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Light Forest High School

"82 points, I got 82 points!"

Tokiwa Sougo pushed his bicycle and walked out of the school gate with a test paper, muttering to himself with a smile on his face.

"You seem to be in a good mood, Your Majesty the Demon King."

As soon as Tokiwa Sougo turned into the alley, Black Woz leaned against the wall, looking at him with a smile on his face, which scared him.

"Wow! It's Woz. Why is he always so elusive?"

Tokiwa Sougo patted his chest, almost frightening him to death.

"I'm telling you, Woz, today's test was about the topic I predicted last time."

"Your predictive ability is really unreliable...."

"Hahaha, it’s fine as long as I can graduate, it’s fine as long as I can graduate, even if I’m unreliable, it helped me graduate, hahaha!"

Tokiwa Sougo pushed his bicycle away, muttering to himself as he walked:

"My uncle must be very happy......."

Black Woz didn't follow him, and turned to look at the rooftop not far away.

White Woz and Gates were standing on it, looking at Tokiwa Sougo.

Black Woz smiled faintly, and his scarf quickly stretched out, covering him and disappearing.

Gates and White Woz had no ripples on their faces, and they continued to quietly watch Tokiwa Sougo go away.

"Bai Woz, why do you think Sougo and Xiao Tian know the password of the alien KIKAI?"

"Tokiwa Sougo and Xiao Tian are both Time Kings who can predict the future. If I guess correctly, they should have had a predictive dream."

"Precognitive dream?"

Gates frowned and looked at White Wozniacki, who said calmly:

"Predicting future events in dreams"

"They can have such an amazing ability?! Then aren't they very strong? The code of the alien KIKAI is what they dreamed of in their precognitive dream?"

Gates turned his eyes to the direction where Tokiwa Sougo was going away. At this time, Tokiwa Sougo had disappeared on his bicycle.

"You can almost say that, but in fact, the password of the alien KIKAI was written on the robot that Tokiwa Sougo played with when he was a child."


Gates suddenly realized that he remembered the old robot of Tokiwa Junichi, and the words on the back were:


That is the password of the alien KIKAI!

"What exactly is going on"

"That alien KIKAI, who obviously has no contractor, where do you think he came from?"

White Woz asked Gates, Gates frowned and lowered his head without saying anything.

It's not that he didn't want to say, but he really didn't know.

Yes, where did that alien KIKAI come from?

"Tokiwa Sougo's ability is not as simple as predicting the future. Maybe he can create the future he wants."

White Woz said lightly, but Gates was surprised.

"You mean, Zi-O didn't have a prophetic dream, but his dream became the future?"

Could it be that the alien KIKAI of this era was born because of Tokiwa Sougo?

White Woz shook his head and said,"I am just guessing, it's hard to say, but, savior, one thing is certain, the Day of Demon is approaching day by day."

Gates looked serious and lost in thought as he looked into the distance.

Is the most worried Day of Demon finally coming soon...

White Woz took out two watches, these two watches are:

SHINOBI watch! (Ninja watch!)

KIKAI watch! (Mechanical watch!)

"Lord Savior, you will gain the power of the Resurrection Gates and save the world. Come on, take out the watch you have on you."

White Woz stretched out his hand to Gates and asked for the watch.


Gates put his Gates watch in White Wozniacki's hand, and White Wozniacki's brow twitched.

"It's not this! It's QUIZ!"


Gates immediately put away his watch, took out the QUIZ watch and put it in White Woz's hand.

White Woz looked at the three watches in his hand, shook his head and sighed.

Except for the SHINOBI watch that he got himself, the other two watches were given to them by Xiao Tian.

Come to think of it, it's really a failure.

What is Xiao Tian's purpose and why does he want to help them?

He has seen the real Oma Zi-O, so what kind of future does he want?

White Woz shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He skillfully connected the three watches together.

The three watches lit up with orange lightning at the same time, and then automatically flew up and separated in mid-air to form a triangle.

Three rays of light connected the three watches together to form a triangle.

The light emitted by the three watches converged to the center, and after the collision, it turned into a ball of light and floated towards Gates.

Gates reached out to take the floating light, and after the light dissipated, a brand new rectangular watch appeared in his hand


On another rooftop, a man wearing a purple windbreaker with a big hole burned on his chest grinned.

"Finally I can use this."

Swartz held a watch in his hand, and the pattern on the watch head was a uglier version of Zi-O.

"ZI-O! (Zi-O!)"_

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