Chapter 59

"You're pretty quick, Xiaotian. I haven't fought enough yet."

Xiao Tian stepped down from the Time Magic Machine, and Gates came to his side and smiled.

His feelings for Xiao Tian were very different from his feelings for Tokiwa Sougo.

Because the Ultimate Zi-O did not appear in the future, Gates regarded him as a companion, and their relationship was relatively good.

Izumi Hina also stepped down from the Time Magic Machine. Xiao Tian retracted his hand, and the Ultimate Time Magic Machine turned back into a timepiece and appeared in his hand.

"There will be plenty of battles for you to fight in the future. Let's go back."

""I'll go back if I want to."

Since he had already promised Xiao Tian, Gates had no intention of going back on his word. It was just a matter of going back to the Nine- to-Five Hall.

Gates was successfully rescued from the Helm Forest, and Tokiwa Sougo from the future disappeared.

At this time, Tokiwa Sougo and Tsukuyomi were sitting in the living room, and Tokiwa Junichiro was concentrating on repairing the clock.

"Why hasn't he come back yet?"

Tsukuyomi looked out the door from time to time, expecting Xiao Tian to come back.

He wouldn't go on a date with that Izumi Binai, would he?...

Tsukuyomi bit her lower lip lightly, the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, as if she had lost something.

"What's wrong with you, Tsukuyomi? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, it's okay."

"Are you worried about Xiaotian? Don't worry, Xiaotian is so powerful, he will be fine."Sougo Tokiwa said with a smile.

In a short period of time, Xiaotian obtained the power of Kamen Rider GAIM, defeated the Alien GAIM, and rescued Gates. He should be on his way back now.

He was a little embarrassed. He went out to look for Gates for a long time but couldn't find him. As a result, he ran into himself from the future.

Knowing that the Alien Knight appeared, he couldn't find the Alien Knight when he wanted to fight.

By the time he received the message from Woz, the battle was over.

He regretted it. If he had known earlier, he would stay with Xiaotian so that he could participate in this matter.

As a result, now he is just wandering outside.

"I'm not worried about him getting into trouble;……"

"I'm back."

Tsukuyomi hadn't finished talking when she heard Xiao Tian's voice coming from outside the door. She was overjoyed and hurried out to greet him. Xiao Tian was with Gates.

Izumi Binai had been sent home by Xiao Tian.

""Gates! You're back?"

Tsukuyomi was slightly surprised when he saw Gates.

Xiao Tian had a way to bring Gates back.

Gates said nothing, carrying his bag and walking towards the room with a stern face. Tokiwa Sougo laughed and blocked his way.

"Welcome back, Gates."

"You don't have to be too happy, I can kill you at any time."

Gates pushed Tokiwa Sougo away and went straight to the second floor.

"Ding! Successfully persuaded Gates to return to the Nine-to-Five Hall, the system task was completed, and the reward was obtained: attribute points: 500 points."

Five hundred attribute points, the reward is still considerable. Xiao Tian distributed the system reward and took another look at his level. It has risen to Silver IV.

Without any timetable, his own strength has surpassed Gates by one level.


Xiao Tian grinned. As long as his strength keeps improving, he is on the right path.

"Where's your Koizumi? Why don't I see her?"

Tsukuyomi asked with a hint of sourness.

For some reason, she really wanted to know about their relationship and its development process.

Xiao Tian scratched her delicate nose and said with a smile:"She has gone back, little fool."

Little fool?

Tsukuyomi was stunned for a moment. Xiao Tian's words and actions made her sourness disappear, but instead added a touch of sweetness.

It turned out that Xiao Tian could be very close to her. As long as it could be like this, it would be enough...

Looking at Tsukuyomi's secretly laughing appearance, Tokiwa Sougo also wanted to scratch her nose like Xiao Tian, but was slapped away by Tsukuyomi in mid-air.

""Get lost! Don't touch me!"

Tokiwa Sougo was startled and took a few steps back.

"OK... OK……"

Women are so scary... They can turn hostile at any time. Xiao Tian was so happy when he touched her, but she was being treated so harshly by him. Why is the difference in treatment so great?……


At night, it was raining heavily.

On a dark road, a red car was driving slowly.

The rain was heavy and visibility was very low.

The driver was a local citizen.


The driver yelled in fear. With a bang, the car hit something on the road and stopped. The front of the car was dented.

In front of the car was a strange knight!

"There is a monster!!!"

The alien knight tore the car door apart, pulled the man down from the seat, opened his hands, and sucked the man's soul into his body.

The man fell to the ground and fell unconscious.

"GHOST!("Spirit Rider!"

This is the name of this alien knight.

After finishing off this man, the alien knight walked forward step by step. Behind him, another Kamen Rider appeared.

This Kamen Rider was named Decade.)!

"This world seems very interesting. I hope it won't disappoint me.……"

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