Chapter 58:

Kamen Rider Gates and the alien GAIM were fighting happily. Xiao Tian had no interest in this battle. He just watched for a while and then turned around and left.

"Gates, I leave this to you."

"Are you going back to deal with this bastard? Not so quickly, I haven’t beaten him enough!"

"Then hurry up and beat him up."

Xiao Tian didn't even turn his head, but just waved his hand.

Quan Binai followed Xiao Tian's footsteps,"Where are we going now?"


Xiao Tian took out a watch, started it, and threw it into the air.

"The Ultimate Time Magic Machine!"

The time table changed into a huge Time Magic Machine, which took the two people through the time and space tunnel and disappeared.

In 2013, the space split into a hexagonal tunnel, and the Ultimate Time Magic Machine came out of it.

Under the Time Magic Machine was the training room of the Baron Dance Troupe in 2013.

At this time, the alien GAIM had just thrown the Exorcist Ring into the Helm Underworld Forest.


The alien GAIM carried a big knife and looked up at the Ultimate Time Devil Machine that had just appeared. The Ultimate Time

Devil Machine slowly fell down, the cabin door opened, and Xiao Tian, who had transformed into the Ultimate Time King, walked out of it.

"Who are you?"

The alien GAIM tightened the sword in his hand and looked fiercely at the Ultimate Zi-O

"To end your people"

""Ultimate Sword!"

A long sword appeared in the hand of the Ultimate Zi-O, and he rushed towards the Alien GAIM.

The Alien GAIM was stunned for a moment. What the hell was going on? He started fighting just because of a disagreement?

Even if he fights, he should know who his opponent is!

"You're looking for death!"

The Alien GAIM dragged his sword away, and the sword scraped against the ground, sparks flew. He approached the Ultimate Zi-O and swung his sword. The Ultimate Zi-O dodged sideways and slashed at him with a sword, sparks flew, and the Alien GAIM retreated again and again.

Such a fast speed...

Asra gritted his teeth secretly. Although he had noticed the sword just now, he had no way to block it. This was the difference in strength.

"Who the hell are you!"

Asra roared, beating him for no apparent reason, what the hell was going on?

"The one who sent you to heaven."

The Ultimate Zi-O took out the GAIM watch and started it, loading the watch head

"GAIM!(Gaim! )"

"Armored Moment!"

An armored figure descended from the sky and equipped on the Ultimate Zi-O. The weapon in his hand changed from the Ultimate Sword to two large orange swords.

"You are playing tricks on me. Who do you think you are? I'm going to kill you!"

The alien GAIM opened his five fingers, and the space of the Helm's Underworld Forest split open, and several ghosts were about to emerge from it.

The Ultimate Zi-O hooked his finger, and the split space of the Helm's Underworld Forest closed, and the ghosts who were about to come out were stuck back.


The alien GAIM took a few steps back in shock. He could actually control his Helm's underworld forest space!

"How could this happen?……"

The alien GAIM looked at the Ultimate Zi-O stupidly.

He was able to close the Heim Underworld Forest Space. There was only one possibility.

"You actually possess the power of GAIM!"

How could this be? Did Swartz lie to him? Didn't he say that Kamen Rider GAIM would disappear when he appeared?

Why would there be someone here who possesses the power of Kamen Rider GAIM!

"This day next year will be the anniversary of your death."

Xiao Tian snorted coldly, and the Ultimate Zi-O threw out a knife at an extremely fast speed, hitting the chest of the alien GAIM and exploding a ball of sparks.


The alien GAIM fell heavily to the ground. Before he could stand up, the Ultimate Zi-O appeared in front of him. The two swords left afterimages and slashed at his body. Sparks flew into the sky.

"This is the end!"

The Ultimate Zi-O took a step back, holding the two swords horizontally.

"FINISH.TIME!(Ending time!)"


"SQUASH.TIME.BREAK!(Juice time crush! )"

The Ultimate Zi-O rushed out instantly and cut the Alien GAIM into several pieces like cutting an orange.


The Alien GAIM that was broken into pieces exploded into a ball of fire. Asura ran out of the fire with a roar while his body was burning.

Without the power of the Alien Knight, he could not resist the burning of the flames and fell to the ground and died a moment later.

"Ding! Successfully defeated the alien GAIM, the system task completed, task reward: attribute points: 300 points."

Only attribute points?

Xiao Tian confirmed the reward again and distributed the attribute points. His strength remained at Silver Five.

The higher the strength, the more attribute points are needed.

After each battle, his own attribute points will float slightly, but the fluctuation will not be too large.

In other words, as long as you keep fighting, your strength will continue to improve.

But with the rewards of the system, the speed at which his strength improves has more than doubled.

With the termination of the alien GAIM in 2013, the alien GAIM in 2018 disappeared.

Gates changed back to human form from Kamen Rider form.

""Next time I see that bastard, I'll beat him up!"

Gates was extremely angry. That idiot Asra actually dared to lock him up in the Helm Forest and make him so embarrassed.

But what he didn't know was that Asra had been destroyed by Xiao Tian and no longer existed.

A hexagonal tunnel opened in the air, and a time magic machine came out and stopped steadily in front of Gates.

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