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Xiao Tian said suspiciously.

Ultimate Zi-O turned around.

White Woz, who was still in the form of Kamen Rider, was holding the ground with the Time Soldier, trembling as he walked towards him, with arcs of fault flashing all over his body.

"You're in this state now, and you still want to fight with me?"

"I must get the KIKAI (mechanical) watch!"

White Woz held the time weapon horizontally in his hand and took a fighting stance.

"Isn't this what you want?"

KIKAI Armored Ultimate Zi-O took out another KIKAI watch and waved it in front of him.

This watch was what he got in his prophetic dream. Together with the one he just got, he now has two KIKAI watches.

"this...This is...!"

White Woz looked at the other watch that Ultimate Zi-O took out in shock.

How could he not recognize it? It was obviously the KIKAI watch!

But he had already transformed into the KIKAI armored form, so why was there another KIKAI watch!

What was going on?

How could there be two KIKAI watches?!

"Which one do you want?"

The Ultimate Zi-O took off the KIKAI watch on his transformation belt, and the golden armor on his body disappeared, returning to his normal second-level form.

In his hands, there were two identical watches.

"want...Which one do you want? Are you willing to give me the KIKAI watch?"

White Woz asked in surprise

"Don't you want it very much? You still talk so much nonsense when I give it to you."

The Ultimate Zi-O threw a watch in the air, and White Woz took it.

"KIKAI! (Mechanical!)"

White Woz tried to start the watch, and the powerful sound effects exclusive to KIKAI sounded.

"it is true..."

White Woz canceled his transformation and stared at the Ultimate Zi-O with wide eyes.

"Why are you doing this?"

Ultimate Woz appeared beside the king at some point, looked at White Woz and smiled:

"Isn't this what you want? Why don't you thank Xiao Tian? Thank you, His Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O!"

The Ultimate Zi-O's body glowed, the cool armor disappeared, and standing there was Xiao Tian holding another KIKAI watch. Xiao

Tian glanced at the Ultimate Woz who appeared, smiled slightly, and put away the KIKAI watch.

In terms of style, Ultimate Woz is comparable to Wang Xiaoming (Kamen Rider Decade)


White Woz tightly grasped the KIKAI watch.

He never thought that he would get the KIKAI watch in this way, but this watch is really important to him.

"Thank you... Thank you, Brother Xiao Tian...Pah! Ultimate Zi-O, thank you."

White Woz put away the KIKAI watch, thanked him and turned to leave.

The three watches he wanted were already collected. He had the SHINOBI (Ninja) and KIKAI (Mechanical) watches, and Gates had the QUIZ (Question) watch.

Next, it was time for the Savior to obtain the power of the Resurrectionist!

""Savior, I will come to see you again."

White Woz passed by Gates and grinned.

Before Gates could answer, White Woz continued to walk forward a few steps and then disappeared.

""Hey, Brother Xiaotian, do you have more of those watches? I want one too."

Tokiwa Sougo came up shamelessly and asked Xiaotian for it with a silly smile.

Xiaotian spread his hands and said,"No more, only two. You came late.""


Tokiwa Sougo lowered his head in disappointment.

"Don’t you have to take a make-up exam? How’s your review going?"

"That's right!"

Tokiwa Sougo shuddered, his eyes full of panic.

"The make-up exam is this afternoon! It's over. It's over....!!"

Tokiwa Sougo started running, and in the blink of an eye he ran a hundred meters away.

Xiao Tian grinned, is this Tokiwa Sougo here to make fun of you? He sleeps during review, and comes out to fight monsters during exams. He is really a talent.

"How can he pass the exam in this state?"

Tsukuyomi came to Xiao Tian, looked at the direction where Tokiwa Sougo went away, shook his head and smiled.

"He can still get through it. Doesn't he have the ability to predict the future?"

"He dares to abuse the power of Oma Zi-O, I will cut him down!"

Gates's fierce voice sounded.

After Gates finished speaking, he turned his eyes to Xiao Tian, and then looked at Tsukuyomi strangely, his eyes full of deep meaning.

"You guys, aren't you going back to sleep?"


Tsukuyomi was stunned for a moment, and immediately thought of the screams that kept her awake last night, and her face suddenly turned red.

That's all, that's all...

Seeing Tsukuyomi's blushing face, Gates knew it was all over.

Tsukuyomi, he was too familiar with her. If she could make her blush like this, it meant that they really did that...

Why did you ask such a stupid question?!

Can't you just be a single dog?!

"Sorry to bother you, please be busy.……"

Gates showed an awkward smile from a single man, waved his hand, turned around and left sadly.

"Look at you, you bad guy, you're making so much noise! " Tsukuyomi punched Xiao Tian's chest with his fist.

Xiao Tian looked innocent.

Did he say anything?

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