Chapter 89

The Blazing Heisei Sword chopped down Oma Zi-O's neck!


With a sharp metal collision sound and sparks flying, Oma Zi-O flew backwards, rubbing the ground and rolling nearly a hundred meters away!


Oma Zi-O hit a stone and stopped. The huge stone slowly cracked and shattered, pressing Oma Zi-O underneath.

"Did it work?!"

Tokiwa Sougo stared at the pile of rocks.


The pile of rocks exploded and turned into powder in the air, which was blown away by the wind.

Oma Zi-O slowly walked out of the dust, twisting his neck left and right, making a crackling sound.

"You are very strong, Ultimate Zi-O, far beyond my imagination. I haven't felt this kind of fighting for a long time. Can you be stronger? Your current level is not enough."The last time he was beaten like this was before the Day of the Demon. After he became the Demon King, he had never been beaten like this before.

"This battle ends here."

Ultimate Woz walked between the two of them, and Oma Zi-O looked at him in surprise.


This Woz seems to be a little different from the Woz he knows.

"What are you doing here? Get out of here."

Oma Zi-O shouted coldly.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Ultimate Zi-King, it's time to end today's battle."

Your Majesty the Ultimate Zi-King?

"Woz, do you know what you are talking about?"Oma Zi-O said coldly

"Of course, your battle came a little early. This time and place are not the best. You will fight again."


Oma Zi-O asked suspiciously,"What are you talking about?"

Tokiwa Sougo ran to Ultra Woz and shouted at Oma Zi-O:

"Xiaotian is my most important companion! I tell you, if you dare to hurt him, I will commit suicide immediately! If I die, you will not be able to live either!"

Oma Zi-O was shocked and said coldly:"Stupid! As a demon king, I don't need companions! Don't you understand!"

"You're talking nonsense! Not only Xiao Tian, but also Gates and Tsukuyomi! They are all my partners! No matter which one of them dies, I will die in front of you!"

Tokiwa Sougo took out a knife, pointed it at his neck, and said firmly.

Tokiwa Sougo died in 2018, and Oma Zi-O in 2068 no longer exists, which is why Gates tried so hard to kill him in 2018

"You will understand later that as a demon king, you only have obedient subordinates, no so-called companions.……"

"Shut up! I will never become a demon king like you!"

"Silly young me, if you really hate becoming a demon king, then I will teach you a good way, throw away that belt, then you will not become me"

"Throw it away?"

Tokiwa Sougo took out the transformation belt, his fingers trembling slightly, and looked at it hesitantly.

"Take it, you need it, don't worry, I won't let you become like him."

Ultimate Zi-O came to Tokiwa Sougo and patted his shoulder.

Oma Zi-O's strength was indeed terrifying. Even if he attacked with all his strength, he still couldn't cause him a fatal blow.

It was a pity that he couldn't use the Ultimate Power, but only the rampage power, and the increased power was still limited.

He had already put himself into the craziest state he could reach, but he still couldn't defeat Oma Zi-O. Maybe his anger was not enough.

The anger that was pulled out of thin air was always limited.


"Don't worry, it's okay."

Oma Zi-O snorted coldly and said,"Ultimate Zi-O, you are interesting. Do you want me to show up? Don't you want to kill me?"

"I just wanted to see how big the power gap is between us. You are really strong."

"Haha, nonsense, you can't surpass me, don't waste your energy, go back to the era you live in, this place is not suitable for you."

After saying that, Oma Zi-O disappeared.

"Is it over like this? This battle is really boring, Woz, why did you go up and get in the way?"

Kadoya Shi put his hands in his pockets and walked towards Xiao Tian and the others coldly.

Ultimate Woz smiled faintly and said:"I have made it very clear just now. This battle is just a battle for His Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O to understand the strength of Oma Zi-O. It is best to stop at the right time."

"Haha, I thought there would be a war of the century, you are such a nuisance."

Kadoya Shi spread out his five fingers, and a dimensional wall appeared.

"Let's go, Xiaoye, there's nothing to see here anymore."

Kazushi Kadoya walked into the dimensional wall and disappeared.

"You are very good, Brother Xiao Tian, but I believe you can be even stronger, come on!"

Kadokaya Saya made a cheering gesture to Xiao Tian, which was very cute, and then followed him into the dimensional wall and disappeared.

"" Xiaotian, what is your relationship with that Kadokawa Sayaka?" Tsukuyomi asked.

Xiaotian smiled bitterly,"I know nothing, I want to ask her too."

Ultimate Woz grinned and said,"You will create beautiful sparks, we should go back, His Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O."

Ultimate Woz waved his hand, and a dimensional wall appeared.

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