Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1110: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan (19)

"What are you talking about? The 5th Light Cavalry Division has not yet contacted the Army Command?"

Major Clermont’s report eased Admiral Anqi’s tone slightly, but it lasted for less than ten seconds. With the recovery of some unpleasant memories, by the way, and the deep understanding of his opponents, Realizing the greasiness and the abacus that the ticket smashed in, Admiral Anzire's anger broke out again, and even the previous thunder bomb almost made Major Clermont's heart crash on the spot.

"Why didn't you tell me until now?! Am I still the commander of the group army?! Goddess! God! Even if I forgot, wouldn't you remind me? You must ask me to order and ask, you only Thinking of the report?! You **** idiots, dare to play with me! That’s a whole cavalry division, not a cavalry of other countries’ armies, that’s our army of King Charlemagne, our cavalry under our 2nd Army Division! If you knew that a cavalry division disappeared out of thin air, everyone would be unlucky! No one wants to run away! The next one on the headquarters can’t run! All must pay for this!"

In the face of the crazy boss dumping the blame, the poor major was worried that his personal future was too late. There is still the strength and courage to remind the commander of the group army that he personally approved the action application of Colonel Lazarus. The 5th Light Cavalry Division limited the time of action. However, the admiral turned his head and forgot to leave this stubbornly clean, and stayed between high-end famous wines, gourmet food, dignitaries, ladies and sociable flowers. With the previous practical experience, which officer has the courage to be so bold that he would risk the loss of a black gauze hat to disturb Admiral Yaxing of Anqire? Besides, isn’t the Ardennes Plateau the impossible to break through? No matter how sad the ear-eared ghosts and animals are, they will not ignore the common sense of military science. I am afraid that, as Admiral Anzire said, Colonel Lazarus was either nervous or wanted to go to the battlefield and was crazy. When the colonel and his subordinates ran out of energy, they would naturally return to the military camp to rest.

With this mentality, everyone naturally continues to do what they should do, and no one takes the report and application of the 5th Light Cavalry Division seriously. Even until the evening of the 10th of the lunar month, the group army headquarters still did not get in touch with the 5th Light Cavalry Division, and the staff only thought that the cavalry had encountered any accidents on the way back-such as accidents or getting lost-so much After delaying the return to camp, Colonel Lazarus did not report to the headquarters in order to protect his face. So, dancing photos, playing licenses, drinking photos, taking medicine photos, and so confused all night. At 8 o'clock the next morning, when the senior officers yawned and started to go to work, they found that one night had passed, the 5th Light Cavalry Division was still running out of news, and the group headquarters suddenly exploded.

An elite cavalry division cut off contact for nearly 24 hours, not to mention regular communication, and even the herald soldiers who came back to report did not have fun. This is not a joke. No matter what happened to the 5th Light Cavalry Division, after investigation, the officers and related personnel at all levels will be inevitably subject to scrutiny and punishment. The guy with bad luck may also become a scapegoat for senior officers and go to the military court. In the end, as to whether you will be forced to retire or be relegated to reduce salary, it depends on the background and luck of the parties.

With pressure, there is naturally motivation. The staff and supervisors at all levels changed their procrastination and made anxious liaison with the troops stationed in the Ardennes area, trying to find out the whereabouts of the 5th Light Cavalry Division from the local garrison. However, no matter the magic method used for long-distance communication, or the waves of heralds, all looked like mud bulls entering the sea with no echo. The entire Ardennes area seemed to be surrounded by an invisible high wall, and the Second Army could not understand what was going on there.

At this time, not only the staff, but also the entire group army headquarters. They quickly dispatched flying beast troops to carry out aerial reconnaissance in the direction of Ardennes, trying to find the missing 5th Light Cavalry Division before the matter was exposed.

However, the Flying Beast Force did not find the "lost cavalry" as the staff imagined. Instead, it saw the sky-covered air fleet and the armored column packed with roads. Most of them had no time to understand the meaning of the scene in front of them, and they were torn to pieces by a stormy barrage.

