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"Xiaotian, what are you staring at?"

Tsukuyomi waved her tender white hands in front of Xiaotian's eyes. Xiaotian came back to his senses and grinned.


"Let's catch up with Sougo."

Xiao Tian glanced and saw that Tokiwa Sougo was already walking ahead.

Did he stay in a daze for so long?

Xiao Tian scratched his head, unable to figure it out.

Tsukuyomi pulled him by the hand and followed.

Tokiwa Sougo's eyes were dull, and he looked around blankly as he walked.

"Sougo, where are you going?

Xiao Tian and the others caught up with Tokiwa Sougo.

"I don't know why I became like this. How could this be me? How could this be me?"

Xiao Tian could see that such a cruel fact had a great impact on him. It would be difficult for ordinary people to accept such a fact in a short period of time.

Suddenly, a deep voice sounded in their ears.:

"Do you want to see me, my younger self?……"

This is...!

Xiao Tian looked around cautiously, but there was no one there. However, he was sure that it was the voice of Tokiwa Sougo in 2068.

This voice was very old.

It seemed that even as the King of Time, he could not change his fate of aging?

"Who are you?" Tokiwa Sougo shouted

"I am who I am. If you want to see me, just keep walking along this road.……"

"Are you the hateful demon king?"

Tokiwa Sougo shouted again, but got no answer. A hot wind blew, rolling up dust and blowing on his face.

Tokiwa Sougo ignored it and continued to shout:"Answer me!!!"

The kid has gone crazy.

Xiao Tian patted him on the shoulder and said:"He said that as long as you keep walking along this road, you can see him. If you have any questions, it's not too late to ask then. Let's go."

The three of them walked along the deserted road. Occasionally, miserable refugees could be seen on the roadside. They were homeless, had no way to go, had no food to eat, and sat waiting to die.

Tokiwa Sougo stopped and looked at the people, his eyes trembling constantly.

"These people are all because of Oma Zi-O……"

Tsukuyomi smiled miserably and said,"They are lucky to be able to do so. The current population is only about half of what it was in 2018.""


Tokiwa Sougo smiled bitterly. Did he do all this?

As they walked along, the three of them saw all the miserable conditions in the world, like purgatory.

At the end of the road, they saw a house that was rarely destroyed.

The door was open, with only a curtain half-closed. A person could be vaguely seen sitting inside.

The three of them came to the front of the house, and an old, low voice came from inside.:

"Young me, you are here."

The three of them stopped and looked at the vague figure in the house.

"Are you my future self?"

"Let's talk about the dreams we had."


"Yes, it was a dream I had when I was a child. The world was destroyed by alien machines, and everyone died one after another. I could only watch from the sidelines. Then a man appeared and said to me, a young boy,……"

"You are born to be a king! Become a king and save this broken world. This is your mission!"

"Whoosh whoosh……"

Tokiwa Sougo's breathing became more and more rapid, his scalp tingled, and his heart beat faster and faster!

What he said was exactly the same as the dream he often had!

So he was really himself?!

Was he Oma Zi-O! ?


Oma Zi-O lets out a deep laugh

"What are you surprised about, young me?"

"Then I still became Oma Zi-O……"

"No way, you still don't believe this fact even now, do you still think you won't become Oma Zi-O?"

Tokiwa Sougo began to shake his head, shaking his head non-stop.

"Impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible!"

"This is true! I am you who dreams of becoming the king and saving the world in the future."

Tokiwa Sougo roared:"I will never do that! I! I want to be the most benevolent and kind demon king!"

"Hahahaha! Indeed, I am the most benevolent and kind devil king."

"Then I will defeat you here!"

Tokiwa Sougo took out the transformation belt and placed it on his lower abdomen, activating the Time King Watch and loading it into the watch head.

"Time Drive!"

"ZI-O!(Zi-O! )"


"RIDER.TIME!(Knight time! )"

"KAMENRIDER.ZI-O!(Kamen Rider Zi-O! )"

Tokiwa Sougo did not hesitate and used his ultimate move directly, and a gun appeared in Zi-O's hand.

"FINISH.TIME!(The end moment! )"

Tokiwa Sougo roared:"I will defeat you and save the future!"

"SURESURE.SHOOTING!(Shooting at the edge! )"

The muzzle of the gun burned with flames, and several missiles were fired at the same time, spraying flames and leaving white smoke in the air, hitting the house where Oma Zi-O was.

Boommm, a huge explosion sounded, flames rolled, and house fragments splashed everywhere.

The flames gradually dissipated, and a figure slowly walked out of it._Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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