Chapter 57

"Gates? You mean the guy who came in not long ago? He seemed to be in a hurry to get out of here, saying that he had some unfinished mission and wanted to go out and defeat some demon."

"Yes, it’s him. Where is he now?"

"He is looking for the exit. I told him not to look for it anymore because he won't find it, but he just doesn't believe me."

"Take me to him"

"You are friends, right? Well, I am quite familiar with this place, I will take you there."

Qiwen Jiedou had met Gates not long ago, and knew his route and where he was.

No one knew this broken forest better than him. He was the first person thrown into this place by the alien GAIM.


Gates was dishevelled and collapsed on the grass in despair.

He walked in the forest for a long time, killing many monsters along the way, but he was still in the endless forest.

The surroundings were still the same, as if he was circling in the middle of the forest.

""Damn it! What the hell is this place!"

Gates hammered the ground hard, leaving a dent, but it soon returned to its original shape.

He couldn't be trapped here. He had to go out and stop Tokiwa Sougo from becoming Oma Zi-O. The fate of everyone in the future still needed him to save it. How could he be trapped here forever!

"I must go out……"

Gates struggled to stand up. In front of him, three figures were walking towards him from not far away.

Was he seeing things?

Gates wiped his eyes and looked carefully. Among the three people, one was Xiao Tian!

"Xiao Tian?"

Gates frowned and trotted to Xiao Tian.

"How did you get in here too?"

Looking at Gates's miserable appearance, Xiao Tian knew that he had suffered a lot, poor Gates.

People and ghosts were all showing off, only Gates was being beaten.

This sentence is not just a casual remark.

"You seem miserable, Gates, what on earth have you been through?"

Gates sighed,"God knows what I've been through, you haven't answered me yet, how did you get in here, was it the alien GAIM who did it?"

"I came here specifically to rescue you. How about thanking me?" Xiao Tian joked.

"Come to save me?"

Gates pointed at himself and asked in surprise.

Is Xiao Tian kidding? He has been looking for the exit for so long and still can't find it. What can he change by coming? It's just a companion on the road to the underworld.

"Why do you look so unconvinced? I have a requirement for rescuing you. It doesn't matter if I take you out, but you have to go back to work from nine to five."


"Are you here to persuade me? Aren't you afraid of doing this? I can get rid of Tokiwa Sougo at any time."

Xiao Tian smiled faintly and said:"If you were afraid of me, you wouldn't come to save you. You should believe me. I said that I would not let him become a demon king who destroys the world."

Tokiwa Sougo was silent for a while. If he couldn't get out of here, he couldn't do anything.

Going out and returning to the Nine-to-Five Hall again would only benefit him.

But he would feel a little awkward in his heart. The person he wanted to kill was right in front of him, but he couldn't do it.

No matter what, let's get out first.

"Okay, I promise you, as long as you can take me out of this damn place, I will agree to whatever you say."

""Okay, that's great."

Xiao Tian grinned and took out his transformation belt and ultimate timepiece.

"Time Drive!"

"Ultimate Time-O!"

"Knight time! Masked Rider Zi-O!"

Xiao Tian activated a watch again and loaded it into the watch head.


"Armored Moment!"

The Ultimate King of Time appeared like a crab. Gates' eyes widened in surprise. In such a short time, he actually gained the power of another knight.

"GAIM Knight Time Watch! Have you got it yet?"

"Without this Knight's watch, what can I use to save you?"

Xiao Tian took out the green watch that matched the GAIM watch, activated it, and threw it into the air.

"Come out, little watermelon." Xiao Tian said casually.

Little watermelon? Gates was stunned for a moment. What is this operation?

The green timepiece unfolded in the air and turned into a small timepiece.


"Watermelon Armed!"

The little watermelon is so cute when it lands on the ground.

"What is this thing?"

Under Gates' surprised gaze, the little watermelon man shot out a green light, and a crack appeared in the forest.


""Fuck! It really works!"

Gates and Qiwen Jiedou were shocked, their eyes lit up, like a starving man who saw bread.

Xiao Tian smiled calmly. He now has the power of Kamen Rider GAIM. The space of the Heim Underworld Forest was opened with this power, so he can also


The Ultimate Time King pulled his hand downwards, and the crack suddenly opened.

"Get out now"


Gates was the first to pass through the crack and returned to the original world.

Xiao Tian and others came out one after another.

""Fuck! This feeling is so good, it's still better here!"

Gates took a deep breath and stretched his body.

"You! You can actually get out of there!"

A cold voice sounded behind them. Xiao Tian looked back and saw the alien GAIM walking towards them step by step.

Seeing the alien GAIM, Gates was immediately furious. It was this punk who made him trapped in that broken forest for so long.

He couldn't vent his hatred unless he beat him to a pulp!

"It's you again! I won't let you go this time, you bastard!"

"Time Drive!"


"Knight time! Kamen Rider Gates!"

Gates, transformed into Kamen Rider, rushed towards the alien GAIM without hesitation, and the two fought together.

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