Chapter 34


Black Woz didn't take Gates' threat seriously at all, and still had a calm smile on his face.

"I don't remember when I lost to you."

This is an ironclad fact. Since they met, Gates has never won against Woz.

Gates was a little embarrassed and tried to defend himself:"You are talking about our time, but I won't let you do whatever you want here!"

Then he rushed straight to Black Woz, punching and kicking him, but Black Woz easily resolved all his attacks.

Black Woz is very strong, and Xiao Tian is very clear about this.

""That's enough Woz."

Hearing Xiao Tian's voice, Black Woz forced Gates back and floated into the air.

Black Woz could fly, but Gates couldn't.

"Then I will leave first, Your Majesty the Ultimate Time King."

Black Woz deliberately angered Gates and disappeared.

"You bastard!"

Gates roared, but there was nothing he could do.

"Xiao Tian, you must not listen to that bastard's nonsense, he will lead you into the dark path of the devil!"

"Needless to say, Gates, I know my limits."......

On the other side, Hayase, who had escaped, returned home in a panic. Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, a beautiful woman with exposed white legs suddenly appeared behind him, almost scaring him to death.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?"

Hayasuke was so scared that he stuck to the wall, not daring to move.

"What a coward, I am Aura the Time Robber"

"Time Robber? Are you in the same group with that boy?"

That boy refers to Ur whom he met in 2012.

Hayase breathed a sigh of relief,"You came at the right time. I have been exposed. There is a man who wants to kill me. He looks very powerful. What should I do?"

"You mean Gates?"

"What should I do, should I hide now?!"

"Gates is obsessed with the Kamen Rider we created. It's not easy to avoid him, but I can help you."


"But the premise is that you have to become the new king we want to support, and for this, you have to endure more pain than before."

Ola came behind Hayase, took out the Wuqi timepiece from his body, restarted it, and put it back into his body.


Hayase struggled on the ground in pain, his facial features deformed in pain. After struggling for a while, black smoke rose and he transformed into a different knight, the witch knight. Hayase's mentality was no longer as peaceful as before, but full of hatred.

"what happened..."

Hayase looked at his hands, changing from the alien knight form to the human form

"Start your journey, and you will know what happened."

Ola just smiled, turned around and disappeared.

"Ding Dong!"

The sudden doorbell sound attracted Hayase's attention, and a voice called out from the door

"Hayase, Hayase!"

Hayase was no longer as frightened as before, and calmly opened the door. Standing outside the door was a theater person named Nagayama.

"Hayase, can I have a word with you?"

"Whatever you want to say, just say it."

"Actually, I want to say that I am planning to close the shop and quit."

Hayase's face darkened,"What nonsense are you talking about? The lady will definitely not agree with you to do this."

"No, the lady agreed."


Hayase laughed bitterly,"No, no, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Although he said this, he already believed it in his heart. He didn't want to talk anymore. Just as he was about to close the door, Changshan suddenly said:

"I'm going to marry the young lady!"

Hayashi was shocked and froze in the air. What was the reason for all his hard work in the past six years?....for what....

Changshan continued,"Hayase, you can't stay in our small shop forever. There is a bigger stage waiting for you. The young lady seems to have decided to work in another industry....."

Hayase's mind went blank. He didn't hear anything that Nagayama said.

"Do not make jokes..."Hayase's voice is deep, like the voice of death


"I have done so much, what do you think I have been doing all these years for?"

With an angry shout, Hayase transformed into a different knight, scaring Nagayama so much that he staggered and his legs trembled.

"What do you think I did this for?"

The alien knight punched Changshan in the chest, knocking him down from the second floor. He fell to the ground and fainted.

Xiao Tian and Gates, who were not far away, ran over and happened to see this scene.

""Has it happened?"

Xiao Tian murmured, and Gates had transformed into a Kamen Rider and rushed forward, blocking the Alien Knight.

The aura of the Alien Knight was completely different from the one he had encountered before, and Xiao Tian had already noticed it.

"you again!"

"I knew you would use this power for evil."

""Shut up! What do you know? You are here to make decisions!"

The alien knight Wuqi pointed at Gates and cursed.

Xiao Tian came to Gates and glanced around."Where is Ola? She should be here too."

"Aura? This has nothing to do with them. This power belongs to me!"

They all know each other and they still say it has nothing to do with me. However, this also proves one thing, that Hayase is still a responsible person.

"I said I can help you, do you believe me?"

""Don't get in the way!"

The alien knight rushed towards the two, and Gates rushed up, and the two fought together.

Behind Xiao Tian, a man with two knight watches appeared. Xiao Tian turned around suddenly, and the man turned around and ran away.

"It's him."

Xiao Tian didn't chase him. They would meet again.

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