Chapter 60

The Next Morning

"Jingle Bell……"

The alarm clock rang one after another, interrupting Xiao Tian's sleep.

The biggest trouble in the clock hall is that you never know when and where the alarm clock will ring. It is even more exaggerated in the morning, with all kinds of alarm clocks ringing one after another, making it impossible for you to sleep at all.

Xiao Tian sighed and sat up.

I can't sleep in every day after traveling through time. What a failure.

"Xiao Tian……"

Bang, bang, bang...

Tsukuyomi's shouts and knocks were heard outside the door. Xiao Tian yawned and opened the door. Tsukuyomi had already dressed up and looked energetic. It was obvious that she had gotten up very early.

"You don't need to sleep. Why are you up so early?"

"What time is it? Don't forget, we still have to go to class. Get up quickly."

"Class, if you hadn't told me, I would have forgotten about it. It doesn't matter if I go or not, you guys can just go."

He's not a top student, going to school will only make him depressed. It's okay to go there for fun, but going every day is too hard.

He didn't come here to study for exams.

"If you don't go, it's hard to guarantee that Tokiwa Sougo can survive today, okay?"

Tsukuyomi smiled faintly and made way for Xiao Tian to see downstairs.

At this time, Gates was chasing Tokiwa Sougo and beating him up.

"Haha, they are really energetic. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if he dies."It is impossible for him to follow Tokiwa Sougo every day.

If he really dies, forget it. It's just one less main task. It doesn't affect anything. It's just a few less rewards. These things can be earned slowly.

However, Xiao Tian believes that Gates will not act on Tokiwa Sougo so quickly.

"You sound so relaxed when you say that. You must not be thinking that way in your heart. Come down and get ready. Breakfast is almost ready."

Tsukuyomi said nothing and took Xiao Tian's hand and pulled him downstairs. Xiao Tian did not resist and was pulled away like that.

This feeling is also quite good.

"Xiaotian, save me!"

Tokiwa Sougo hid behind Xiaotian, and Gates chased him and stopped with a fist raised in front of Xiaotian.

"I'll let you go this time!"

Gates put his hand down angrily. He didn't really want to kill him now, but just threatened him not to go in the direction of Oma Zi-O.

Otherwise, he would only die.

Tokiwa Junichiro came out with two plates of food and said with a smile.:

"The spirit of young people is great. Come and fill your stomach."

"Let's have breakfast first."

Xiao Tian dragged his slippers and walked towards the dining table yawning, but was stopped by Yue Du.

"Hey, hey, hey, you haven't brushed your teeth or washed your face yet, so you can't have breakfast."

"What does it matter? Can’t you just wash it after eating?"

"Sloppy! No, you have to brush your teeth and wash your face before you can eat breakfast!"

"What an unreasonable request.……"

"I said no, then no!"

Tsukuyomi forcefully pulled Xiao Tian to the bathroom, and Xiao Tian was dragged over with a helpless look on his face.

Ah~ When I was at home, I was spoiled by my mother. Now that I have traveled through time, I am still controlled by a woman. What a fate...

Gates was staring blankly from behind, dumbfounded.

When did Tsukuyomi even control these things?

I have never seen her control him like this?

Has Tsukuyomi changed her personality?

Who cares? I'm hungry, let's have breakfast.

Gates came to the dining table and sat down. He simply thanked the food and started eating with a knife and fork.

"Tsukuyomi and Xiaotian seem to have a good relationship, right?"

Tokiwa Junichiro brought out breakfast and said with a smile

"Well, maybe I am familiar with her now."

Tokiwa Junichiro sighed:"Ah, young people are good, I also want someone to live with me like her, but it's a pity that she is old."

"What are you talking about?"

After being forced to wash up, Xiao Tian came to the dining table and sat down, picked up his breakfast and started eating.

It must be said that Tokiwa Junichiro's cooking skills are very good, and it would be a waste of talent if he didn't become a chef.

"It's nothing, eat quickly."Tokiwa Junichiro said with a wry smile.

Breakfast time started, and Tokiwa Sougo suddenly asked:

"By the way, Gates, there is something I have been wanting to ask you. Did you have the Spirit Rider and Gallop Rider timepieces from the beginning? How did you get them?"

"How I got it has nothing to do with you."

Xiao Tian knew this,"Did you get it from Oma Zi-O?"

Gates, who was eating, suddenly stopped and looked at Xiao Tian in surprise.

"How did you know? Did Tsukuyomi tell you?"

Tsukuyomi shook his head like a rattle,"No, I didn't tell you."

Didn't tell you?

Then how did Xiao Tian know about it? This matter is here, and only he and Tsukuyomi know about it.

Could it be Woz?

Woz couldn't have told Xiao Tian these things for no reason, right?

"I heard that. Judging from your reaction, it seems to be true. You are quite good, Gates. You were able to get two watches from Oma Zi-O."

"I don't want to talk about this anymore." Gates continued to eat breakfast.

Since Xiao Tian didn't want to talk, he wouldn't ask any more questions.

The Ultimate Aqua Regia was very deep, and Gates didn't intend to delve into it.

Tokiwa Sougo suddenly reacted,"Huh? Oma Zi-O? Then these two timepieces originally belonged to me?"

"It's mine now, don't think about it anymore."

Tokiwa Junichiro said with a smile:"What are you talking about? I don't understand anything. But as a person who has been through it, I still have some advice for you. No matter what, stealing other people's things is wrong."

"But stealing a girl's heart is another matter, you have to work hard on this, Xiaotian!"

Tokiwa Junichiro winked at Tsukuyomi and Xiaotian.

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