.

Tokiwa Sougo is eating breakfast, and White Woz and Gates are sitting next to him.

"Do you really know how to defeat the alien KIKAI?"

Gates frowned and looked at Tokiwa Sougo in disbelief.

After all, he had defeated the alien KIKAI many times, but he could not completely eliminate him.

""Yeah, that should be it."

Tokiwa Sougo replied uncertainly, and then continued to eat his breakfast.

White Woz and Gates were both people who wanted to kill him. Eating breakfast with these two people, Tokiwa Sougo was very nervous. If he was n't careful, he might be pressed to the ground by these two people.

"It's just a guess. The truth is unpredictable. But since Swartz has challenged me, I have no choice but to accept the challenge. Lord Savior, we must get the Knight's Watch."

"I see." Gates replied casually, picked up his knife and fork and started eating breakfast.

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