By 10:15 a.m. on the 11th of July, in order to confirm the whereabouts of the 5th Light Cavalry Division as soon as possible, and also to restore communications in the Ardennes area, the Group Army Command has sent three batches of herding soldiers and flying beast knights, but the result None came back until 13pm. Despite the rugged and complex terrain in the Ardennes region, it takes time to travel, but so many Beast Knights have passed over for several hours in a row, and people with no nerves will be aware of the abnormalities. Moreover, it will further be aware that this anomaly is by no means a natural phenomenon, but an artificial obscuration of battlefield information.

When it comes to being able to do this in the world today, it is the ghost beast across the border.

Do ghosts and animals want to fight back from Arden?

The staff felt for a while that their brains were not enough. This inference was too crazy, too unreasonable, and too far from Alfheim. However, the enemy could not think of other possibilities except that the enemy was conducting military operations in Ardennes. . After arguing for a full hour, everyone finally agreed to conduct another large-scale aerial reconnaissance in the Ardennes area, and then formulate the next action based on the results of the reconnaissance. If there is no enemy army, it is purely caused by the concentration of various accidents. State, then you don’t have to disturb your superiors at all, the 2nd Army can digest this incident by yourself; if there is indeed enemy activity, anyway, the bad luck Major Clermont has been sent to the Group Army Commander for early warning and filing, even if it is investigated afterwards. It is also possible to declare that "due to severe interference, various units have delayed their time in order to confirm the situation." Anyway, the bureaucrats have been very familiar with this kind of routine, everyone knows what is going on, and no one will seriously pursue it.

Just when the bureaucrats were still lucky, waiting for the flying beast troops to send back some good news. The knights riding the flying beast are fighting hard for themselves and the survival of the country.

The Defence Force Air Force's shielding of the battlefield is uninterrupted in all directions, but even so, there are still some leaky fish passing through the defense line loopholes, and found a large armored cluster that is advancing. Among them, a group of beast knights under the 3rd Army of the northern part of Sedan began routine patrols on the morning of the 10th of the lunar month and found that a 10 km long mechanized column of the defense army was heading north of Arden, but this group of brave The patrol was quickly screened by a small group of MDS fires, and only one of them luckily fled back to the station, sending out the first report of the discovery of the defense army in the entire Ardennes breakthrough battle. After that, there were still some actions of the Beast Knights who came out to find the 5th Light Cavalry Division and found the B group army group~www.readwn.com~ But then they were either hunted or hiding in Tibet to try to escape to the rear. For the first time, the 2nd Army received a relatively complete report on the battle of Arden. It was a flying beast commander from the 55th Infantry Division. At that time, the 55th Infantry Division Division had been surrounded and the entire division was in a critical state with no heads. The infantry battalion where the soldiers were located was besieged by a squadron of attack aircraft, more than 20 armored vehicles and two company armored grenadiers. In the face of the great power of the coordinated assault in the air and ground, the battalion collapsed after only holding for more than twenty minutes. The messenger flew at a very low altitude in the woods while taking advantage of the chaos, and then escaped the enemy's hunt. Eventually, at 15 p.m. on the 11th of January, the precious information of the frontline was severely beaten and sent to Sedan.

At the same time, as the surviving flying beast knights passed through Arden and returned to their own front, the report of the defense army appearing in the Arden area also flew into the Second Army Command like snow flakes, still doing The staff of the "everything is normal" dream finally finally smelled a breath of danger coming. These uniformed bureaucrats and politicians no longer waste time arguing this time, very simply throwing responsibility, black pot and the fate of tens of thousands of people to the head boss-Charles Leon Clement. Ann General Qire.

The seriousness of the incident successfully helped Admiral An Qire to quickly enter the state. In the previous minute, he was furious because a fool disturbed his scheduled night schedule. Now he is busy throwing black pots of various calibers to the front and the headquarters. The chief of staff of the army group began to calm down and prepare for further developments.

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