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Damn, Ultimate Woz can also use the Dimension Wall?! This is too awesome!

Xiao Tian couldn't help but say in amazement:"Of course, Woz, you can also use the Dimension Wall."

Ultimate Woz bowed to Xiao Tian and said respectfully:"Compared with your Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O, it's still far behind."

Yes, he was speechless after being flattered.

Several people passed through the Dimension Wall and returned to 2018 again.


The Dimension Wall appeared, and Xiao Tian and his friends walked out of it. What caught their eyes was a huge robot standing in the city.

The Great Demon Machine was still destroying the city, and a large number of government fighters and troops were still attacking the Great Demon Machine.

Tokiwa Sougo looked at the Great Demon Machine stupidly and asked Tsukuyomi: Tsukuyomi, how powerful is that thing? How long will it take before the world is destroyed?"

"I remember that within a few months of that thing appearing……"

"So fast……"

Tokiwa Sougo picked up the transformation belt and took a look at it.

"Xiaotian, do I really need this belt? Do I really want to become a demon king? I really don't want to become the person I will be in the future."

"Are you scared?"

Tokiwa Sougo said self-deprecatingly:……"

"Do you believe me?"

Tokiwa Sougo looked at the calm Xiao Tian, a little surprised,"Aren't you afraid of my future self?"

"If you really become like that, I will beat you like a dog."

Tokiwa Sougo grinned and said:"You are so brave, what should we do with these Great Demon Machines now? You see, the attacks of the government army have no effect on them, and I don't want them to continue to destroy them."

Xiao Tian looked at Ultimate Woz and asked:"Woz, what can you do?"

Ultimate Woz said respectfully:"To reply to His Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O, there are two ways, either wait, or destroy Tokiwa Sougo's transformation belt, so that the Great Demon Machine will disappear."

"How long will the wait be?"

"To your Majesty, it's hard to say."

"Does Black Woz have another belt?"

Ultimate Woz grinned and said,"Ultimate Zi-O has a far-sighted vision. He does have another belt."

Xiao Tian nodded. As he expected, if he destroyed Tokiwa Sougo's transformation belt now, the Great Demon Machine would disappear.

After getting the belt from Black Woz, the machine would not appear again, which would solve the current dilemma.

"Sougo, you can make your choice."

"Hmm? What choice?"

Tokiwa Sougo was confused, not knowing what Xiao Tian's plan was.

Ultimate Woz explained:"After you destroy the belt now, the current Great Demon Machine will disappear, and then find Black Woz to get the spare belt, you can still transform into Kamen Rider, and then the Great Demon Machine will not appear again."

"Really?" Tokiwa Sougo’s eyes lit up.

If this is really possible, then this plan is perfect!

"Of course."

Tokiwa Sougo handed the transformation belt to Xiao Tian, "Okay! Xiao Tian! I'll ask you to help me!"

"No, let Gates come. Gates has always wanted to stop you from transforming into Oma Zi-O, he will be happy to help."

Xiao Tian gestured to the distance. A little further away from them, Jia Chen was still fighting with Gates.

"Yes! Gates! Just enough for him!"

Tokiwa Sougo excitedly ran towards Gates.

Gates was not as strong as Jiachen and was in a tough fight.

"Damn, so strong! Then I'll use this watch!"

Gates took out a watch and started it, and loaded it into the watch head.

"ARMOR.TIME!(Armor time! )"

"GHOSTGHOSTGHOST!("Spirit Rider! Spirit Rider! Spirit Rider!"

The Spirit Rider Armored Gates rushed towards Jiachen again. Jiachen swung the big stick in his hand and hit him on the body, knocking him out and falling heavily to the ground.

"In the name of Oma Zi-O, I will make you disappear!"

"Stop! Jiachen!"

Tokiwa Sougo ran to the fallen Gates and shouted at Jiachen.

""Your Majesty, please don't get in the way. This is Oma Zi-O's order, and I must carry it out."

The Spirit Rider Armored Gates struggled to stand up and said to Tokiwa Sougo with disdain.:

"I don't need your help! I am a warrior, and for the future of all of us, I must kill you!"

"You've been beaten like this, why are you still trying to be brave, Gates? I'm the one who sent him here. I'm Oma Zi-O. Gates, I'll give you one chance, destroy my belt!"

Tokiwa Sougo handed the transformation belt to Gates.

"What did you say?!"

Gates was stunned for a moment, and he didn't come to his senses for a while.

What happened to him? Why did he suddenly come to his senses?

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up, Gates."

Jiachen was startled and rushed towards Tokiwa Sougo, shouting:"Your Majesty the Demon King! Please don't do anything stupid!"

Gates did not hesitate and a bow appeared in his hand.

"FINISH.TIME!(Ending time!)"

"Don't do anything stupid!"

Jiachen shot out a beam of light, hitting the transformation belt, and the transformation belt flew out of his hand!

Gates was extremely focused, and his eyes only focused on the flying belt.

"GIWAGIWA.SHOOT!("Ice Flame Shooting!"

An ice arrow shot out and hit the flying transformation belt, which immediately condensed into ice.

A flame arrow shot out again and hit the transformation belt that had condensed into ice.


The transformation belt shattered into ice chips and flew away in the air.


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