Chapter 4

Black Woz looked at Xiao Tian with a playful and distressed look on his face.

He is a prophet, and the book in his hand is Tokiwa Shingo's prophecy book, which contains the trajectory of Tokiwa Shingo's life, including his birth to his peak. When the book predicted that Tokiwa Shingo would appear here, there should be only one person, why are there two people?

His predictions are never wrong, so who is this man?

"Woz, nice to meet you."


Hearing Xiao Tian say his name, Black Woz was stunned for a moment, and was very surprised. What was going on with his meowing? How could this guy know him!

"Do you know each other?"

Tokiwa Shingo looked at the two of them strangely. It turned out that this idiot wearing a windbreaker in such hot weather was someone Xiao Tian knew.

Black Woz shook his head repeatedly,"No, no, no, don't get it wrong. I don't know him. I only know you, Tokiwa Shingo."


This time it was Tokiwa Shingo's turn to be confused. What on earth was going on? Xiao Tian knew him, he knew himself, and he knew Xiao Tian. This relationship seemed a bit mysterious.

"Did I disturb your plan?"

Xiao Tian's next sentence directly shocked Black Wozniacki. Who on earth is this person? Why does he know that he has a plan?!

"you you...Who are you?"

"Xiao Tian"

"No, I'm asking how do you know me?"

"I said it was a prophecy, do you believe it?"

Prophecy? Black Woz was shocked again. Doesn't that mean he has the same ability as him? Could it be that he also came from the future?...

It's not impossible, but never mind, just complete the process as planned.

"Xiao Tian, I don't care who you are, you'd better not disrupt my plan, my plan is very sacred."

Black Woz turned to look at Tokiwa Shingo,"I have very important information to tell you."

Xiao Tian's appearance ruined Black Woz's originally very handsome appearance, but it didn't matter, he would finish the task first.


"This book says,"Today is a very special day for you, but you'd better pay attention to the red robot."

On the cover of the book, there are a few big words written:"The History of the Devil's Coming"


Before Tokiwa Shingo could comprehend, Black Woz suddenly disappeared.

"What is that Wozniacki saying? I don’t understand."

"You will understand later. He asked you to pay attention to the red robot."

Behind them, a big hole suddenly appeared in the air, and a huge red robot suddenly floated out of the hole. An invisible voice sounded.

"Time Demon Machine!"


"Let's go!"

Xiao Tian pulled Tokiwa Shingo up and ran away

"Why are you running!"

"If you don't run, you'll die!"

The red robot strode towards the two people, leaving a large footprint on the ground with every step.

"I finally found you. You will never run away, Oma Zi-O!" The one driving the red Time Devil Machine was a young man.

"What the hell is going on?"

The red robot chased them relentlessly. The red robot was so huge that Xiao Tian felt powerless. He was just a small bronze-level Kamen Rider. How could he beat such a big guy?

"Don't even think about running away, you can't get away!"

The red robot caught up with the two and punched them.

""Time Demon Machine!"

A white robot appeared and knocked the red robot away. The hatch of the white robot opened.

"Come up quickly!"

A female voice came from inside


"What are you waiting for? Come on in."

Xiao Tian pulled Tokiwa Shingo into the cabin door. The cabin door closed and inside was a woman in white. Xiao Tian naturally knew this woman. She was Tsukuyomi, a young beauty from the future.

Xiao Tian knew her, but Tokiwa Sougo didn't.

"Who are you?"

"I don’t have time to introduce myself, so hang on!"

""Time and space transfer system, start!"

A hexagonal hole with blue light appeared above the white robot, and the white robot passed through it and disappeared. The white robot passed through the hole and came to the original continent and stopped on the land.

"Before you ask questions, let's take a look at this first."

Tsukuyomi opened the video player and a video began to play. It recorded the battle scene of the World Alliance attacking Oma Zi-O in 2068. Although the World Alliance had a large number of people, they were all defeated by Oma Zi-O.

As the video played, Tsukuyomi explained, and Tokiwa Shingo also realized his future development direction.

"Am I this demon king? No, I can't accept it. I want to go outside and get some fresh air."

He is just a kind-hearted child. How could he become this demon king who only knows how to kill?

"I advise you not to go out."


"If I'm not mistaken, we have traveled back to the Cretaceous period, and there is a Tyrannosaurus Rex next to us."


Looking outside through the mecha, there was indeed a Tyrannosaurus Rex staring at them hungrily, with saliva pouring out of its mouth. It was obvious that it had been hungry for a long time.

Tsukuyomi was startled,"Because the situation was urgent, I couldn't adjust the time well, so I traveled to the Cretaceous period all of a sudden. Sorry, hold on tight."

The white Time Demon Machine jumped up, traveled through the time tunnel again and disappeared into the Cretaceous period.

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