Chapter 33

"Hayase, oh no, I should call you by another name, Wuqi."


Hayase's eyes revealed fear, and he stepped back repeatedly.

"Is he really an alien knight?"

From his reaction just now, Tsukuyomi can conclude that he is an alien knight. Xiao Tian's move is really clever.

"Alien Knight, leave it to me to deal with it!"

"Knight time! Kamen Rider Gates!"

Gates, transformed into Kamen Rider, walked towards Hayase step by step, and Xiao Tian blocked his way.

"Don't be impulsive, Gates"

"What are you doing, Xiao Tian? He is an alien knight!"

"I know, but he hasn't used this power to do evil over the years."

""Oh, don't underestimate the enemy! The Alien Knight is dangerous in itself. We need to know when he got his power! If possible, it's best to defeat him now!"

As the two were talking, Hayase transformed into an Alien Knight and turned into a pool of liquid and flew away.

"Don't even think about leaving!"

Seeing the Alien Knight running away, Gates bypassed Xiao Tian and chased after him.

Tsukuyomi came to Xiao Tian's side,"Xiaotian, I understand what you mean, but what Gates said makes sense, the Alien Knight itself is very dangerous, isn't it?"

"Oh, he is just a poor man. I think I can change his fate."

Xiao Tian walked straight forward, Yue Du shook his head and followed him.

Gates changed back to human form and chased for a while, but did not see the alien knight.

"Where did he go?"

Gates went up to the rooftop and looked around. Time suddenly stopped. Gates' movements were frozen in place, but his consciousness was still active.

A middle-aged man in a purple windbreaker came over.

"Masked Rider Gates"

"The time robber!"

"You have good eyesight. My name is Swartz. Your actions will hinder our plan. I need you to be honest."

Swartz opened his right hand, and purple light floated out, covering Gates and moving into the air. Under his feet, it was dozens of meters high.

Gates struggled hard, but his body could not move.

"Stop struggling, I won't allow you to have any objections."

Swartz retracted his hand, time resumed flowing, and Gates fell from the air.

"Knight moment! Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O!"

Accompanied by a cool voice, Ultimate Zi-O took Gates and soared into the sky, landing on the roof again.

""The Time Robber Swartz, we finally meet."

Xiao Tian said coldly, and the Ultimate Time King put Gates down. Gates breathed a sigh of relief. If Xiao Tian hadn't arrived in time, he would have died.

"Humph, you must be the Ultimate Zi-O, right? I've heard about you from Aura and Ur a long time ago. Now that I've seen you, I realize that you're a little stronger than I thought."

"Really? Your actions are within my expectations."

Swarutz's mouth curled up,"Really? Your appearance is an interesting start. I can't wait to see what you will become, but I advise you not to hinder our plans again and again."

"What can you do to me if I get in the way?"

"What should I do?"

Swartz's face turned fierce, and he grabbed with his right hand. Time stopped again, and Gates froze in place again, unable to even move his consciousness.

But the Ultimate Zi-O was not affected at all.

"Do you think this will work for me?"

With the help of the system, Xiao Tian can now ignore the ability of the Time Robber.


Swartz looked at the Ultimate Zi-O who was moving freely in shock. His time stillness did not work on him!

He felt an invisible threat from the Ultimate Zi-O.

"Believe it or not, I will kill you right now!"

Swartz rushed out and instantly appeared in front of the Ultimate Zi-O. The Ultimate Zi-O blocked with both hands and retreated several meters....

Inexplicable applause sounded behind Swartz. Swartz looked back and saw that the person coming was Black Wozniacki.


"It's really wonderful, the story is getting more and more interesting."

Swartz stopped and looked at Black Wozniacki vigilantly,"Now you, have you stood on the side of Ultimate Zi-O? Isn't Oma Zi-O the one you want to support?"

Black Wozniacki grinned,"I used to think that Oma Zi-O was the strongest person in the world, but now, I seem to have seen someone who is better than Oma Zi-O, and that is the Ultimate Zi-O. I will not give up supporting Oma Zi-O, but the Ultimate Zi-O is not something you Time Robbers can do."

Swartz said coldly,"It was I who miscalculated. It seems that there is no chance this time. It doesn't matter. I'll look for another opportunity next time."

Swartz turned and disappeared, and time resumed flowing again

"What happened?"

Gates was stunned for a moment. Where is Swartz? Why is he gone? Why is Black Woz here?

Xiao Tian changed from Kamen Rider form back to human form and walked in front of Black Woz.

""It really surprises me, Woz, I didn't expect you to help me."

Black Woz smiled,"We are still working together, right? What surprises me is that I can feel that your potential is even stronger than Oma Zi-O. In such a short period of time, your strength has improved so significantly."

"Did you notice it?"

"Hehe, you saying that makes me feel low. If I can't see this, I don't deserve to stand in front of you, right? I'm looking forward to it, Ultimate Zi-O. If you and Oma Zi-O appear together, the world in the future should be very interesting."

""Shut up, Woz!"

Gates yelled.

"Don't try to lead them astray, I will never let you succeed! If you keep talking nonsense, I will teach you a lesson!"

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