Chapter 38


As soon as the White Time Demon God passed through the time-space tunnel, the sound of the system task completion rang in Xiao Tian's mind.

Xiao Tian's mouth curled up slightly. That Hayase is not too cowardly. There is still hope.

"Obtained rewards: 200 attribute points, one Ultimate Time Devil Machine!"

Ultimate Time Devil Machine?

Xiao Tian's eyes lit up!

As the system rewards were issued, Xiao Tian had a capsule watch in his hand, which contained the Time Devil Machine belonging to the Ultimate Zi-O.

Xiao Tian couldn't wait to try it out, and after activating the capsule watch, he threw out

"The Ultimate Time Magic Machine!"

The capsule watch exploded, and a cool golden Time Magic Machine appeared in front of Xiao Tian.


Xiao Tian couldn't help but exclaim, this is too cool!

"This is! The Time Magic Machine? Xiao Tian, how come you have one too?"

Tsukuyomi looked at the Time Magic Machine that suddenly appeared in front of him in shock. He had never seen Xiao Tian use it before, so how come it suddenly appeared?

How could equipment be so explosive?

"Maybe I've always had it, but I just remembered how to use it."

Xiao Tian grinned and entered the Ultimate Time Magic Machine. The configuration inside was similar to Tsukuyomi's, but it had more and more powerful functions.

""So advanced!"

Tsukuyomi exclaimed. This Time Magic Machine, in the future she came from, even the most advanced configuration could not reach the level of this Time Magic Machine.

"Let's try the effect."

Xiao Tian sat in the driver's seat and started the Time Magic Machine.

"Time travel tunnel! Start!"

The Ultimate Time Demon Machine took off instantly, passed through the tunnel and disappeared

"What a fast speed!"

Tsukuyomi was surprised. This speed was much faster than their magic machine. The system started up very smoothly without any lag.

Xiao Tian shuttled through various eras at will, and finally returned to 2018 again.


Xiao Tian exclaimed, and the Ultimate Time Demon Machine turned into a capsule watch and floated back into his hand.

Xiao Tian was very satisfied with this Ultimate Time Demon Machine.

Xiao Tian distributed all the attribute points of the reward. The Kamen Rider level was still at Bronze 1, and he would soon be able to step into the Silver level.

Xiao Tian was quite satisfied with this speed of strength growth. After all, he still had a lot of knight watches in his hand, and his strength would be greatly improved after equipping them. What's more, he had an ultimate trump card.

It can be said that he can now walk sideways in this world.

Nine to five hall

"What! Xiao Tian also has a Time Magic Machine? And it’s a top-of-the-line one?!"

Gates got angry and looked at Xiao Tian in surprise.

"Whatever you do, keep a low profile, as if you have never seen the world."

"Damn it, if I had known I would have gone to 2012. Fighting with alien knights here is no fun at all."

Gates thought that Xiao Tian had obtained the Time Demon Machine after he had encountered some kind of adventure after defeating the alien knights in that era.

"That is something that the Ultimate Zi-O has, so don't even think about it."

Tsukuyomi rolled his eyes at Gates and walked towards his room. He was tired after a day of hard work, so it was time to take a rest.

"Your strength is increasing very fast."

Gates never expected that the strength of Oma Zi-O, whom he was worried about, did not increase much, but the strength of the sudden appearance of Ultimate Zi-O increased rapidly.

He also collected a lot of Knight Time Watches by himself. Most of the Knight Time Watches that were supposed to be collected by Oma Zi-O were collected by Xiao Tian.......

In an underground entertainment room, citizens are playing billiards and darts.

Time suddenly stops, and the darts that fly out stop in mid-air.

The time robbers Ur and Aura appear.

"Ur, I finally helped you once, but you failed again"

"It's not my fault. It's because the knights selected this time are too useless. They are typical cowards and useless people."

Ur picked up the dart that was suspended in the air and threw it out, hitting the bull's eye. He continued:

"Moreover, there is an Ultimate Zi-O who came out to disrupt my plan. His strength is improving a bit too fast. Do you feel it, Aura?"

Aura's mouth curled up slightly,"How can the man I like be bad? His potential is not inferior to Oma Zi-O."

"Oh? You like it? Aura, are you serious? Don't forget, our goal is to support a new king."

"I know what I am doing, I have my own ideas, don't worry about me, just do your own thing, Ur."

There was a strange movement, and the Time Robber Swartz appeared and walked towards the two.

"Why would the Ultimate Time King come here as the King of Time? I can tell you responsibly that he only wants to satisfy his desire to be the king. Ha, do you understand what I am saying?"

Ur looked at him impatiently,"Why are you so nagging, Swartz?"

"That is to say, the person you want to make king now, their desire to be king is not strong enough."

"That's easy, I'll find someone who's qualified next time, just wait and see."

Ur snorted coldly, with a plan in mind.......

"I'm ready to take power, I'm gonna take the world......"

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