Chapter 5

The White Time Magic Machine traveled to 1671. The three of them were walking in an ancient city. Their strange service made them the focus of attention.

Almost every passerby would look at them for a while.

"Is this true? This is really a time machine."

Tokiwa Shingo looked at the surrounding scenery in admiration. It is a time machine. It is too awesome.

"Who are you?"

"I am Tsukuyomi, I came to find you from 2068. At that time, the King of Time, Oma Zi-O, came. He tortured people and plunged the world into despair. We embarked on the road to fight against Oma Zi-O, but...."

Yue Yan paused for a moment and did not continue. At this time, Xiao Tian took over the conversation.

"You are no match for Oma Zi-O, so Gates decided to go back to the past and kill Tokiwa Shingo, so as to change history and prevent Oma Zi-O from appearing."

Tsukuyomi looked at Xiao Tian in shock,"Who are you, why do you know all this, are you also from the future?""

This is impossible. There are not many survivors left in the battle in 2068, and they have never seen this person.

The one who drove the red time demon machine to chase them was Gates.

"Xiao Tian"

"Xiao Tian? Are you Chinese? How do you know this?"

"I said I am a prophet, do you believe it?"


Tsukuyomi was silent. It was not impossible. In this terrifying world, anything could happen, and any kind of genius could appear.

"Wait, what are you talking about? I still want to confirm, are you sure you didn't recognize the wrong person? How could I become a demon king?"

Tokiwa Sougo interrupted the conversation between the two. He was very uneasy knowing the future. How could he become like that?

Tsukuyomi took out a high-tech device like an iPad, opened his information and read it.

"Tokiwa Sougo, born on April 28, 2000, is 18 years old this year. He currently lives in the watch shop run by his uncle Tokiwa Junichiro. He is a senior student at Hikari no Mori High School. He is good at history and feels hopeless about physics and chemistry......."

Tsukuyomi read out Tokiwa Shingo's history line by line, and Tokiwa Shingo's face drooped as he listened.

"I investigated it in detail, right?"

"This is not an investigation. I feel like I am being belittled by you."

"The watch you have on you gives you extremely powerful strength, and then you become the king of destroying the world."

"Watch? Is it the watch Xiaotian gave me?"

Tokiwa Shingo took out the watch he had today. This watch was the rent Xiaotian paid him. Can this thing really help him become a king?

Could it be that Xiaotian is the benefactor of his life?

Xiaotian chuckled and said nothing. He had already felt the burning look in Tokiwa Shingo's eyes.

That boy, is he gay? Xiaotian smiled bitterly.

Also, it's not that easy to have the strength of a king. He is only a bronze player now.

"Did you give him this watch?"

Tsukuyomi looked at Xiao Tian in shock. What was going on? How could Xiao Tian have Oma Zi-O's watch? Was he the one who created Oma Zi-O behind the scenes? Maybe not before

, but from now on, yes.

Because his main mission was to help Tokiwa Sougo transform into Oma Zi-O.

"Any questions?"

"How did you come to own this watch?"

"I got it by chance, any questions?"

"Let me see."

Tsukuyomi snatched the watch from Tokiwa Shingo's hand and took a closer look. The watch was not a fake, but it did not respond, or in other words, the watch had not been activated.

"No response? Why?......"

Suddenly, there were noisy sounds all around.

"The fight started, the fight started!"


In the downtown area, four or five big men were beating up a man, and many people were watching the show.

Xiao Tian and the other two also gathered around, and Yue Du suddenly came up with a plan.

"Sorry, let me try."


Tsukuyomi hid behind Tokiwa Sougo, pretending to be a man, and shouted angrily:"Hey! Have you had enough of the trouble!"

The people fighting inside stopped for a moment and looked in their direction. The onlookers instantly made way for him, and Tokiwa Shingo appeared in front of them.

Damn, can you sell out your teammates like this? Tokiwa Shingo gave a helpless smile.

Since he has already sold them out, he might as well sell them out even harder.

Tsukuyomi pushed Tokiwa Shingo in front of the people fighting. Xiao Tian watched all this with a smile and did not take any action.

"Is it really appropriate for you to sell out your teammates like this?"

"I just want to verify whether he can really transform into Oma Zi-O"

"This method is useless. When the time comes to awaken, he will awaken naturally."

"You mean, he is Oma Zi-O, who has not yet awakened?"

Tsukuyomi is becoming more and more interested in Xiao Tian. This unexpected man seems to know a lot about them.

"Is there any need to question this? In the video you saved, isn't there a video of Oma Zi-O before he transformed?"

"Do you have a way to change him? Can you prevent him from becoming the Oma Zi-O who destroys the world?"

Xiao Tian was silent for a while,"Maybe."

The premise of being able to change the world and its rules is that one's own strength must be strong enough, so what Xiao Tian is thinking about now is how to quickly improve his own strength.

The best way is to complete the system tasks quickly, obtain attribute points and other rewards. The small task of living in Tokiwa Shingo's house has been completed, and dozens of attribute points have been rewarded. Although the improvement is not much, it is better than nothing.

Tsukuyomi sighed,"Then there is no way, we can only take it one step at a time. If we can't change Oma Zi-O, then Gates will definitely kill him. You are very clear about this, right?"

"Shingo Tokiwa is still useful to me, I won't let Gates get him."

"Don't underestimate Gates, he is very strong."

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