Chapter 32

Gates came to Tokiwa Sougo's ear and whispered,"Listen carefully, I didn't come to this era to play. Besides, you are neither my friend nor our companion. You are our target. Don't forget that."

Xiao Tian came to Gates and patted his shoulder.

"Don't be so absolute, Gates, if Tokiwa Sougo and I both go to see this show, will you not go?"

Tokiwa Sougo's eyes lit up,"Xiaotian is better, it doesn't matter whether you come or not, Xiaotian and I will go and watch it."


Gates was speechless. Since both of them had gone, he had to go because he had to monitor them.

"Are you going? Tsukuyomi nodded,"Yeah, it sounds interesting." The magic show is about to begin, and the audience is entering the theater one after another. The staff is directing the show in an orderly manner.

"Welcome everyone, please come this way."

The crowd inside was bustling, Xiao Tian and Tokiwa Sougo were buying popcorn and Coke.

"Ah, Your Majesty, I finally see you."

Black Wozniacki appeared behind the two of them, smiling.

"Woz, how are you doing recently?"

Black Woz looked at Xiao Tian helplessly and sighed,"Let's not talk about it. It's nothing serious. It's normal. I heard that your Majesty the Demon King is studying very hard."

Tokiwa Sougo scratched his head awkwardly,"How could that be?""

"You look very energetic."

"Well, it was my first time watching a magic show."

"Although I'm undoubtedly interfering in your private life, it's best if you don't get too close to Gates and Tsukuyomi recently."

"Really? They have been on guard against me, especially that Gates who wants to kill me at any time. Fortunately, Xiaotian is here to ease the atmosphere, otherwise I don’t know how to get along with them."

Black Woz sighed and looked at Xiao Tian helplessly,"I say, can we still cooperate happily?"

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"Of course, you don’t have to worry too much. When Sougo should become the Demon King, he will naturally become the Demon King." Tokiwa Sougo nodded,

"Well, I will be a good Demon King, Woz, you don’t have to worry."

Xiao Tian invited,"How about Woz, do you want to watch the magic show together?"

Black Woz smiled bitterly and shook his head,"You guys go, I don't have that elegance."

"Goodbye then."

Xiao Tian and Tokiwa Sougo entered the performance hall, and Black Wozniacki sighed again.

"But I'm worried......"

Magic show hall

"Audience, you've been waiting for a long time.~!"

"Welcome to the magic show. Let me introduce this incredible magician to you - the wizard Hayase!"

Amid the applause of the audience, a man in a magic show costume appeared.

"What he performed was neither a magic trick nor a superpower. It was magic!"

The performance officially began.

Two flames suddenly appeared in Hayase's hands. He threw them casually, and the flames floated in the air, causing the audience to scream and cheer.

The flames floated back to the stage again, burning the vase with green plants in it.

The green plants were burned to ashes, and the vase was also burned and shattered all over the floor.

"The most exciting part is coming!"

Hayasaki opened his hands, his eyes flashed red, and the vase and the green plants that had been burned to ashes were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"How amazing!"

Tokiwa Sougo watched with great interest.

Xiao Tian was not too surprised, he had foreseen this scene, this Hayase, since 2012, has not been an ordinary person.

Tsukuyomi whispered to Xiao Tian:"Isn't that a magic trick? I always feel something is strange."

Gates on the side also said:"This is not like a trick or magic, it's just like real magic. There used to be a knight who used magic named Kamen Rider Wuqi. If the Time Robber gave the power of Kamen Rider Wuqi to this person named Hayase, then it is not surprising that he can use magic."

Xiao Tian grinned, this fucking thing is really accurate.

Tsukuyomi:"Looks like we have to investigate."

The performance is over, backstage

"Thank you for your hard work."

The beautiful boss in professional attire came to express her condolences.

"Thank you for your hard work too!"

"Today's tickets are all sold out!"

The beautiful boss looked at Hayase who was changing clothes with gratitude,"Thanks to you, Hayase, my father will be very happy too."

Hayase looked at the beautiful boss shyly,"I don't deserve it, after all, I don't want this place to close down."

"So that's it..."

"As long as Miss...I'll be satisfied if you can smile at me..."

Hayase's voice suddenly became quiet, and the beautiful boss didn't hear it clearly.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"No, it's nothing, I'm leaving first."

After changing his clothes, Hayase left the backstage, and just as he walked out of the theater, he met Xiao Tian and Gates and the other four.

Tokiwa Sougo came to Hayase and said,"Mr. Hayase, we just watched your performance. How did you do that?"

Hayase said nervously,"I told you, that's neither magic nor a trick, it's magic."

After he was about to walk around Tokiwa Sougo, Xiao Tian blocked him again, and what he said scared him.

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