Chapter 56

When Izumi Bina came back to her senses, her face immediately turned red with shame, as red as an apple.

This was the first time since she was old enough to understand that a man had hugged her like this, and he hugged her so tightly. However, she did not resist in her heart, but rather enjoyed it a little.

Also, his smell was so good……

"No... It's okay... Can you let me go first?"

Izumi Hina's voice was so low that she suspected that only she could hear it.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't think too much in a hurry."

Xiao Tian let go of Izumi Bina, but still put one hand on her back, trying to keep her a little levitated.

The ground here is very dirty, and girls are more concerned about beauty. Xiao Tian doesn't want her clothes to get too dirty.

This move is very gentlemanly.

"Thank you……"

Izumi Hina stood up, patted the dirty parts of her body, and thanked Xiao Tian.

She could feel Xiao Tian's protection for her, which made her feel very warm.

"Why thank you? I am the one who is sorry for you. You didn't need to be involved in this matter."

"I don't allow you to say that. It's my honor to help you. Besides, we are friends, right?……"

At this point, Izumi Hina's voice couldn't help but lower. It seemed that the relationship between them was not as simple as just friends.

He had taken advantage of her several times. Although she didn't know if he did it on purpose... but she felt that they were now in a relationship.……

"Well, then, there is no need to say too many polite words in the future."


Izumi Hina smiled happily and nodded.

Back to reality, Izumi Hina looked around curiously.

The forest here is very strange, not like the forest in reality. It feels unreal.

"Where is this place?"

"This is a mysterious space called Helm Forest. I came here to find someone."

Xiao Tian took Izumi Binai's hand, looked around vigilantly, and walked forward.

Entering Helm Forest was his plan. The reason why he brought Izumi Binai with him was because he was afraid that after he entered here, she would encounter something unexpected outside.

As long as she was by his side, he could protect her.

Although Izumi Binai was very strong.

Izumi Binai recalled the people who had entered this space before.

"Are you looking for the guy named Gates?"

"Yeah, Koizumi, you are really smart."

"Hehe, no, I'm just guessing."


Suddenly, a strange sound was heard in the forest, and two monsters appeared on both sides of Xiao Tian. There were many monsters in the Helm Forest.

The people imprisoned by Asra encountered such monsters almost every day.

"Be careful."

Xiao Tian protected Izumi Hina behind him and transformed into Ultimate Zi-O at the same time.

Two monsters rushed towards them at the same time, and Ultimate Zi-O knocked one monster away with one punch.

Xiao Tian turned around and was about to hit the other monster, but saw that the monster had already flown backwards in the air, and Izumi Hina swung a white and tender fist.


The monster hit the tree and exploded with a ball of fire, and disappeared.

Although Xiao Tian had a good idea, he was still scared.

This Izumi Hina... is too cruel!

Such a white and tender fist has such terrifying power!

This reminded Xiao Tian of someone, that is Sakura in"Naruto", who is also a girl, but has a terrifying strange power.

The power of this Izumi Hina is simply in the same series as her.

Izumi Hina put away her fist and turned into a lady in an instant

"I hope I didn't scare you. I couldn't help but take action.……"

""No, no, I know you have great strength." Xiao Tian said with a smile. If not, then there would be a ghost. He was completely shocked!

He knew that she was very strong, but he didn't expect her to be so terrifying.

I dare to ask who dares to take advantage of her. If you are not careful, you will be beaten to lifelong disability in a few minutes!

"So you know, you are really amazing, actually I am usually very ladylike, in the eyes of others, I am a good girl."

When Izumi Hina was speaking, suddenly another monster appeared in front of the Ultimate Time Queen.

"" Watch out behind you!"

A man's voice sounded urgently beside Xiao Tian's ears. The Ultimate Zi-O turned around and punched the monster directly.

Not far from the two of them, a young man wearing the clothes of the Baron Dance Troupe appeared.

This man had orange hair and dark circles under his eyes. It was obvious that he had not had a good sleep for a long time.

""Qiwen Jiedou?"

Xiao Tian recognized him at a glance.

He was the former captain of the Baron Dance Troupe and the incarnation of Kamen Rider Baron. He must have been trapped here by Asura and had no way out.

Asura took his place and became the captain of the Baron Dance Troupe.

Qiwen Jiedou frowned and looked at Xiao Tian in astonishment.

"Do you know me?"

They should have never met before, how could he know him?

"I heard that you have been trapped here for a while."

Qu Wen Jie Dou sighed, looked at the sky helplessly, and said:"Five years, I have been trapped here for five years, and now I am almost desperate."

Being trapped in a forest surrounded by monsters for five years, who wouldn't be desperate?

"I look for an exit in this forest every day, but I can't find one. Maybe we will be trapped in this forest until we die."

Xiao Tian was not worried. He still had a way to get out. The most urgent thing was to find Gates.

"Have you ever met a man named Gates?"

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