Chapter Six

"What do you want to do, kid?"

The people who were fighting angrily looked at Tokiwa Shingo who came to disrupt the situation. Tokiwa Shingo was timid and looked cowardly.

"It's nothing, fighting is not good, harmony is the most important thing."

Tokiwa Shingo persuaded while retreating.

The next moment

"Please wait a moment! Hey! Everyone calm down!"

Tokiwa Shingo begged hysterically. Now he was lifted up in the air by several big men and walked to a bridge.

"Calm down, okay?...."

Before he finished speaking, with a"plop", Tokiwa Shingo was thrown into the river, causing waves on the water.

"You ignorant boy, let me teach you a lesson!"

"Keep your mind calm!"

"You deserve it, go, go."

Yue Du and Xiao Tian on the bridge were watching with great joy.

"Is this really Oma Zi-O? His words and deeds are totally different from

Oma Zi-O."Tsukuyomi shook his head. Would such a cute and cowardly Tokiwa Shingo really become Oma Zi-O who destroys the world?

Xiao Tian smiled and said nothing. This was exactly the same as the plot on TV. He wanted to laugh after watching it.

Tokiwa Shingo struggled to get out of the river by himself. He was soaked like a drowned chicken, and his face was full of resentment like a resentful woman.

"Hey, you two bastards, are you just going to watch me being thrown into the river without doing anything to stop it?"

"Bro, are you okay?"

"Do you think I look okay? How can I be so pitiful? I can get into trouble by trying to stop a fight."

Look at the people who were fighting before. Now they are walking away talking and laughing. They don't have the same ferocity as they did when they were fighting.

"Oh, they're not fighting anymore, that's great...."

Tokiwa Shingo smiled, and the people around him looked at him as if he were a fool.

"He is already soaked but still worried about others fighting. Is this guy a fool?"

"This is really kindhearted."

"Hahahaha, that's right, it's rare to find such a pure boy, hahaha...."

Xiao Tian smiled calmly,"Okay, this is very Tokiwa Shingo."

"Let's go, let's leave here and change clothes first."

Xiao Tian and Tokiwa Shingo were about to leave when a Kamen Rider suddenly appeared in the distance and walked towards them step by step.

The citizens of this era had never seen a Kamen Rider before, and they all thought it was a monster and ran away in a hurry.

"It's a monster! Run away!"

"Run away!"

The citizens who had gathered at first all ran away in an instant.

The citizens did not know Kamen Rider, but Xiao Tian knew that this Kamen Rider was the transformed version of Gates.

"Gates, can this guy even come after him?"

Tokiwa Shingo was shocked. Isn't this the person who wants to kill him?

"What should I do? Brother Tian, please save me, I don’t want to die yet!"

"Don't panic, nothing will happen to you with me here."

The system virtual panel appeared in front of Xiao Tian, automatically analyzing Gates' attributes and appearing on the virtual panel.

On the Kamen Rider level above, the three big words"Silver Five" were clearly listed.

The strength level is divided into bronze, silver, gold, platinum, masonry, master, and king. A major level can be divided into five minor levels.

Xiao Tian's current Kamen Rider level is only Bronze IV, while Gates has reached Silver V. The difference is one major level, and the difference in attribute ability is too big. Xiao Tian is obviously not Gates' opponent. Damn

, I can't beat him. It's embarrassing.

"Ding, release the system task, lead Tokiwa Shingo to escape Gates' pursuit"

"Hurry up! He intends to destroy you before you get the power of Zi-O!"

Xiao Tian pulled Tokiwa Shingo and turned to run

"Don't even think about running! Time Demon Machine!"

A red robot appeared, and Gates decisively entered the machine.

"Tsukuyomi, don't just stand there, summon the Demon Machine quickly!"

""Time Demon Machine!"

A white Time Demon Machine appeared, loaded the three people into the mecha, and took off.

The white Time Demon Machine opened the time-space tunnel and passed through it. At the same time, the red Time Demon Machine also caught up. The two Time Demon Machines collided in the time-space tunnel.

The time-space tunnel opened again, and the two Time Demon Machines shuttled out. When they passed over the ground, the white Demon Machine quietly dropped Xiao Tian and Tokiwa Shingo. The red Demon Machine did not notice and continued to chase the white Demon Machine.

"Phew, it was really dangerous. It was really scary to be chased by someone. Where was this place?"

The Time Magic Machine traveled everywhere, and he was confused. He had no idea what time and where he was.

They were surrounded by factory buildings. It was dark and lifeless. No one could be seen. The atmosphere was quite eerie and terrifying.

"Be careful, there is something wrong."

Xiao Tian looked around vigilantly. If he guessed correctly, there should be a monster here.


An ugly black monster appeared behind the two of them and rushed towards them. Tokiwa Shingo was startled and ran away.

"Ding, release the system task, kill the monster!"

Xiao Tian was calm and took out the control watch head and the Ultimate Time King watch.

"Xiaotian, what are you rushing for? Run!" Seeing that Xiaotian did not run away, Tokiwa Shingo hurriedly urged.

Xiaotian ignored him and fixed the control watch head on his abdomen. An invisible voice sounded

"Time Drive!"


A virtual clock appeared behind Xiao Tian, and Tokiwa Shingo was stunned. Oh my god, is Xiao Tian a Kamen Rider?


Xiao Tian turned the watch head with a cool movement, and an invisible vortex surrounded him.

""Kamen Rider Zi-O!"

The vortex disappeared, and Kamen Rider Zi-O appeared. Xiao Tian got a new weapon and a special move. He had wanted to try it for a long time. It was time.

""Ultimate Sword!"

A cool long sword appeared in Zi-O's hand. The monster was stunned for a moment, but still did not stop, and strode towards Zi-O.

The system automatically analyzed the monster's strength and found that it was only Bronze 5, one level weaker than him.

If you can't beat such a monster, you can really go home and get a box lunch.

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