Chapter 39


Xiao Tian stretched his body after a long sleep.

It would be nice if he could sleep with a few beauties, hehe...

Xiao Tian thought with a sly smile, as a time traveler, how can I not let myself go.

The protagonists of those time travel novels all have many wives and concubines.

My requirements are not high, just a few favorite ones will do.

That Aura, hehe...

When watching the drama, Xiao Tian liked it very much. She has fair skin, beautiful face and long legs. She is a man's favorite.

There was an episode where a fool became the king. There was a beautiful woman who looked gentle but was actually very strong. Xiao Tian also liked her very much.

If there is a chance, I must work hard, yeah

"Xiaotian! Get up and have breakfast!"

Tsukuyomi's voice came from downstairs.

As for Tsukuyomi...Well, it depends.

""Here I come."

Xiao Tian yawned, casually put on his slippers and went downstairs.

As a homeboy, his previous lifestyle was like this. Although his hair was messy when he just got up, his handsome face made him look very charming.

Tsukuyomi glanced at Xiao Tian, and a faint blush appeared on his face.

Tokiwa Sougo was looking at a portrait intently, and Xiao Tian passed by him and took a look.

"Oda Nobunaga, are you still reading this kind of thing?"

"Huh? Xiaotian, you also know Oda Nobunaga. He is very powerful. In the Warring States Period, he was like a king. He once fought everywhere to unify the island country."

"No need to say, I've already heard you say that."

Tokiwa Sougo was stunned for a moment,"Did I say that? When did I say that?""

I said that on TV," Xiao Tian thought to himself, without answering.

Gates took the portrait from Tokiwa Sougo.

"This guy is also called the Demon King. He killed countless people in the war and finally died due to the betrayal of his subordinates."

Tokiwa Sougo said unhappily:"How can you say that?..."

Gates threw the portrait back to him

"If you rule the people according to your own desires, you will become like him sooner or later."

"I will never become like that, because I want to be the most benevolent and kind devil king, I said"

"Oh no, oh no! Something big has happened! Watch the news on TV!"

Tokiwa Sougo rushed in and turned on the TV.

"What happened?"

Has something happened so soon? Xiao Tian came over and saw a news report on TV.

"This is an unprecedented event. The leading enterprise of the island country, the Tan Group, has just announced its intention to become independent from the island country. The following is a picture of the press conference.……"

A tall building appeared on the screen. It was the headquarters of the Tan Group.

A man in a cloak stood on the top and gave his speech.

"I am the president of the Tan Group, Dan Lidou, and now I am called King Dan Lidou!"

Dan Lidou's speech was very exciting, and Tokiwa Sougo, who was watching on TV, was also very excited.

"King Danrito? So powerful, he is a king, and this man is also a king!"

Xiao Tian smiled and shook his head. This Tokiwa Sougo is really like a fool sometimes.

Danrito continued his speech,"I declare that my company is independent from the island country! No rebuttal will be accepted! Where my company is located is my territory! All laws of the island country are invalid here!"

A middle-aged man below couldn't stand it and shouted:

"Do you think people will accept your ridiculous behavior!"

"Humph, do you want to go against the king's will?"

Tan Lidou sneered, took out an object similar to a coin, blew it and threw it down, and it penetrated the middle-aged man's body.

The middle-aged man screamed and turned into a monster like a zombie, and began to attack the people around him.

"See? He has become my loyal servant. Anyone who dares to disobey me will suffer the same fate! Hahaha! Hahahahaha……!"

Danrito's arrogant laughter resounded through the sky.

The TV switched back to the host.

"The scene was very chaotic. In addition, Danrito seemed to have kidnapped members of Congress as hostages.……"


Xiao Tian knew that this congressman was not simple, and he had what he wanted.

"Ding, issuing system task: rescue members of Congress."

Xiao Tian grinned. If nothing unexpected happens, the beauties he wants to see will be there too. He is really looking forward to it.

This trip should be very rewarding.

Gates snorted coldly:"There are actually people who want to be king just like Oma Zi-O."

"This is so interesting, I'm going to go out for a while!"

Tokiwa Sougo ran out without saying anything.

"Sougo! Where are you going?"

"No need to shout, he must have surrendered to the enemy"

"Surrender to the enemy?!"

Xiao Tian's words startled Gates and Yue Du.

"It's okay, let him be."

"Humph! I will never do what he wants. If he dares to do that, I will be the first to kill him!"

Gates chased him out.

Yue Du sighed, feeling a little helpless.

"This Tanli fight, there must be some robber behind this, right?"

"It should be right, let's go there too."

Xiao Tian and Yue Du followed and left the Nine-to-Five Hall, leaving only Tokiwa Junichiro inside

"I am old now, and I don’t understand what young people say."

Tokiwa Junichiro picked up the portrait on the table.

"Is it Oda Nobunaga? If the cuckoo doesn't sing, kill it……"

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