Chapter 31


The body of Alien Knight 555, who was fighting desperately, suddenly shook violently and changed from Alien Knight form back to human form.

Alien Knight 555 in 2003 was destroyed, and he in 2018 no longer existed.

Sakuma fell to his knees, his body was extremely weak, and Yamabuki Karin had tears in her eyes, and she hurried over to hug him.

"Hua Lin....sorry..."

Sakuma shed tears and cried bitterly.


Yamabuki Karin shook her head repeatedly

"Sakuma, thank you for all this time. Please live well for your own life from now on...."

Before she finished speaking, Yamabuki Karin turned into light and disappeared in Sakuma's arms.

""Hana Rin!!!"

Sakuma cried out in grief.

The Space-Time Magic Machine appeared, Xiao Tian and Tsukuyomi walked down and saw Sakuma collapsed on the ground and crying.

"To be honest, this is not the result I want to see."Xiao Tian said.

Yue Du knew what Xiao Tian wanted to do,"No, except for the Alien Knight and the Time Robber, we cannot change other history without authorization. Let the things that have happened pass. There is a saying that there is no turning back in life. Things happened, they happened."

"No, I can change."

Xiao Tian shook his head and clenched his fists. He would never allow this to happen to him.

Only with absolute strength can he control everything!

When he truly becomes the king, he will dominate everything in the past and the future!

After completing the task of defeating Alien Knight 555, the system issued a large number of attribute rewards. After the distribution, the level of Kamen Rider rose to Bronze 1.

"Just wait, I will become stronger!"......


In a certain theater.

A magician was performing magic on the stage. There were only a few people sitting in the audience, chatting and laughing instead of watching the magic show.

A staff member behind the scenes was adjusting the lights. The staff member's name was Hayase.

A beautiful woman in formal clothes came behind the scenes. She was the owner of this theater.

"Are there only a few guests here today?"

"Miss, you have worked hard."

The formally dressed beauty nodded and said with a helpless smile:"I can't hold on any longer."

Hayase shook his head repeatedly,"That's not the case."

"I'm going to the bank, please watch over here."

The beauty behind the scenes said and turned to leave. When Hayase wanted to see her off, he tripped over the lighting stand.


Hayase fell to the ground, and the lighting stand suddenly stopped in mid-air. Time stopped at this moment.

"It's really deserted here."

The Time Robber Ur walked in from the back door, pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Who are you?"

"I am Ur the Time Robber. Unfortunately, this place will be closed soon."

"What did you say?!"

Hayasaki stood up with a start.

"But if you sign a contract with me, I will give you the power to change history. What do you choose?"

Ur took out a watch and shook it in front of him.

"I promise you"

"Really obedient."

Ur activated the watch and stuffed it into his body. With a burst of intense pain, Hayase transformed into an alien knight.

"Witch Knight!"

"From now on, you are Kamen Rider Wuqi"......


Nine to Five Hall (Clock Hall)

"What! You bastards! You all went out to have fun without me, leaving me alone to suffer in school!"

Tokiwa Sougo's face was full of resentment like a grudge woman. These people are too much.

"Studying is your duty. We are different from you. It doesn't matter whether we go to school or not. But you can't. You still have to go to school."

Xiao Tian smiled and patted Tokiwa Sougo's shoulder. Tokiwa Sougo looked at him with resentment.

"No! I want to be the king. Going to school is not that important. Next time you go out, you must take me with you! Protecting the subjects is the duty of a king, isn't it?"

"Wow! The house is still so lively."

Tokiwa Junichiro came in with a strange thing in his hand, smiling. Tokiwa Sougo was attracted by the thing in his hand.

"Uncle, what are you holding in your hand?"

"Oh, Sougo, don't you know about VCRs? Haha, another customer asked me to repair this, even though my house is a watch shop....."

After saying that, Tokiwa Junichiro's face drooped.

Tsukuyomi asked,"Have there been any customers who came to repair watches recently?"

Xiao Tian smiled and replied,"Come to think of it, we haven't seen any since we came here."

Tokiwa Junichiro smiled bitterly,"Ah...There will be one every three months or so."

Tsukuyomi was stunned,"So few?!"

"It was because an auntie from the neighborhood helped me advertise that a boss working from 9 to 5 could fix anything. But it turned out that the people who came didn't repair watches, but TVs, air conditioners, refrigerators, and everything else. Before, someone even asked me to restore a broken vase to its original shape, but I decisively refused. How could I repair it? I'm not the wizard Hayase."

"The wizard Hayase?"

Hearing this name, Xiao Tian immediately became alert.

"Huh? Don't you know? He is a very popular magician recently, and it seems that he is holding a magic show."

"Magic show? It sounds great, let's go and see it together!"

Tokiwa Sougo was in the mood and suggested.

Tokiwa Junichiro nodded and agreed,"You guys can go and see it, it's just next street."

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