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"This kick is quite fierce. I like it. I will go in and play with it too. See you later."

Ultimate Zi-O followed and disappeared into the dimensional wall.


Kazushi Kazushi wanted to stop him, but the Ultimate Zi-O had already gone in.

Really, he didn't fight enough, it was so boring.

Just when Kazushi Kazushi was stunned, Tsukuyomi also rushed in, and Kazushi Kazushi hurriedly put away the dimensional wall.

These people are too messy, can his dimensional wall be entered and exited casually?

The next time it is used, it must be charged!

Black Wozniacki said excitedly:"It's so exciting! What impact will the encounter between the two Demon Kings have on history? It's really exciting!"

Ultimate Wozniacki suddenly appeared in front of him, took the book in his hand and flipped through it casually.

"You don't have to expect it. No matter how much you expect, he can't surpass His Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O."

Black Woz was startled and took his book back.

"Don't brag anymore. When Ultimate Zi-O meets Oma Zi-O in 2068, he will be shocked by Oma Zi-O's terrifying strength."


The year is 2068.

There are several sculptures standing on the barren surface. These sculptures are sculptures of Kamen Riders. One of them is a sculpture of Tokiwa Sougo's transformation action when he was young.

In front of the sculpture, a dimensional wall appears, and Zi-O rolls out of it and falls to the ground.

Ultimate Zi-O and Tsukuyomi appear soon after, and the dimensional wall disappears immediately.

Xiao Tian looked around. This place is no different from what he saw on TV, a wasteland.

Tokiwa Sougo looked at his own sculpture in shock.

"That's... me?!"

On the base below the sculpture, there was a line of words:

Tokiwa Sougo, first transformation statue

"That's here.……"

Tsukuyomi's face became serious, and he said:"Yes, this is the year 2068, fifty years after your time, fifty years after you have become the Demon King."

"How could it be?"

Tokiwa Sougo was shocked and spoke.

But he had already believed it. The sculptures were in front of him, so he couldn't argue.

He had always been unwilling to believe that he would become the Demon King of the world, but when the facts were laid out before him, he was powerless to refute.

Even the confidence he had insisted on was shattered at this moment.

Xiao Tian could feel the changes in his heart and said,"It's okay, Sougo, we are still living in the past. With me here, I can help you change history and prevent this scene from happening again in the future."

After all, when Oma Zi-O appeared for the first time, he hadn't traveled through time yet.

Now that he exists, changing history is just a matter of minutes

"Xiaotian, don't be too optimistic. Oma Zi-O is very powerful. After he becomes king on Oma Day, his power will skyrocket. I'm afraid you won't be his opponent then."

"What are you afraid of? Gates has succeeded, let alone me."

Tsukuyomi was stunned for a moment,"What did you say?! Gates has succeeded?"

Gates succeeded in what? What does this sentence mean?

Xiao Tian shook his head and smiled:"Nothing, you will know later, let's go, go find Oma Zi-O first, I want to see him too."

"Don't start a fight with him, or you might die, you hear me."Tsukuyomi warned. Xiao

Tian nodded. Tsukuyomi's worry was not unreasonable. Now he had too few trump cards, only the ultimate power, which was too much.

After using it in the last battle with DECADE, it was still in the cooling state. Without the ultimate power, it was better to keep a low profile.

After all, you only have one life, and if you lose it, it's gone.

"Ding! Hidden power is activated, congratulations to the master for obtaining the power of rampage!"

When Xiao Tian was worried, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in his mind.


The power of rampage?

What the hell is that?

Xiao Tian immediately immersed himself in the system to understand the details of the power of rampage.

The power of rampage: hides infinite energy, and improves its own strength according to the host's anger value, with no upper limit!

Anger value?

A translucent illusory screen appeared in front of Xiao Tian, showing his anger value:

Anger value: 0

Strength improvement: 0

Xiao Tian began to try. It was useless to pretend to be angry. It must be really angry to be effective.

Xiao Tian thought about the things that made him angry:

In the 21st century, he saved money hard to buy a mobile phone, but it was taken away by the teacher on the first day of class...

The key is that he can only get it back after the end of the semester.

Holy shit!

This is only the first day of school!

The anger value on the virtual screen in front of Xiao Tian increased, and the value of strength improvement also soared.

It works!

Xiao Tian was overjoyed!

Once he was happy, the anger value dropped rapidly, and the value of strength improvement also dropped accordingly.

Xiao Tian's mouth twitched, and he shook his head helplessly.

This is too hard to control...

The angrier he got, the stronger he became. This reminded him of a movie called Crank, but the movie was very tragic. He needed to stay angry and excited to stay alive. Once he returned to calm, he would die.

In order to stay excited and angry, he did everything he could, and he might be able to use some of the methods in it.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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