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As Zi-O's transformation belt broke, Kachen rushed over with a bang, his body burst into lightning, slowly collapsed to the ground and disappeared.

The Great Demon Machine that was destroying the city also burst into lightning, and then disappeared.

The city was destroyed by the Great Demon Machine. After the Great Demon Machine disappeared, the government army was still confused.

Because they knew that the machine was not destroyed by them, but disappeared on its own.

"what happened?!"


"The whole city is under martial law! Do not let your guard down! Prevent the robots from appearing again!"

"What's the point of martial law? Our attacks have no effect on that robot.……"

"The headquarters is already working on a solution and I believe there will be results soon.……"

The city was filled with smoke, and the masses and government troops suffered heavy casualties. Corpses were everywhere.

The news was reported all over the world, attracting great attention from the world.

Governments of various countries jointly held military preparedness meetings to discuss countermeasures. The defense of the Great Demon Machine was far beyond their imagination.

All their attacks could not cause any damage to the Great Demon Machine.

Moreover, the Great Demon Machine was extremely destructive, and almost no grass grew wherever it went.

It was hard for them to imagine what the world would become if these terrifying machines did not disappear.

"It really disappeared... Phew... This way, the world won't be destroyed.……"

Seeing the Great Demon Machine outside disappear, Tokiwa Sougo breathed a sigh of relief. It was just as Ultimate Woz said.

"Yes, this way there won't be any vicious demon kings."

Gates half-knelt on the ground, changing from Kamen Rider form back to human form, breathing heavily.

The battle with Kachen almost exhausted all his strength and energy.

Fortunately, Tokiwa Sougo arrived in time, otherwise he might have been killed.

What excited him the most was that in this way, Tokiwa Sougo would not be able to transform into Oma Zi-O, so his mission to this era would be completed!

In the future, there should be no more Oma Zi-O...

But he still didn't understand why Tokiwa Sougo had such a change.

"Why are you doing this? I didn't expect you to really give up being a demon king.

"It was Xiaotian who asked me to do this. I aspired to be king because I wanted to save the world. If I was the culprit who destroyed the world, then what was the point of being a king?"

"Really? I didn't expect you to have such an awareness."

""Gates, you should thank me. If you hadn't been unable to defeat me, I wouldn't have become what I am now."

Gates immediately got angry and said angrily,"What did you say! If it weren't for Xiao Tian, you wouldn't know how many times you would have died by now!""

"You two are always so energetic."

Xiao Tian and others came to their side.

"Your Majesty, the Ultimate Zi-King, if you have nothing else to do, I will leave now."


Ultimate Woz bowed respectfully and then disappeared.

Gates said:"Oma Zi-O has been solved, Tsukuyomi, we should also return to the original era."

"No, it's still early, it's not over yet"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Zi-O's transformation device has been destroyed. He can no longer transform into Zi-O. Our goal has been achieved. Why hasn't it ended yet?"

"Because Xiaotian said that Black Woz still has a spare transformation device, and Tokiwa Sougo can still transform into Zi-O again."


Gates was startled, and looked at Tokiwa Sougo, and found that he was smiling, and it was obvious that he had known about this matter for a long time.

"You bastard! How dare you lie to me!"

Gates chased after Tokiwa Sougo and beat him up. Tokiwa Sougo ran away and the two started a chase.

"How could I lie to you? Didn't you destroy the transformation device?"

"Then you let me thank you! I thank you for nothing!"

"Then I still haven't got the Transformer! Does anyone know if there is one?……"

"Don't run, you bastard!"


Top floor of a building

"Oma Zi-O has disappeared. It seems that sending Tokiwa Sougo to the future was the right decision."

The Time Robber Swartz showed his signature sneer and said to Kadoya Shi who was sitting on the chair.

"What? I thought he was a tough guy. But it doesn't matter. He is not someone I value. The Ultimate Zi-O is still here, and that's enough.

Kadoya took a sip of coffee calmly.

"The existence of the Ultimate Time King is indeed a troublesome matter. Things must be solved one by one. We will support a new Time King. The fewer people who get in the way, the better."

"That's your business."

Swartz sneered:"If we want things to go as we wish, we have to root out those who are in the way."

"Oh? What does it mean to cut the grass and root it out?"

Swartz said viciously:"First, completely deal with Oma Zi-O, kill Tokiwa Sougo, and then find a way to deal with Ultimate Zi-O, so that our plan will definitely go smoothly!"_

Faloo reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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